Fuck this nigger loving show

This shitty show is so goddamn SJW, whites marrying Mexicans, Whites marrying Niggers, whites being gay lesbians. Fuck this whole fucking garbage show, stop portraying our race as weird ass fucking race traitor fucking jungle fevers fucks! FUCK THIS SHOW.

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What is it

The Haunting of Shill House

jews gonna jew

Aside from all that, I didn't even like it.
I love horror stuff (even bad horror stuff), but this was just boring as hell.

isn't pretty much every tv show like this now?

this show was just This is Us with ghosts+SJW propaganda

>still watching the (((KIKEFLIX)))
read some history books, preferably written pre-1970

Show was garbage anyway. Why bring this up now and not 8 months ago when it came out. Anyway, Stranger Things 3 is pozzed.

Relax, fbi

Everyone in that photo is racially jewish

Dude I like star trek!
Jews shouldn't fucking infest every god damn media outlet on the internet and utterly destroy them like this, this is fucking outrageous. We need to get them out NOW.

Disgusting if they're also shilling.

If you are consuming ANY goyvision Programming then you are living wrong. There is absolutely nothing for a redpilled white male.

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You're right, fuck netflix.
Still, the more I call it out, the more mainstream opens their eyes to their scummy division of our culture.

>Netflix hurts my feelings!

>It's the jeeeeeeeeeeeews!

>You should instead read books for mature educated people, such as myself.

>I want my pew pews and aliens tv show back.

>You should abstain from watching shows to maintain yourself a pure aryan, such as myself.

This thread is off to a good start.

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>p r o g r a m m i n g

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walk out your door and drown in the raw sewage flowing through your street

Brother-In a failed marriage and sterilized himself.
Brother-Single junkie.
Sister-Married to an Asian guy.

Ah... JewTV.

No they dont. They people yhst dont already notice on their own will only think you are a dangerous racist for noticing.you will find yourself far calmer and more relaxed if you simply abstain.
It's not about maintaining anything except sanity. The constant barrage of propaganda is literally driving people to meaningless acts of violence. It is best to find productive outlets that help maintain physical and spiritual health.

jeez, that is a bit overt. yikes.

i'm spiritually violent.
I will drive them out of the kingdom of heaven, and watch their horribly mutilated corpses writhe in hell.

it's a fucking insult from netflix and societal norms in general that people are putting up with it.

It's also an insult from Nigs and Mexicans that just go along with it and think it's okay/normal.

>I will drive them out of the kingdom of heaven, and watch their horribly mutilated corpses writhe in hell.

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Well choose your battle wisely. And a warriors death as opposed to life in confinement.

>willingly paying for netflix
>having to pay for the wall

talk about being cucked, eh pablo?

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My charge will also be your own, and anyone with integrity. There will be a right moment.. Shortly.
Even if i'm the only one who triggers a stand alone complex.

Also...They hate their White dad.

Yikes, is truly the word that came to me when first seeing this.
Like, damn, yikes.

It's actually a well-made show if you can get beyond the politics. Mike Flanagan is a very talented director. His first films were low-mid budget about siblings so it's obvious why he was a good fit but Netflix made him add in a lot of conditioning/normalizing of "modern relationships".

I hope your mom and sister get blacked OP. I really do.

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What were you expecting? Think of every single show or movie produced by Netflix you will notice that every relationship is either homosexual or interracial EVERY SINGLE ONE, from Haunting of Hill House to Bird Box, if a couple is white there is something wrong with them, or they will inject degeneracy one way or the other, like House of Cards made Frank in to a half a fag cuck, before writing him off for good, stop watching that shit it will rot your brain.

I liked the parts when they were kids living in the house, but the show was fucking terrible every time it went back to them as adults. Also:
>Time traveling self haunting ghost
That was the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.

Pablo, stay on your side of the border and die by the cartel while I can enjoy 1st world civilization and feel safe.

I hope all fucking niggers die of starvation like their worthless ancestors