Will he ever be relevant again?

Will he ever be relevant again?

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Not since being dismantled by Vox Day


will you ever stop sucking cock op?
same answer

Wash your foreskin bucko

I was into him until I realised I was being pushed on us by the ruling class for whatever reason. I still don't know why the establishment was shilling so hard for him. I got a bad feeling and I walked away. Can anyone explain?

Koch money

How aboot ya clean yer room

He is being kept out of the spotlight because they are about to release his new book. then he will go on tour again

I know, my brother is his agent

I don't know. He made the mistake of thinking he knew how to make himself famous when the truth is that he was made by our political climate, not by his own machinations.

Which is to say, to protect the interests of capital

His biblical series is the single most complex and compelling interpretation of the bible i've heard, and has the potential to usher in a new spiritual awakening.

That being said, probably not.

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No. He is bluepilled on race.

If you see yourself as an individualist in an individualist society, why would elites be scared? you are just a meaningless drone meant to consume and your idols and tradition merely corporate created bullshit to get you to consume more.

You can't even convince people not to buy 5000 dollar lounge suites on credit. No matter what the elites will be just fine

I initially liked him and really like his biblical series. He does have a lot of good stuff to say.
That said, I lost interest after seeing too many inconsistencies and he started coming across as a snake oil salesman. His shilling for Monsanto comes to mind.


No, his 15 minutes are up.


Thanks for the input

Only when you wash your penis and room bucko.

He became part of an elite shilling club with (((Eric Weinstein))) and (((Ben Shapiro))) and (((Sam Harris))). Listening to the talks by the latter three will clue you into what's really going on here. Not to say they won't be successful...They won ww2 and they are really intelligent.

They're all sort of creepy, and they keep peterson in check. They are his jewish handlers. They all might even be CIA along with that (((Peter Thiel))) guy whom the Weinstein brothers work for.

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The shilling club btw is called the (((Intellectual Dark Web)))

Sure, it has nothing to do with his dying wife.
gtfo larper.

Peterson is sort of playing the role that Mike Myers played in Inglorious Basterds.

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Peterson's wife is dying?

The dude makes 10mil a year?

He was more of a reddit phenomenon that appealed to young cuckservatives. Kind of lumps together with Ben Shapiro and Joseph Watson as one of the Judeo-Christian MIGA conservative symbols.

i remember when he was first starting to be shilled hardcore here, some time in early 2017. wasn't impressed by him at all. completely unremarkable.

im afraid if you ever paid much attention to him you probably don't belong on Jow Forums

He's permissible opposition. A channel for disaffected men (primarily white men) to go to and remain an individual in an increasingly collectivizing society rather than forming a collective of their own.

This, probably. A release-valve, sort of like how /pol is a containment board.

>rather than forming a collective of their own.
>The dude makes 10mil a year?
This is what its really about, seething lefties lmao

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no. But just like syphilis, he'll never truly go away.

peterson's ideology is to validate wealth gained through nepotism as inherently good and to make redistribution unquestionable. He is a pied piper of boomer conservatism

I see him more as a theologian making the best argument for theism based on reason in a generation. Mixed in with self-help stuff.

But because Jow Forums sees everything through race, they think he's some "controlled opposition" lol.

Also the fact that the guy has helped turn around the lives of thousands and thousands of NEET white men into productive members of society who will go on to reproduce white babies makes him good in my book.

He's a pseud, he uses specialized words that have no meaning to everyday people. Other than the right for free speech, no one can name one notable point he's made.

>Other than the right for free speech

He's not even for that. He's regularly said we should avoid conversations with those who are race realist types and that some races may be better at producing civilization than others.

>Will he ever be relevant again?
He needs to not lie to himself anymore and accept the facts.
Juden is the true enemy of Western civilization.
He needs to grow some balls, if he was to name the jew he could become above Molly meme philosophy. Molly meme is the greatest philosopher of today, un challenged.

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He obfuscates meaning behind flowery and complex language which masks his mediocre ideas. Intelligence is about concisely communicating, not monologuing for 10 minutes while never progressing past vague generalities


Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums


They think they are redpilled(cringe) but dont understand "redpilling" is just low-effort political indoctrination. They likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Their entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. They probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where they try and help the other person and their mother won't feel the need to smack their ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

>being this shitty

Maybe in 2020 when these figures surface again for feeding time. - Until then they can stay in the murky depths.


this place is truly mentally ill

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it's almost as if over time you realize your parents are right about some things
who would have thought?
shit probably lefty meme.

