ITT we name worst of the US

Starting with 2019 and going backward, all the way to the beginning !

Name the worst thing the US did in that year.
>government intervention, invasion, genocide, war crimes, arming anti-fascists, arming fascists, nuclear bomb, Napalm, slavery, etc.

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OK year for American standards. Not much of a kill count.

>worst offense:
$1bn weapons sale to Saudi Arabia

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I wanted to post that

>kansas city
>great lakes

Any state that wasn't a colony is pretty shit.

>Arizona Sun Corridor
There is literally nothing between Phoenix and Tucson except for the occasional piece of farmland and rampant poverty.


Another slow year in terms of kill count.

>worst offence
I think I'll give this year to the whole "children in cages meme" as Jeff Sessions announces the "zero-tolerance" policy

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Peak opioid epidemic. A good time to break your finger.
>~50 thousand dead from overdose

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There's literally nothing wrong with what the government is doing with the asylum seekers. There's nothing else they could do except just let everyone with a story into the country.


Donald Trump wins the 2016 election.

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insignificant president, nobody will care about him 20 years from now

25 year rule, faggot.


Obama announces US will support Saudis in their millitary intervention in Yemen.

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anti-climate change platform. not much else so far in terms of impact.

his most lasting impact will be to have precipitated our imminent demise, at a time developed nations are working to decrease carbon emmissions.

his second most lasting impact will be his acting as a moderate catalyst for further concentrations of power and capital in the hands of a few.

Doesn't every other country do this? I could have sworn I read that Canada did this too.

Massive recession out of nowhere as revenge on Jackson or something.

Hasn't the US reduce their carbon emissions since leaving, while other countries in the G20 increase their emissions, especially China?

Yes, but liberals can't admit it.

Yeah it's pretty standard procedure that when you've got thousands of people attempting to pour into a country you have to put them up somewhere and figure out what you're going to do with them. The people who are bitching about it think we're supposed to just let them through and go free and apparently try to process them later. These are also the same people who support sanctuary cities and amnesty for illegal immigrants. Then they'll turn around and tell you that nobody supports open borders.

2018 is the worst year for gun violence, but I'm giving it to 2014 because 2014 is a pretty unimpressive year.

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan began. That was cool.

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America reaches PEAK incarceration, housing 22% of the world's prisoners.

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Most expensive election in history, totaling $9bn.

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Go fuck yourself.


Deadliest year in drone strikes.
Estimated 50~150 civilian deaths, ~10 children deaths, 150~250 injuries.

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Do other countries keep them in conditions that attract the attention of international human rights groups?


HRW finds hundreds of thousands of minors working in US agriculture, and a similar European study finds European countries employ child workers when in US territories.

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2009- Oscar Grant is shot in the back while handcuffed new year's day by a BART police officer who "confused" his gun for his taser

Rather than relying on front groups for progressice policy why don't you just tell us what it is that they're supposed to do? The putright lies that have been being told, (they have no soap, have to drink out of toilets etc.) have already been disproven. So what we're left with is that they have to stay in a detention center that's cramped because they're not built to house the amount of people that have come. What other countries were doing was building makeshift camps with tents outside. If you think that would be an improvement in Texas/Arizona in July then ok.

>The putright lies that have been being told, (they have no soap, have to drink out of toilets etc.) have already been disproven


Global Economic Crisis
brought on by the risky lending of American investment banks and other private financial corps.

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>don't criticize anyone if you can't propose an alternative
Not how things work, kid. Solzhenitsyn didn't have an intricate plan of what the state should do. He was a critic.

They have more in common with war refugees than the classic "THEM ILLEGALS". The detention centers were built for seasonal workers (mostly single adults), and not family units.

Various media outlets have already been taken on tours of these places. The agents that work there show them the supplies. The toilet thing was made up by some immature bartender that Puerto Ricans in NY thought should be in congress. The sinks are attached to the top of the toilets. The drinking water is clean. The kvetching about muh migrants is nothing more than leftists trying to apply pressure to the Trump administration. Anyone who's not an idiot isn't going to fall for it. The options are:

>1. House them in uncomfortable but safe and clean conditions

>2. Don't let them in in the first place (blocked by courts)

>3. Spend untold millions to house them in hotels or something

>4. Let them go wherever they want.


Worst year for US troops in Iraq. ~850 deaths.

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>House them in uncomfortable but safe and clean conditions

>nearly a decade later, and what paltry oversight was imposed on banks has been basically peeled back
What the banks did/are doing was outright stealing and pisses everyone off yet no politican talks about it

>don't criticize anyone if you can't propose an alternative
No, that's actually a great rule to follow. Otherwise you're just a malcontent and your criticism is baseless.
By your definition half of the world could qualify for refugee status.

>No, that's actually a great rule to follow. Otherwise you're just a malcontent and your criticism is baseless.
lol okay. Then Solzhenitsyn, Havel, Liu, and their ilk are useless. Stalin did nothing wrong. Good to know.

