Alan Dershowitz shitting himself right about now

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol he's fucked

Alan should of remember DNA aka his cum is hard to explain away

And Drumpf is wearing depends.

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Pizza related maps on a handkerchief?

Lol, it’s over.

Hello, Saul

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Alan said he supported unsealing the proofs.
He's /ourjew/ lawyer

Nah he's fucked. Kys Zionist faggot.

he wanted information on the victims so he could pressure them into recanting

How isnt it a warning sign?

Oh no no no

Israel is next Avi.

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dershowitz is the most straight shooting jew who ever was, my newfag friends

The way I was hearing it, he was trying to get certain records unsealed so he could go after some women who accused him, while keeping the rest sealed. It seems like it backfired, with the court going the other way, saying it would separate that part out, but then release the rest. If Epstein names him and has evidence to back it up, it won't matter that Dershowitz managed to keep some of the previous stuff sealed.

>dershowitz is the most straight shooting jew who ever was, my newfag friends

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Alan and stupid mike cernovich literally got epstein arrested this time, OP is an idiot or worse

No. They tried to find out who the accusers were to get them to back off.

he, along with Cernovich, was one of the main players in getting the records unsealed
it’s likely he won’t be tied to anything illegal here, he was associated with epstein in the past so he probably thinks unsealing it will clear his name, which it probably will otherwise why would he have pushed for it?

No one wants to masturbate him to death.

You're right, cernojew is the most straight shooting jew

They literally wanted to intimidate witnesses.

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Alan maybe - Cernovich did it to screw Epstein



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There's something I don't understand.
Cernovich is behind getting the records unsealed which led to the arrest.
Cernovich is friends with Dershowitz.
Memes and antisemitism aside, wtf is going on?

Cernovitch had nothing to do with this arrest. Holy fucking shit I can't wait for thernobitch and all of Sloppy Steve's alt right fuckboys to go to prison.

How is this faggot involved again?

Dershowitz and Cernovich only asked for certain records to be unsealed, the ones that could help Dershowitz in a defamation suit against a woman who accused him. The other records are staying sealed for now and passed up to the next court for review. Those two Jews are getting way too much credit here, because they weren't even trying to get Epstein exposed. They were fine with everything on Epstein and others staying sealed as long as they got a couple bits on Dershowitz.

Not the arrested, dipshit.
Getting the records unsealed.
Or is it just a coincidence that the prosecutor decided to act after all these years.

The effort to tie Trump to Epstein is even lamer and more evidence free than the Russia bullshit and the end result will be the same.

He's trying to take credit for want Thernovith did

The prosecutor? This is a FEDERAL CASE. Those documents are from a STATE case. You kikes are going down. Zionism is finished. :)

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There's no known connection between the records being unsealed--which was only ordered but hasn't happened yet--and Epstein's arrest. The arrest could as easily have been triggered by something the NXIVM cultists squealed about, or just the NYPD getting tired of their cops being suicided.

so what happens next?

doesn't really take much effort to tie trump to epstein

Attached: epstein trump best friends.jpg (720x720, 70K)

>Zionism is finished

how dare u

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I don't know the Dershowitz back story and don't see how he benefits.
I fully believe that both of them are slimy jew lawyers

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Yfw you act and look just like the stereotype

bob mueller is a jewish pedo cover upper nothing will happen epstein is going through a fake news media psyop because of the heat

So it's a coincidence?



I'd guess the records actually unsealed will prove disappointing, because what they asked for was so limited. Then people will realize the other records are still sealed, and we'll have more weeks/months of waiting for the next court to rule on that.

But that's separate from what's going on with this new arrest, so it may be moot. On that end, it depends on what's in the indictment they release tomorrow. If it's just a paragraph saying he's indicted for crimes X, Y, and Z, tha'ts not news. If it names conspirators, it could be a major happening.

mossadybitch and the rest of the jews reminder he got his start by Seth Rogen ugly kike wife lauding him

It seems like the prosecutor is trying to get out in front of the disclosure
Idk, seems like too much of a coincidence

Maybe in Canada a picture of two people together means that if one of them sexually exploited minors then ipso facto the other one did but thats generally not how it works in reality.

I wonder if it's a conhencidence that practically everyone who is directly part of this is a jew. I wonder if there any actual reasonably "normal" jews out there.

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All the anti Israel Jews are normal.

I don't care what happens to Trump.
Epstein being charged is a win for the goyim

Probably not "all" but most. Pedo blackmail is what holds the Zionist system together.

So stupid. Any baseline description of an INTJ person will say they're self-confident independent thinkers that resist emotional pressure. Lo and behold he resists pressure from others to re-define his priorities.


Reminder that nobody ever explained what this was, or why it would need written on a handkerchief in this digital age

DNA evidence of pedo shit makes sense.

It was just a map to pizza.
Nothing to see, move along.