Juden Peterstein is hostile to Nationalism.

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I sure hope not, he's a horrible orator and like Dawkins and other smuggies he's condescending and intentionally misrepresents the viewpoints he dismantles. A monotone, strawman-slaying manlet.

He's a brilliant gatekeeper who steers the perceptions of others and has the attention of the potential revolutionaries (males 12-45). He is an incredibly valuable asset who pushes the diversity agenda and keeps white males from realizing the proper threats.

Strong projection there shorty. Peterson is no manlet.

Literally forgot about peterstein

His books are still selling and he keeps getting views. Don’t worry about JP. I’d rather promote Moly

He advocates for collectivism unless it’s big bad scary white people helping each other out.
He’s got some good points and some good advice but he knows what he’s doing.

I’m far right but you have to admit the Shapiro, Sargon, Milo, and Alex Jones types are pushing for much of the same things.

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He had a chance to make a difference but he fell into the clutches of the kikes.

Points for the effort. But considering you're literally either a paid shill or one of these actual communists here to raid the board; don't expect anyone to listen to you. Here, I'll take a moment to dismantle your narrative:

>The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.
The inverse is the case. This place is the only place on the internet that doesn't restrict critical thinking. Where all of the other high use websites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, etc.) police content that goes against the narrative and political agenda of the site owner or moderation team; Jow Forums has unrestricted free speech and expression, within the bound of the law. Therefore the only major place on the internet that allows critical thinking is Jow Forums, specifically Jow Forums. It is not the idea or argument that gets the most upvotes or has a celebrity name on it, that gets propagated. Here, the only arguments that succeed are the ones well researched, well argued and have data/scientific support behind them are propagated. Critical thinking is developed here. Groupthink and herd mentality and e-celebrity worship is developed everywhere else.

>You think you are redpilled when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy.
Considering that so-called "progressives" attempt to re-write history, the opposite is clearly the case. Before I came to Jow Forums I never read anything. After I was here for 18 months I started tearing through philosophy books, and there are threads everywhere in which people ask for philosophy to read, among other politically relevant books. And yet to ask for most of them elsewhere leads to you getting banned again.

You can try this narrative all you want, it won't work. The only thing you're doing is exposing yourself to more counter-conditioning and it will be you that is converted in the end, not us.

>Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously)

>1 in 4,620,054,353,091,400,000,000,000

Those are the odds. If you replaced Turner’s 10 Executives, CNN’s 11 Executives, and CNN’s 17 Hosts with members of the public chosen at random, the odds that you’d get a Jewish majority at all three levels is:
> 1 in 4,620,054,353,091,400,000,000,000
> One in four septillion, six-hundred and twenty sextillion, fifty-four quintillion, three-hundred and fifty three quadrillion, ninety one trillion, and four hundred billion

And yet, 5 of 10 Turner Execs, 6 of 11 CNN Execs, and 9 of 17 CNN Hosts are Jewish. But wait!

How about the ratio of Jews vs. non-Jewish whites? Excluding minorities, 5 of 9 (Turner Execs), 6 of 10 (CNN Execs), and 9 of 15 (CNN Hosts) are Jewish. In total, 20 out of 34.

If you filled those positions with non-minority members of the public chosen at random, the odds you’d get at least this many Jews at all three levels is:
> 1 in 92,026,493,323,110,000,000,000,000
> One in ninety-two septillion, twenty-six sextillion, four-hundred and ninety-three quintillion, three-hundred and twenty-three quadrillion, and one-hundred ten trillion

Too many gorillions to process? Here’s a comparison to help you understand the magnitude of this (((coincidence))):
> If you bought exactly 3 Powerball tickets (each with a 1 in ~292 million chance of winning), it is 20 times more likely that you’d win the Powerball all three times, than the probability of getting this many Jews.

And these numbers only consider a sliver of the (((coincidences))).

Friendly reminder to wash your penis fwends!

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He hadn't read the Bible when he made his biblical series. It's very, very retarded. Ignore everything he says.