We predict MIGApede copes and excuses when Trump loses in 2020

Top copes will be

>X flipped because of all the Californians moving there
>It wasn't the legals, it was the ILLEGALS
>legal mexicans are natural conservatives
>they stuffed ballot boxes
>the deep state rigged it
>just wait until 2024!
what do you think they'll say?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>they didn't have hillary!
>what do you mean immigration was a top issue?
>why would you think any of those things trump should have done been good for independents?
>stupid stormweenies mad at trump for not being literally hitler
the cope will be hilarious, at least the left has faced such humiliating defeat before directly.

Cope tranny

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Good. Hey, why not make a general too? Condense all the discord tranny posting in a single thread. You guys can make all the predictions you want, have fun!

It's going to be glorious watching you brainlet niggers get BTFO come 2020. MIGA baby!

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>get BTFO

By who? Joe Biden? Also, you can keep screaming MIGA all day buddy, Trump literally made it so the average american doesn't get jewed as much as they did under Obama. You discord trannies can scream about israel all you want trying to fit in with "le /pol hates joos" meme, doesn't make it any true. Taxation went down. Unemployment is down. Explain to me how Israel is somehow using Trump to jew the average american please.

>electoral college

>the white nationalists are the reason Trump lost, spreading lies and demoralizing the base
>Ann Coulter was getting money from the DemocRATS
>It's impossible that he actually lost X region, this is a scam
>Don Jr. is going to come back and reign for 100 years!

>the white nationalists are the reason Trump lost

Trump won. Try again sweetie.

Imagine being this low IQ

Why ya’ll shilling so hard today? It’s like something happened...

I fucking cannot wait till he crushes all your hopes and dreams and wins again.

Your only cope will be
And it's going to be fucking hilarious

Imagine being a discord tranny. Oh wait, guess you don't have to imagine it.

>the Libertarians stole Trump's votes!
>this wouldn't have happened if Trump had just bombed Iran
>social media censored conservatives!

But they'll actually be right about that last one.

>y r u shareblue so much 2day?!!??
>wheres Q??

Go back to Zuckface dumbfuck

Sure thing retard, enjoy ZOGnald in chief while you still can. You can complain about the vehemently anti-white replacement not because of policy or anything, but because they're on blue team and you're team red.

You MIGApedes are the ones that support faggots and trannies. Trump is literally exporting the homosexual agenda on a global scale, who the fuck do you think you're fooling?

I love how some discord tranny probably woke up one day with the brilliant idea of spamming the idea that Trump is a jew puppet without any consideration or thought as to why Jow Forums thinks a lot of things are jewish conspiracies. They forgot the evidence, the links, the jew behavior, heck even the part where average americans are supposed to be losing money to Israel because of Trump. It's so low effort and forced, only a tranny could ever post this meme unironically.

>Taxation went down. Unemployment is down

barely, and as trump brags, most of those jobs went to shitskins and women

there is no real economy anymore, just slaves and service industry bullshit

>deep state rigged it
that’ll be the main line


Pathetic. It doesn't even sound good or roll off the tongue like Creepy Joe. Democrats are doomed.

nice ironic boomer post

another premium ironic boomer post

So you admit that it did. How is Trump a jewish puppet?

i didnt see this kind of ruthless shilling for trump here ever before. not even when i supported him.

really makes me think

Boomers are going to vote Trump in and there is nothing you can do about it, Tranny.

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Joe 2020

>But they'll actually be right about that last one.
But it's just another one of Trump's failures. Sheer fucking incompetence and arrogance.

>I won last time when they were against me, I don't need to do anything
fucking moron

You're probably a non-white, you have the IQ of a subhuman

because there are some jews who want to play more of the long game and make sure this stuff doesnt blow up in their face from happening too fast?

>admitting to being a boomer
very based

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>ad hominem attack
>no argument in sight

Good one tranny!

nice reading comprehension tranny.

What will the new impeachment strategy be when Trump wins?

thanks dad

>some boomer shitskin Canadians ill-informed opinion
>the wealthiest jewess on the planet

You're dumb dude, go back to plebbit

Yangniggers are still salty, lmao

He won't be able to run in 2020 when he's in prison for being a pedo

>Trump first term almost over
>average americans gained money

So basically their plan is to give average americans more money for the first term then fuck them over in the second term, even though the real likes are obviously backing democrats in trying to remove Trump from office? I thought kikes were supposed to be smart lmfao.

Did a candidate that can beat Trump announce they are running?
There isn't anyone in the current crowd that can.

probably attacking his sanity. i think they actually believe they can beat him, if they knew he was a shoo-in they’d try to impeach him for his sanity now.

why is it inconceivable to you that they would realize they were taking things too fast and throw us a pittance so we dont revolt?

They'll say the same exact shit Leftists have been saying after the 2016 elections and then without rioting, go back to work as our country turns into an even bigger shithole.

Israel likes Trump because of his stance on palestine != Israel likes Trump because he gives American money to his jew overlords.

Nice logic bud.

do you have to work tomorrow wagie

Blumpf's tax cuts for working people already expired, but tax cuts for jewish bankers are forever.

>they were taking things too fast

So basically what you mean here is that they were jewing us under Obama? So what's wrong with Trump?

good god boomers are stupid

Of course the discord tranny is a worthless neet.

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You said I'm stupid about 10 times already, maybe you should try something else next.

