Antifa did nothing wrong

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I understand your rage, antifa: You're ugly, stupid, and have tiny dicks. I would be mad, too.

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inciting. pffft

Simultaneously lacking diversity and sexual currency

I think pol infiltrating antifa is a great idea. How thorough is the vetting process?

>Recruiting openly

Trump is 100% guaranteed this election everyone thinks you guys are the real nazis. I wonder why!

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>how thorough is the vetting process
not at all. many youtube journos have already infiltrated them at one point, including squatting slav

antifags deserve the electric chair

Whiter then pol and they aren't even racist proving that racism is for losers

>How thorough is the vetting process
Not at all. You just have to learn all their bullshit slang, because they get frequent NEWSPEAK updates.

Fuck you, just fuck you.

when you get the genuine reply you're looking for you idiots will make 1989 china look like the opening of disneyland santa ana california

Help is on the way!

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lamo antifa can't do anything outside of places like DC and Portland because they'd get shot in self-defense

Kek nice shill account senpai

op is a faggot loser. op kys

Antifa will be destroyed. Tick tock.

Charlotesville guy did nothing wrong

More like
"Throw sucker punches. Burn a woman's eyes. Get punched by the Nazis"

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Is the one in the middle trying to take a shit?

Trump serves the kikes, moron

Antifa's days are numbered, they're being disavowed even by the corporate neoliberals they fight for. When the useful idiots are not longer useful they're just idiots. As long as no actual fascists start taking to the streets any time soon Antifa are in for a very tough ride, they're going to wish it came to street battles with fascists and not rotting in the cells they helped build.

Fuck joining antifa, you retards should be creating your own antifa. You're fucking despised. You're the ones who need the masks and affinity organizing. Not the left. Take their shit, dumbasses.

Lol Sure

'We'll hide and then that'll make them go away!'

We are winning the culture war.

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does not go to war with iran
defies israel..
larping faggot

The guys who turn out already are enough to beat the shit out if them regularly. Cops have to protect antifa from the right wingers. Sometimes in portland the cops will push the right wingers farther and farther towards antifa until they have to fight and then antifa gets BTFO

These are street gangs using politics as an excuse to let out their anger at their daily lives

In Portland its about 20 or 30 people who all know each other and have fought each other by now who meet up once or twice a month for a big ole fight club

Is that supposed to be an argument in support of a different candidate? Unless you are only here for HURR ORANGE MAN BAD please explain.

We're not supported by the system, when we do it we get arrested for conspiracy to riot, the only time they get nabbed is if they get overtly caught on camera posted on the internet or some shit, and even then, like bikelock faggot, they get a slap on the wrist. The closest we have to a right-wing antifa would be the proud boys but they've been smeared as nazis and don't wear masks, and RAM, who got conspiracy to riot for having their hands wrapped at a rally where they knew antifa were going to cause trouble.

antifa should punch itself since they are becoming the nazis they hate

There are several moles inside the administration staff of your shitty discord server. I talk to them on a daily basis :)

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Who was the black guy who shot 3 people at an antifa rally?? It was about a year or two ago. I can't find the report.

If they keep attacking centrist cucks and lolberts instead of actual fascists, yes. They'll be revived when needed of course but they're dispensable.

are all of those trannies?

Trump is doing literally nothing about antifa, about democrats filling the southern states with illegals to swing those states, with Internet censorship, etc.

It's like he actually wants to lose.

middle trying so hard t be a ching chong kek