Why call it a “map” though? Where were they going? And why didn’t they just ask Siri for directions?

read the quote

there's lots of pictures of them together

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mfw paid trumpedos think there's only 1 picture of best friends trump and epstein together

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>”hey Siri, where are some pizzerias near me?”
It’s just not adding up. It was something that they didn’t want to be found, also remember that the email that this phrase is from was on the Hillary private email server. Still never understood why a government official would need a private server either, security on government computers is much better than anything you could find in the civilian world, I guess they were trying to hide something from the government. So what would they be hiding, and why would they be hiding it?

Sorry John, if you want me dead you’re gonna have to send one of your flunkies to do it

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if one prompted the other. Just saying we don't have evidence of that now. It's too soon to say Cernovich/Dershowitz got Epstein arrested, since it actually looks like they were trying not to unseal the records on him. If they did, it looks accidental.


give me 10 more pics and 23 more quotes

I'm just trying to understand the connection, if there is one.
And, why did they want the records unsealed?

>Siri, where's the meeting point for picking up a 9-inch cheese pizza after arranging the purchase at Comet?

up to you to prove it is something weird, not them to prove innocence.

You've probably written loads of shit that could be taken out of context/ twisted.

Is that you Lynn?

Are you retarded or just a ShareJew shill on shift?

Yes, it was clearly related to pedohilia, who would need a hand drawn map to order a pizza? Especially in a city where you live and work in and (presumably) know quite well, as such you’d know where to go get a good piece of pizza. Guess you can’t just ask Siri where to purchase children as sex slaves

it's true though

It's self evidently weird.
Fuck you.

yep it is, but so are loads of explainable things

Is that you?

>You've probably written loads of shit that could be taken out of context/ twisted.
Yeah, and I wouldn’t destroy the evidence if the police had questions about it. But then agian I’m not running a child sex slavery ring out of the basement of a pizza joint. Speaking of that, why did the owner of comet pizza lie about having a basement. Once the pizzagate story broke, he said “we don’t even have a basement”, yet prior to that he was talking about how they make their own pizza sauce as he said “we pick thousands of tomatoes, then we can them up and store them in the basement”. So why did he lie? And was he lying then, or is he lying now?

It's in the link I gave above. A woman accused Dershowitz of raping her, also accusing Epstein's madam of complicity. Dershowitz says there's proof in the sealed documents that it was consentual. The madam was fighting to keep it sealed, probably knowing there's other stuff in there that could burn her. Dershowitz and Cernovich argued for just the records about that to be unsealed, and that's all that's been ordered so far. I don't know why Cernovich is involved except that he's good at poking his nose into things and taking credit when it goes well, even if it wasn't what he intended.

There's not necessarily any connection between that and the arrest. It's possible that the FBI/NYPD decided they'd better move before that unsealing broke things too far open and Epstein got suicided. Or maybe someone figures if there's a new case in New York, they can convince the court down in Florida to keep the rest sealed after all, thus stalling longer.

Yeah, people were thinking "map" was a code word, but I always figured it was an actual map to a meeting place. Maybe a point on a road or in a park, where there wouldn't be an address to give GPS. Or they figured a hand-drawn map would mean no digital record of requesting the address. Or they just like feeling like spies.

God damn you’re a fucking retard. Where in that statement indicates a crime?
Do you know that women are adults?
So if I said I like beautiful young women, I’m guilty of a crime? Fuck some of you people are truly dumb

Ok, I can see that.
Any other records are now part of an active case and won't be released.
Comey's daughter is helping to contain the damage.

I never considered that it might be code, particularly because “pizza-related” was already code. I just assumed that it was a map (drawn directions) to a place where they could get some pizza (underage sex slaves)

Anybody remember this?

Same here, but a lot of people insisted it meant something else, especially since pedos use MAP to mean minor-attracted person. But the conversation makes no sense at all with that meaning.

Juden will pay

These Jews are going to get off with a slap on the wrist and the whole thing memory holed.

not even in a self-defense situation?

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I really can't make a call as I haven't' seen the evidence for him saying he had/hadent had a basemernt

>lol he's fucked
Dershowitz is a Lubavitcher (genocidal Jewish supremacist) like Kushner. If shit gets serious he'll be protected or pardoned.

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>it may be moot
Poole's Closed.

Attached: Poole's Closed.jpg (492x518, 33K)

Here you go

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Assclowns united gonna rape him

You’re going to hate me, but Lucky Larry did nothing wrong.
>they made that decision to pull

You aren't very bright, are you?

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Sometimes ya just get a breakfast emergency need to go to the dermatologist, ya know?

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>pic unrelated

Mueller is closing in, amirite?

They (fire department) made that decision to pull the operation in wtc7. So you have to prove that the fire department was involved with the conspiracy
Obviously he was given a phone call by Mossad that today was the day. They were being tracked live time along with MI. See Able Danger
The Bush administration knew of the attack, and let it happen, and possibly assisted by running war games.

No. There was a nuke in the basement. When they decided to "pull" they mean DETONATING THE NUKE EVEN THOUGH A PLANE DID NOT HIT THE TOWER.

Attached: 911history_de_ShortClip_WTC7_02.webm (640x360, 2.71M)