Prominent members of the bitcoin (((community))) linked to Jeffery Epstein

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Other urls found in this thread:


Joos tentacles in "based" crypto, why invent warm water when we already had an working model that showed great results even praised by its worst enemies for its success.

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>Vitalik Buterin


Skelly is the worst of them all, he’s an open crypto kike

Remember how ETH mooned after Skelly said he's okay with pedos using it?

Meant to link this post

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>pizza shop explodes
>Broward county
>literally the same day Epstein is arrested

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fine jews, kikes, besides the point im trying to make, why invent warm water.

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Vitalik seems like one of those objectionable assholes who will disagree with anyone for the sake of arguing.
>muh clowns with knives isn't illegal why so scared nerd lol

He said he could justify pedos using heroin, if I recall correctly, and I do.

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Craig Wright predicted this “Currently, BTC is still used by platforms such as Binance, Bitfinex and Tether, to fund illegal operations that pump money, such as illegal cash transportation and illegal human trafficking. Currently, 30% of Binance money finances women in prostitution. 30% of Binance and Tether finances women's slavery”

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What an amazing coincidence!

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I mean, isn't there literal cp in the bitcoin blockchain? This is not too surprising, also considering that it's used on the dark web quite often.

Oy vey

nigger nigger nigger

Wouldn't be the least bit surprised. Everyone involved with the Lightning Network is a kike puppet. Can't let the goyim have a means of exchange that (((they))) don't control and can't tax.

Brock Pierce was arrested for raping some underage chick in some third world country. In the early days of bitcoin, people were fucking pissed that he made his way onto the board of the foundation.

Crazy that he's connected to Epstein. Looks like all these sickos run in the same circles.

Redpilled (((BTC)))

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It’s all so tiresome

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hey so i just missed a thread of that user complaining about godlike productions being shady

imagedumping in another thread when i come across THIS. interdasting.

maybe that user was honest and he invented bitcoin idgaf but THIS. damage control mayhaps?

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Daily reminder that what is now referred to as (((Bitcoin))) is not what Bitcoin originally was.
The community that still backs BTC are either paid shills - or idiots protecting their investment. The transaction capacity was meant to scale to meet demand and transaction fees were never meant to exceed $0.01USD. Instead, they capped it to ~7tx/s, causing fees of up to $50USD during peak periods of use (December 2017).
Support crypto generally - it is the final solution to the Federal Reserve Problem, but don't support BTC. The price pumps that you see are manipulated to ensure that other cryptos don't displace it - and by association, displace the FR.


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Guys this lifeboat foundation has a massive board of advisors. Gonna take some serious autism to get through all this lifeboat.com/ex/boards


Scrubbed from site

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Bannon has joined forces with Brock Pierce, a former child actor and tech entrepreneur with a broad reach in the virtual currency space. In 2005, Pierce brought Bannon on as vice chair of Internet Gaming Entertainment (IGE), a company he founded that sold virtual gold to online gamers. Pierce left IGE in 2007 and has taken on multiple projects in the virtual currency arena, including developing EOS, a blockchain platform.


Steve Bannon shared a secret meeting with reviled billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein at the financier’s notorious Upper East Side mansion.

Former White House chief strategist Bannon was spotted stepping out of his SUV and entering the registered sex offender’s sprawling 21,000-square-foot mansion at 9 E. 71st St. shortly before 7 a.m. Wednesday.


While Bannon rented the house with his third ex-wife, they “put padlocks on all the doors, installed video cameras, and had ruined the bathtub, kitchen counter, and floor.” The landlord, Carlos Herrera, believed they were cooking and using meth in the house, and that they also used the property to film pornography.

“Each person gave accounts that the house was used to film pornography, had a constant flow of men, women — and even children — at the house and that blatant drug use was occurring at all hours of the night and day,”

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Peter Thiel, Jeffrey Epstein, the Lifeboat Foundation and the blood of our children...PART TWO (pizzagate)
submitted 2 years ago by [deleted]
I recently posted in the pizzagateTNT subverse about Jeffrey Epstein's connection to the Lifeboat Foundation: Jeffrey Epstein and Bioquark, the company attempting to bring people back from the dead

Turns out Peter Thiel is also heavily involved:

Peter Thiel: Rise Up lifeboat.com/blog/2015/12/peter-thiel-rise-up


Blueseed is a project to station a ship 12 nautical miles from the coast of San Francisco, in international waters. The location will allow startup entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world to start or grow their company near Silicon Valley, without the need for a US work visa. The ship will be converted into a coworking and co-living space, and will have high-speed Internet access and daily transportation to the mainland via ferry boat. So far, over 1000 entrepreneurs from 60+ countries expressed interest in living on the ship. The project is backed by PayPal founder and Facebook early investor Peter Thiel.
The Future of Governance is not Governments : lifeboat.com/blog/category/governance
Considering this video youtube.com/watch?v=9AOjAHadhAYYouTube (which I've already posted) about Thiel's fascination with 'young blood' and his company Palantir's collaboration with THORN to identify and find vulnerable children, I see a very worrying picture emerging.

We've all seen the articles in the last few weeks about the company Bioquark which will attempt to regenerate the brain cells of the dead. Here's a typical article: telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/05/03/dead-could-be-brought-back-to-life-in-groundbreaking-project/

Here's the Bioquark team : bioquark.com/about-us/team/

The CEO and other board members are involved with the Lifeboat Foundation: lifeboat.com/ex/bios.ira.s.pastor which seems to have a transhumanist philosophy.

And of course, our good friend Jeffrey Epstein is on the Advisory Board: lifeboat.com/ex/bios.jeffrey.epstein



H. Keith Henson, Lifeboat Foundation bio lifeboat.com/ex/bios.h.keith.henson (tags: memetics, University of Arizona, scientology critic)


Accusations of child molestation: archive.is/uKMXQ and thread discussion here: whyweprotest.net/threads/is-this-information-about-keith-henson-accurate.51339/

More about the Lifeboat Foundation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifeboat_Foundation

Lifeboat was founded by online dating service entrepreneur Eric Klien, who continues to run Lifeboat as president and chairman of the board of directors. Lifeboat is run out of Klien's home in Minden, Nevada, a suburb of Reno. The organization has raised over $500,000 in total donations from individuals and corporate matching funds programs, most of which went to "supporting conferences and publishing papers".[6] Writer and advisory board member Sonia Arrison describes the group as "basically a Web site that raises money for various things".

In 2007, the Lifeboat Foundation absorbed an organization called the "Alliance to Rescue Civilization", which aimed to establish a disaster-proof record of human civilization on the Moon.
A trojan horse ? ieet.org/index.php/IEET2/more/4610

So, let me see if I have got this straight. Eric Klien tells us (in the rest of that article) that scientists belong to a religion that they are not even aware of belonging to, and this religion believes that all scientific advancement is good under all circumstances, and that members of this religion must do whatever it takes to quiet people mentioning any dangers that might be caused by science.
And his position is that this religion must be destroyed. And he puts in a quote from Adolph Hitler about fighting against people of faith.
This is beginning to get very scary.

NANO is the patrician choice. BTC has always had shady characters involved

Nano is literally the official coin of reddit

Is there anyone NOT connected to this guy?

i have no idea about that, i never go to reddit. i do my own research. interesting you know this

what did elon mean by this? is he a good guy or thiel-guy?

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oh ya twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1147934921656111104

You don’t have to go to plebbit if you spent any amount of time on biz you would know it was a coin that made a lot of anons rich in 2017 from rail blocks days then was shilled heavily and dumped on reddit s o y goys

Interesting, in this timeline it’s hard to tell who’s jewing who anymore

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This faggot leaf is just trying to short it. Day of the rake is coming.

Oy vey they’re on to me

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Bitcoin BCH is the real Bitcoin

Craig Wright is a fucking fraud

Blocktream is fucking cance4

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Nice spacing you anarcuck

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Ps bch and BTC are two sides of the same coin

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big, if true.

Let’s not forget hes good friends with Bryan Singer. In Open Secret him and singer are accused of molesting young child acting boys. Brock was also a child actor so he’s was probably molested too.



2. Brock Pierce

You probably remember Pierce best from his role in The Mighty Ducks. Though his IMDB page lists some subsequent acting roles, as a teenager Pierce transitioned to more behind-the-scenes positions when Collins-Rector made him Executive Vice President of DEN when Pierce was only 18 years old.

When word of the shady activity at Collins-Rector’s home came out in 1999, Pierce resigned from his position at DEN. Pierce told Buzzfeed in 2014 that he cut all ties with Collins-Rector. “I figured out rather quickly that there was nothing to be accomplished with Marc and instead decided to go off on my own to pursue my own entrepreneurial activities,” he wrote in an email to BuzzFeed. In 2014, he became a Bitcoin Foundation board member, an election that caused at least a dozen resignations due to Pierce’s connection to Collins-Rector and DEN.

It’s true and BIG

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>vast if accurate

NANO is the real BTC and is made by known white developers. I will not regret this post.

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Probably not. That's why they are 'somebodies' and the rest of us are 'nobodies'.

What's the difference between spellcasting and prayer?

He was molested and became a molestor to survive?

A sacrifice to moloch


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Das rite

Here is a pastebin of research put together by the BTC community years ago proving that Brock Pierce is secretly still in touch with his pedo friends from the DEN scandal as well as some other crypto investors.


Hitler was funded by rothschilds and he was sympathetic to Jewish cause