What was the thought process that led Disney execs to this decision?

What was the thought process that led Disney execs to this decision?

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Being woke and pissing off whites

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Get Woke, go broke!

I guarantee you it's lower level people pushing this shit and not executives

Blacks will go see it 10x more likely. Leftist roasties and soi bois will go see it 10x more. The mainstream won't care but are more likely to watch it because they've heard about it. The right wing who will boycott ~ 30% of white men and ~20% of women probably weren't going to see it anyway

It's all about wiping white ppl off the face of the Earth.

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because of hollywood/faceburg "blacks cant swim"

you never really see anyone here talking about how blacks can't swim..

but in normie world. it is like fact #1.

so they think that is what we think.
and want to break barriers of predJEWdice
by having black mermaid proficient at swimming.

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see my id.
literally gibwiia
gib water.

It’s marketing consultants who are telling these executives “diversity is really hot right now.”

It’s also why you see the coal burning interracial couples in commercials.

The girl can sing?

Can't wait for Rotten Tomatoes to give it a 90+% and mass delete user reviews

>What was the thought process
whites == bad
niggs == good

It's actually quite redpilled. Mermaids aren't people. They are a different species. They chose a black person to play the non-human. Also it's now about an ebony mermaid looking to get colonized by the ivory prince.

Based and fish oil pilled.

“Let’s alienate the majority of our domestic market and all of China who make up the majority of the international market in order to push social marxism because we drank the cool aid.”

>female niglets try to emulate her new favourite princess, Arielneequa
>they are niggers, and so sink
>millions of niglets and parents trying to rescue them drown
Seems like Walt Disney is trolling from beyond the grave

they are looking at a global market decades in the future. whites are a global minority and they want to cash in on the consumer class that the chinese are creating in africa. thiss pandering to black is just laying the foundation for the incredible wealth they see coming to them from the new black consumer class

She’s cute and has red hair

Do blacks pay to go to the movies?


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Nobody would be talking about the shittiest disney movie ever if it didn't spawn controversy.
It's a "son of royalty wants to experience real world and ends up fucking another race" story, what else did you expect

>"walt was a racist"

"We don't have a strong script, and under water is expensive CG. Controversy will drive free marketing."

Hasn't worked for Sony.

I think beyonce made this happen. she was supposed to be the main girl in beauty & the beast but after her request to have the beast be a black man was declined, she left the role for the lion king. she definitely hates white girls and based on the aforementioned situation it's pretty safe to say she played a big role in this. the higher ups are probably out of touch too. if this movie bombs like the tianna one did they won't make anymore black princesses
nah this movie will 100% bomb. no one outside of u.s will watch it, and the few in the u.s that will won't be enough to make it gross more than its budget. blacks seeing it will be restricted to the girls, no black guy is going to watch a fuckin disney princess movie unlike black panther which appealed to both genders. i doubt ethnics will care about this either. sjws and black girls are not enough

>What was the thought process that led Disney execs to this decision?

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Is this a joke that neither have souls?

All press is good press. They get to start a pseudo-controversy even though almost no one is actually “mad” about this, not even here on Jow Forums, but they still get free advertising from NPCs like you, OP, who will always take the bait.

fucking kek

>already did Cinderella and Beauty
>can't go woke on Mulan because we'd lose China
>Black Snow White would be way too blatant
>Princess and the Frog was literally the last 2D Disney film made (and probably ever will be) so it's not ready for a 3D remake yet

Don't know but that nigger is probably a good dancer.

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oh and Lilo and Stitch already has a minority so the Little Mermaid was literally their only option.

Out-of-touch hollywood fucks green lighting awful ideas under the advisement of legbeards in dead weight consultancy positions.

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niggers cant even swim....

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Money. It’s like when they sell toys to kids with a new paint variant.

China will not watch this. China hates blacks. China has the second largest film market in the world.


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Releasing the Mulan teaser seems like a REALLY bad move on Disney's part. It's like pouring salt on the wound. This classic caucasian character? Nope, it's a negroid now. This classic asian character? Yeah, we will cast this correctly! Fuck whites!

