Why does the law in the west entitle front holes to half of their husbands wealth...

Why does the law in the west entitle front holes to half of their husbands wealth? Why are family courts so slanted against men? Where is the so called patriarchy?

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No, I think women shouldn't be entitled for half of the wealth if it was built by a man.

Reasonable maintenance for a few years is acceptable and the costs related to children. But that's all.

It goes against the principles of gender equality if wives get half of everything men built.

because without her he would be poor, living in a carton box under the bridge and an incel! she is literally the force behind all of his success! It's not fair she is only getting half of it, she should get 90% of it because wage gap is real and woman makes only 60c of every dollar that man gets.

>It goes against the principles of gender equality if wives get half of everything men built.
Husbands also get half of everything their wives build too. It’s a partnership

Because the dumb faggot didn't get a prenup.

the "patriarchy" only exists in jewish college professor's heads, and in all other cultures outside of the West

Ok lets address the real elephant in the room. Bezo is secretly that bald guy from Aqua.

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He’s the one that cheated and ruined the marriage, I honestly think the payout is fair. Also keep in mind she stuck with him when he had nothing.

This isn't a good case to illustrate the problem though because she was with him before he started Amazon and she worked for Amazon as one of the first employees. Also she's not leaving him for broke and denying him visitation rights.
There are plenty of cases where the wife gets the house, the kids, the dogs, half his wealth, she never worked and the guy is left broke and without visitation rights. Use one of those cases instead.

idk but I would be her boytoy

She is so ugly


The problem is that divorce is legal

I'd marry her.

You really wouldn’t want to be able to divorce your wife if she cheated on you?


She gave him four children & he cheated with an ugly foreigner who was even older than he is. Their texts are complete cringe too.

Prenups are worthless, a woman can claim that she was forced or coerced and her word is gold and the prenup is nullified.

what is a pre-nup

One of few aspects I admire about the Muslim is their treatment of women. Women don't have agency, they're property.

She actually did do a lot of work with him in the early stages though, and helped inspire him to go for more.

do you faggots know what 1 post by this ID means?anybody who responds to a 1 post thread with more than 2 posts, is a fucking stupid nigger faggot. they are obvious slide garbage threads so grow the fuck up and control yourself and just DONT REPLY or if you must type sage into the options box first, like im doing. if youre really feeling giddy report the thread for off topic and actually help the board quality NOT make it worse

the worst part is she acts like she deserves every penny.
i remember the msm trying to show her as a successful business women.


you are the stupidest person ive ever interacted with. how many times are you gonna reply retard?

Whoever destroys the marriage deserves to pay for it. Imagine standing by someone when they have nothing, helping to cultivate their success, giving birth to 4 of their children just for them to cheat on you with some dumb slut.



Women don't build they destroy.

neck your self, fuck boy. ive only posted twice you dipshit.

potato nigger is angry

Bezos cheated on HER. This wasn't a no-fault divorce, Bezos was at fault.

A faithful wife shouldn't be getting so much scorn here. She didn't even take half.

Because Satan control female. And so follow the men who want the puss. And the children who follow the female. It's perfect circle of control

so half of nothing? seems like a good deal

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That's the only reason Jesus said was valid for divorce.

You're confused. It is their wealth. Amazon grew into the company it is today while we were married - one flesh. She's just getting her half. Ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness.