Leftist meme thread no alt-righters or democuck in my thread please

Leftist meme thread no alt-righters or democuck in my thread please.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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This meme is so dank you can't even say the left can't meme

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You guys aren't even aware of your hypocrisy

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If you support ICE then you're the same as a white guy supporting fucking HITLER will you speak out against these horrors or will you allow this to happen?

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Marianne is our princess

lol left wingers loving free market, its clown world in the usa
kill yourself lefty leaf

the ironic thing is he's now black


I'll probably continue to allow it to happen

Obviously, I support Hitler, this is Jow Forums, retard

we don't have a free market

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r/politics has no sense of humor, those illegal rats deserve every bad thing that has ever happened to them

lmfao fuck off leaf

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Criteria to be on my board:
1. Be white
2. Support Hitler

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rake day now

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it's the "I want to fuck babies to death" thread

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Allow, and encourage even tougher ICE behavior


Fuck off commie, this is our board.


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Do guys actually believe this? That trans and black people are ruining the west? Like a few videos of black people fighting each other or trans doing weird things isn't proof.

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Commie here. Post some communist memes or pics too.

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The bourgeois is actually far left in today's western society.

Be honest, how many cocks have you sucked?

chug a miller high life and kill yourself, faggot bug.

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Should I change my political affiliation to democrats to participate in primaries?

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>*proceed to attack "poor uneducated" right wingers exclusively
You fucks are boring.
No wonder no one likes you.

>He thinks the left wing are still communists and the right wing are capitalists.
It's not 1984 anymore Boomer, the new lines are Billionaire Pedofiles who manipule negros to vote for them Vs normal people.

cultural marxists aren't Stanlists they are Trotskyist.

Lenin,Stalin, and Mao would have tolerated and even supported these useful idiots in the West, but they would have ended up in the Gulags if they pushed this shit in their own countries

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Support Bernie, made Ted proud

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Is shovel dog gommie xddddd

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Lefty thread huh? Here ya go.

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Some states allow you to choose which to vote in if you’re unaffiliated.

Roof gommie

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Is flame dog anti alt right?

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This degeneracy of a pic would have landed you straight to gulag, and your family would have been deported to a god forsaken TKZS commune, never to return to the city.

Nice dubbles but those animegirlfeet are trash

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That's literally just a right wing meme with more words.

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leftists are faggots and should be killed

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Like it did in:

LOL, fucking commie idiots just kys already

You use a meme flag while posting from Canada. I am posting from ex-Eastern Bloc country, faggot. I was not even joking.


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True, you and me, we know what communism can do to countries, it parasites on them and then cripples them, communism is evil

And? I am posting from ex-Eastern Bloc country too but at least I don't trust the CIA propaganda. You are just brainwashed.


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How old do you think i am leaf

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Where do you get your takes? What sort of gay psyop is this? Bait most likely, but perhaps regardless people take fantasy way too far these days. Tip: stop believing in the porn industry's artifical agenda. Thats a yikes from me.

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No you are, communism is the reason why 1/3 of your country is in UK cleaning toilets, communism CRIPPLES countrues

Nice VPN, faggot. If you were even born during soviet times, you would remember your family members and friends "disappearing" after "police check". Here in Bulgaria virtually every family knows at least one person who was murdered by the communists. My grandpa was shot by a politkomisar for his wristwatch.

Point out on the doll where your daddy touched you as a child, you deranged fuck.

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t. dziadek partyjniak

Free market doesn't exist.

Does it symbolize how lazy they are, or how fat?

this isn't even funny im crying why?

Thanks to the anticommunists retards and the USA. They just ruined my country after 1989. Everything has been sold after the transformation to capitalist system.

Leftist are democucks.

Nikt z mojej rodziny nie był w partii tak btw.

When you think about it, antifa is literally rich californian kids, they are the bourgeois, they are pretending to be the proletariat to actually oppress the working class proletariat and alienate us to bend to their will. This is a fucking clown world. And yet they, the bourgeois praise communism, and the working class see it as evil.

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Because your economy, like EVERY bloc economy, was not competitive. Eastern Bloc labour value was estimated to like 50$/month.
Your elektrocars and other heavy machinery were dumped on other bloc countries through subsidized purchases, when the curtain fell, the true state of the industry became apparent. Do you honestly think our Pravetz computers (Apple 2 knockoffs) were worth anything on the global stage in 1991?

Same shit happened to my country, but yet we got out of it and now we are the richest ex-com country in Europe

>He's a Communist
>In Poland
More boots, gumrade?

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Because youre a weak commie faggot.

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No fuck you you jabroni

>Torturing dogs
>Only way to feel strong
Typical right-winger.

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The gommie fears the dog hunter

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>You guys aren't even aware of your hypocrisy
Am I allowed to deny niggers and transtards entry to my business without being sued?

Hehe now we are having the rich post-german clay tho.

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Wasn't Soviet Russia pioneering the living anti tank dogs? When they tied anti tank mines to dogs and sent them to German divisions, hoping the dogs will blow near them?

Destroy the bourgeois state? No one is going to do that, least of all "Communists." Fuck off


Talk about dog torture you commie faggot

>Everything has been sold
You're obviously enough an uneducated late millennial/zoomer.

All you posess now is due to the market.
The device you're posting with was bought and not distributed, because otherwise you'd still wait for the delivery.

Your grampa probably didn't like the Russians anymore than the Germans, being put ino a kolkhoz and seeing all of the intelligentsia from priests to officers getting shot and deported.

You're nothing but a disgrace to your own country, your ancestors died fighting against communism.

Our economy were good. In the 70s we were the 13th economy of the world.

leftists are some of the most bourgeois people I know in real life
>post on social media all day
>”nerd” hobbies
>obsessed with pleasure and consumption

if you really want to stick it to the bourgeois become a Catholic and have ten children even though it’s not economically efficient

If you think that was cruel, google the soviet animal revival programs, where they used to carve the animals to bits and then try and revive the carcasses with all their organs hooked to up machines instead of muscles. That was some body horror tier shit.

Last I checked those spic centers don't have swimming pools or theaters

Yeah, you expelled the original people and forced half your Population at gunpoint to resettle the abandoned lands, be proud.

Your population just recovered from WW2 and still wagecucks left the country after communism collapsed.

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Yeah I know that, isn't the famous living decapitated Doge head photo from those experiments

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Yyea, you are some aparatchik's son.
And this is what your reality was back then:
The Polish 1970 Strikes (Polish: Grudzień 1970, "December 1970") occurred in northern Poland in December 1970. The protests were sparked by a sudden increase of prices of food and other everyday items. As a result of the strikes, which were put down by the Polish People's Army and the Citizen's Militia, at least 42 people were killed and more than 1,000 wounded.

Dropping my hottest demo meme!

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more ironic is that he was a kike trying to gather sympathy for his synagogue.


I mean national property not personal. Literally every factory, steelworks, shipyards and other big workplaces were just sold for nothing.

Commie praising fascism? Honk Honk

Now why would you do something stupid like that?
Oh, that's right..........

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Anyone can get massively in debt, build a lot of shit and pretend their economy is good