Mulan was a real person though

disney executives are fucking morons, and i'm not being a jaded asshole. this is the absolute truth.
here is their thought process:
>people like the little mermaid
yes they do
>we can make her black, so it will bring us positive culture points
why not just make a new character, like moana only some african queen or something
>because we already have a recognizable character, which means we can guarantee a certain number of eyeballs
but those eyeballs will want to see a classically white character that they all know and love
>yes, but it will bring a whole new audience
while sacrificing your original audience
>they don't matter. we just call them racists and pull in the woke people
but you did this whole thing in the first place to cash in on the original audience. also, those woke people don't see movies anyway - they just watch jewtube and crackflix. you can even tell this with the dwindling market.
>look, we're not going to dump a bunch of money into something unproven--
--like you did with frozen? and that worked out well, didn't it...?
disney, universal, WB, all of them - they think like this. when you finally call them out on their retarded logic it all comes down to this: they're scared. they're scared of being fired. they're scared of losing money. they're scared of trying anything new.
there are plenty of people doing interesting things in cinema — mostly smaller and even new media production companies. just pray those larger companies don't snatch up these creative people and suck all goodness out of them like they've done so many times.
>t. someone that has worked the holly-jew cock for far too long and officially done

damn, daggering is so retarded

Mermaids aren't real. If anything, Ariel should have blue skin or scales or some shit.

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what did a bunch of (((Execs))) (((Writer))) and (((Directors))) at Disney's Thought Process go into on this...
I can only wonder user

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Her voice.


All those seething kikes. Haha. Living in their heads rent free.

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Should add Red from Shawshank Redemption

Controversy to sell tickets. You idiots getting triggered by it is better than any advertising they could ever have.

God damn Jews

Manufactured outrage



Bullshit motherfucker, its fucking kikes and their agenda of White Genocide. They are the ones pushing this shit 24/7


this has gone too far

Funny thing is, the Chinese seem to be just as pissed off about this.


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I don’t care who plays Disney characters. They are bunch of pedos

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Kikes are redpilling white parents now. It's great.

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kalergie plan

>What this will mean for representation
What? What will it mean? Why do they say this shit but never explain? This isn't the fucking civil rights movement

hold your seahorses faggot. the outcast from under the sea gets accepted by the humans and is put on a pedestal. bluepilled af

This is based. No one sticks up for white men except lighter-skinned black women. Mulattas, high yellas, redbonez, and lite-brownz are the only allies the White Man has in Clown World.


it'll be frog princess all over again, a disney follow up to a hugely successful all white cast movie that comparatively grossed 0.01% profits of it's predecessor (frozen) because whites and non-black non-whites can't stand looking at niggers

>actually believing this


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>People of color
The most assine phrase currently. Fucking BLACK you mean? Oh I see

had to make a quick correction

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>we can make a shitty movie and people say it sucks, we'll just call them racists!
Same exact thing happened with Black Panther, Ghostbusters, the new Star Wars, etc. It's impossible to criticise those movies without being called racist or sexist, despite their glaring flaws.


Yah I find it funny how 'coloured people' was the proper term, then it became improper, and now it's just been inverted a bit as has become appropriate somehow.

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>What was the thought process

>TFW she was the only red head princess and now it's over forever.

Checked. Coloured / of Colour I can't see the difference. Clown world

There's still the scottish princess from Brave.

This Ariel is better off Asian or super mutt.

>an asian mermaid

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My main man, you seriously underestimate the stupidity of the masses. All them folks will guzzle this shit down and leave the theatre talking about how brave and powerful the movie was n' shit and by Halloween you'll see a bunch of little black girls and sexually confused boys knocking on your parents' door dressed like ariel with red weaves littering the sidewalks for miles.

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I mean, why did Spiderman's MJ lose her signature look too? What does Hollywood have against red hair?

Outrage marketing. It gets cucks like OP to advertise for free.

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unironically okay with asian ariel, i routinely call female gooks "fish women"

White children are now a minority. Why bother making white cartoon characters anymore?

Destroying the legacy of Walt Disney and rendering the image of the company in a way that would have him spinning in his grave if the body hadn't already decomposed long ago.

She will be black in the remake.

Imagine believing this.

jews push blacks on your face because jews want a black vs white situation instead of a goyim vs kike war.

Jow Forums should be okay with this, it will get more black kids in the water

it is extremely rare and they want a brown shit bowl majority



>Black the little mermaid
>niglets wanna go swimming now
I dont see a problem with this desu

>by Halloween you'll see a bunch of little black girls and sexually confused boys knocking on your parents' door dressed like ariel with red weaves
Omg I can't wait for articles saying that only niggers can dress as mermaids on Halloween from now on

This. It's actually all the Tumblr/SJWs pushing this to the executives. Not that the Jews running Disney care.

Nigger ariel

Niggers can't swim

>what was the thought process?
"Its not ok to be white."

All I know is that if they race change ariel, every motherfucking mermaid better be black too.

Not that I'm going to pay to watch this propaganda either way.