>why don't you just tell us what it is that they're supposed to do?

Kick them fucking out or let them in? Not sticking the half a chub and considering it a good sex?

That shit was already going on for at least a decade.

>By your definition half of the world could qualify for refugee status.
Most aren't being captured trying to cross the border in the dead of night but turning themselves in to ports of entry for asylum. This asylum designation is an international law standard that, for example, syrian families use to get refugee status in turkey (all 3.5 million of them)
The approaches suggested are generally only great for fist pumping at rallies but don't actually make sense.

Stalin did a lot wrong and anyone who seriously wants to examine what he did wrong should be prepared to talk about why those things were wrong. I can't believe I have to debate the notion that just yelling into the wind about things you don't like isn't good practice. Wrong is a subjective concept that's juxtaposed with right.
>Kick them fucking out or let them in?
The Trump admin would never have let them in but their decisions have been blocked by the court. Just releasing thousands of random people who swarm your border isn't a realistic proposal either. They have to be processed in a legal manner.

So anyone who applies for asylum should automatically get it, or do you actually have to receive it based on some set of qualifications? I don't believe, personally, that poverty and a high crime rate qualifies everyone in a country for asylum somehwere else. If it does then there's no good reason to follow this international "law".

You know when schizophrenics complain about a leftypol safespace on /his/? I think this is the closest thing I've seen to that. None of this is "history," it's all politics, everyone's leftist/uninformed, and everyone here should either run off to Jow Forums or R*ddit with this bullshit.

>So anyone who applies for asylum should automatically get it, or do you actually have to receive it based on some set of qualifications?
No, unless the host country designates people of that country as refugees. The alternative is to process the cases one at a time. The real "problem" is that there are simply not enough judges to process the caseload so a lot of these families wind up for weeks, months, sometimes years waiting for the asylum claim to even appear in a courtroom anywhere let alone get a ruling on it. It'd be a glorified DMV line if not for this limbo state especially because they typically aren't recognized in Mexico either. And yes, you still need to rule by law despite what printed shirts might say.
The real draconian method that would work is to simply deny ALL requests from the mexican border which is something Trump briefly flirted with. Before the powers that be told him that it would be disastrous for all commerce across that border. Because to determine if someone is a weekend traveler versus an asylum seeker would again require processing in a courtroom somewhere.

If you accept that Stalin did a lot wrong you must accept that criticism isn't necessarily invalid without the proposition of an alternative.

That's easy. How about just Capitalism? Or anything else?


PEAK sub-prime lending
PEAK sub-prime defaults, up 50% from 2005.


PEAK sub-prime lending
PEAK sub-prime defaults, up 50% from 2005

Attached: 350px-U.S._Home_Ownership_and_Subprime_Origination_Share.png (350x263, 39K)

this dosen't sound like freedom

Bad year for war crimes
24 civilians killed in Afghanistan, including women and children
14 year old girl raped and murdered along with her family in Iraq

Not putting this man in the presidency

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I'm sorry, 24 civilians? Now I'm not one for killing civilians, but really? Is that that bad? School shooters have killed more civilians than that. Individual anti-vax-caused outbreaks have killed more than that. And that's the worst thing the US did that year? Fat chance. Maybe not spending more on foreign medicine is worse; around 56,000 people died that year of flu-related vaccines. Maybe not spending on foreign aid or the number who died of poor healthcare or the huge number of gun crime or something. "24 people died" seems like making a mountain out of a molehill.

oh hey mate. Sure, you're completely right.

I was getting bored with the thread and what you're saying is a much much better 2005 attribute.

>new 2005
Year of the flu
56000 people dead.

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2004: CBS News publishes the first photos of prisoner torture at Abu Gharib prison
-bonus round-
Facebook (originally launched in february.


iNvAsIoN oF iRaQ

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Bush creates
aXiS oF EviLL in "most memorable speech" from a bush

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Bush does

Attached: bush911.jpg (600x400, 106K)

That's not what "capitalism" is lol. That's like saying the alternative to air is water.

>22% untapped physical labor force

enjoy power and money concentrating in the hands of the very few
kings businessmen presidents ceos bosses it really doesn't matter.
same as capitalism, feudalism, communism, socialism, bla bla

Every human has a right to live, right to quality education, healthcare, access to a living wage, humane working conditions, quality education, healthcare, transport, and clean environment.
Nothing should be stopping us from that future, not profit nor religion nor wars nor any retard "whyte dream" of nazis or non0gender identity politix

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>2018 is the worst year for gun violence,
Are you a retard? The 1980s had far worse violence rates. Neck yourself, teenager.

>It's another America hate thread
Jesus Christ take a break, how can you hate a superficial faceless entity this much? I can't imagine how shit this board would be if flags were enabled