Why do atheists always larp as philosophers and scientists whenever the subject of God is brought up?

Why do atheists always larp as philosophers and scientists whenever the subject of God is brought up?

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Atheist as the most religious people out there. God is the centre of their existence.

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why do religious people always talk about logos as if they understand its secular and religious philosophical depth. most people are stupid user.

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theyre idiots that just want to be different from everybody else

Very true.
Atheists CLAIM to be agnostic. If they really were, I wouldn't mind them at all. What they are is psychotically anti-Christian.

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>most people are stupid user
No argument about that.

High tier bait with trips? Kek is playing us for fools.

Because ultimately they are faggots.

Because they conflate their weak minded belief of materialism with the idea that it’s science.
News Flash: Materialism = Marxism

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not bait. its a legitimate inquiry. bring up God on this board and every neet pothead jumps into the phonebooth and emerges as socrates and newton.
is it some kinda inside joke?

that's almost spot on, however a lot of christians are still degenerates and would and a lot of pagans, at least here, are against degeneracy and on our side, assuming youre a national soclailist

Because their paid pre2020 leftist/communist/Soros operatives

These kind of pics would be a lot more effective if someone could figure out how to make them not look like a forward from grandma.

>Atheists CLAIM to be agnostic
You clearly have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Atheists and agnostics are NOT the same thing.

My only thing is that they haven't been self aware for a while and still wear fedoras

They don't. Theists have a worldview that cobbles together an all (powerful knowing seeing) god that created the universe and created men. Therefore they reject science, and always ask atheists gotcha scientific questions to trip them up.

Atheist simply don't believe in any gods. If theists *honestly* wanted answers to their scientific questions, they'd ask scientists.

Well I am a scientist.

Because it's super easy. You could probably just make a script to respond to theists.

God doesnt answer science questions, he answers moral questions

>Therefore they reject science, and always ask atheists gotcha scientific questions to trip them up.
Exactly this scenario happened in the other religion thread to me. Someone asked what existed before the big bang. I explained that the big bang isn't what people think it is, etc. After this, they responded as if the the question was "what HAPPENED" before the big bang. I wasn't fooled by the change, though.

The Abrahamic religions are beliefs in irrational actions (miracles) and supernatural beings. Atheism is certainly a lot less irrational because it does not require you to believe in the dead rising from their graves and walking the streets or flying carpets or swimming axe heads or talking donkeys.

>they reject science, and always ask atheists gotcha scientific questions to trip them up

This. I'm neither a scientist nor a philosopher, I've just never believed in the "supernatural". For some reason, theists act as though I'm supposed to be some kind of educator whenever they find out I'm an atheist.

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>God doesnt answer science questions, he answers moral questions
Gods don't answer any questions, there are only people who answer questions and claim their personal invisible friend inspired them.

This. Theists are here everyday larping as bad atheists, kinda like OP.

>and still wear fedoras
You know who started that, right?

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Question for the scientifically minded people: What would scientific evidence of God look like?

Atheist dont believe in any deity not just Yahweh you fucking retard.

This one was the absolute worst:

Why do Christfag larpers on pol larp as christfags?

Gods are mental fictions. We have created thousands of them. Believers lack the skepticism necessary to keep from falling for tall tales.

Evil men have built religions around these fictitious gods to enslave feeble-minded men.

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This. Athiest can still be jewish.

You'll like this guy. Hilarious.

Science is the religion of the Atheist

thats why I stopped being an atheist

this guys existence is a meme

What qualifies as mental fiction? And how can slavery or liberty be define by science? Aren't they a sort of mental fiction or am I wrong?

I'm assuming mental fiction is just something made up by the mind, but that doesn't really sound like something that should be considered by itself if everything we know is made up by the mind. There must be more to that definition.

If free will doesn’t exist materialism and atheism is reality.
Empirical evidence shows conclusively that CBT cognitive behavior therapy is the only form of psychology that repeats successfully.
The Bible I instructs believers to (take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to the knowledge of Christ.)
(~60 AD)
CBT operates in demonstration of this same principle.
The capacity to adjust (take captive thoughts) to change your neurological chemistry demonstrates that the you that exists is operating to change your physical biology outside of your bodies nature by will.
Christians have found this articulated in scripture b4 CBT cane to prominence.
Conclusions: Marxist Materialists BTFO

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>Science is the religion
Is that the worst thing you can say about science, the worst smear you can call it is a religion? I see what you mean, you hate science and you're literally calling it terrible names.

>materialism and atheism is reality.
Atheism has nothing to do with materialism. Atheists can believe in any irrational thing they like except gods. That's the dealbreaker.

>If free will doesn’t exist
If things are going according to ((( god's plan ))) they how can any believer imagine he also has free will? Do you believe in destiny, fate, fortune, luck or predetermination? Then for you there is no free will.

On the other hand, you might accept chance, probability, odds, likelihood - then you have free will. But no god's plan.

free will and determined outcome aren't mutually exclusive, they're divided by scale

you can have an ant farm where ants go wherever they please but they can't leave and they will all eventually die, those are determined by the owner and laws of nature

Kek this is nigger tier reasoning

Free will within whatever restraints and confines of the society, government, culture, etc. Sure. but if the religion says that their gods have pre-determined our destinies, sealed our fates and leave us with only actual 1 choice, then there's no free will.

Why are these threads always full of facebook and reddit memes? For fuck's sake go back all ready.

Nice trips. Also, yes, atheists are some of the most unscientific people i've ever met. In their quest to prove there is no God they accept anything (even if not true). Basically they act like any religious person. Few people actually look at the science. For instance atheists actually believe that life can come from non-life. Think about that.

>why don’t these youngsters worship the dead kike on a stick

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or perhaps there are people who have seen things happen to friends or relatives, things that took decades to unravel and are irreversable, and they wish to prevent other from making the same mistake

Read more boomer

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>atheists are some of the most unscientific people i've ever met
And yet theists are constantly here asking them scientific questions. It's almost as if they're not honest in their pursuit of knowledge.

>In their quest to prove there is no God
Those people are called anti-theists, not atheists. Atheists simply fail to believe in any gods.

> For instance atheists actually believe that life can come from non-life.
The origin of life has nothing to do with not believing in any gods. Non-belief is separate from unrelated math or science.

>Think about that.
You believe for me, I'll think for you.