Trump increased the obligatory jew payment plan and gave them the oil rich Golan Heights you dumb nigger. Kushner and Netanyahu have literal sleepovers at each others houses. Trump is a kike puppet.

>oy vey goyim we only snipped half your foreskin off, whats the matta

>Kushner and Netanyahu have literal sleepovers at each others houses.

You sound oddly aware of what happens inside jewish households, tranny. Wanna explain?


Google election interference. You know, like they are doing.

>only half a foreskin? LOL you dumb jew lover, you should vote for the party that cuts off your whole foreskin!
>because I said so!

Tranny logic.

yeah dude this race with the everyday normal white guy who says merry christmas and fuck CNN is going to be SUPER close when hes up against the literal pedophile whos all over the internet in video after video touching and smelling children. probably just as close as the last one where he went against literally the most hated bitch on the globe. that 99% chance of winning didnt deter us MAGAPEDES from getting out there and voting super hard. thankfully we'll have even more hordes of based red blooded american patriot spics who share out based judeo-christian values out there all voting RED to help us out.

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What do you think about Multi-racial societies, leaf?

>staying in USA after 2020

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Trump never gave them a thing. They had it since the sixties, he just recognized it

>zero possibility dreams

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I hope they all have cerebral aneurysms from the shock, fucking boomer scum.

>they stuffed ballot boxes
But this is a real thing they do every time.

>Trump isn't part of the problem
>talking about greatest best all time bullshit
>still no wall still no deportations
>no sevire elections
>still fucking trying to work with dems when really it's part of the con to do shit then blame it on muh congress
>gives dems a heads up on anything he does so they can tie it up with some half ass court shit
Oh no what will we ever do?

Lmfao discord tranny now out of non arguments it will now begin seeking for bait topics. Good god you summer trannies are the worst. It's truly pathetic. I've been on this website for over a decade now and I've never seen such pathetic shitposting. There is no passion in your shitpost. You literally sound like you're being paid to be here and you don't like it.

lmaoing at all the discord trannie ITT trying to shill their way into state funded hormones despite knowing that based Boomers and Zoomers will support Trump again in 2020 and they wont get it so they'll have to go to mexico to get a beaner to cut their dicks off.

>hows Trump doing things for Israel
Do you know literally anything about foreign policy

Yes. Do you?

Once again, this is the MIGApede cope. Imagine if we just declared Kabul as part of America. A military occupation of an area and the dissolution of it into your own state are two very different things. This was a big move in the region that was against the honored agreements in the Middle East. Expansion by aggression being illegal in the ME is supposed to act as a deterrent for war in the region, in the same manner out nuclear proliferation policies are supposed to act, which coincidently Israel disregards as well.

>bait topics
It's not b8 leaf, What do you think about multi-racial societies? Why can't you answer the fucking question plebbit?

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>tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
pretty based arguments leaf, damn glad weve got such based and redpilled allies up north!

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there's nowhere else to go dude, everywhere is fucked

Trump is going to win! 2020 here we come

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>hurr durr thing I dont like is objectively shit

Oh no! A fucking MS paint comic! I'm finished!

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Discord tranny spotted.

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They are cancer just like you trannies. Here, have fun twisting my answer into some pathetic tranny forced meme about how joos are Trump masters.

kek, you're a parody of yourself boomer

>Trump is a Jewish puppet? Well Obama was a Jewish puppet too!

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>12 post by this ID

Shill harder tranny

You have 23 posts you incompetent nigger, half of which are screaming about muh trannies

>13 posts by this ID

Wew lad it just keeps going!

About a third of the way to thread auto pruning. Lets keep this going trannies!

Hey trannies what are your favorite things to do when youre not shitposting on this website? I'm guessing it has something to do with dildos but hey feel free to correct me.

>tranny posting stops as soon as they realize the thread is sliding too fast

Like pottery

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>23 posts by this id
You're not even American yet you're vehemently defending Trump. How much are you getting paid?

getting really sick of your shit op.

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My paycheck is seeing trannies like you get angry at my posts.

>Implying Yang, Trump, and Obama aren't kike puppets
Little Revolution 2020 nigger

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>How much are you getting paid?
They aren't getting paid shit, they all are nigger tier retarded. All they do is have imaginary arguments against "discord trannies" so they never actually feel like they have to confront reality. "Don't have to face the facts if it's just a discord tranny on the other end lying to me".

thats the funny thing about discord trannies. They call Trump a jew like they think Jow Forums doesn't know all politicians are jews to some degree. They think they can shill another candidate, that one candidate that somehow isn't a kike because they said so.

Yang would also be a Jewish puppet, granted, but at least I'd get Yangbux. There is no electoral solution to White Genocide. Don't delude yourself into thinking that Patrick Little would get even 10% of the vote.

t. election transplant

We haven't stopped laughing at you faggots since 2015 and we won't stop until well after 2024.
Please keep posting so we can keep laughing.

>All they do is have imaginary arguments

Discord trannies are not imaginary KEK. Look at this tranny, you faggots are blatant. You do realize Jow Forums has infiltrated your little chatrooms a long time ago, right? We know what you're doing and that's why it makes you so mad to be called a discord tranny. Because its what you are.

trump wins 2020

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>doesn't even deny that Trump is a kike puppet
You're really giving the game away.

>at least I'd get Yangbux
>I know I'm voting for a jew who will ruin the economy of my country but hey at least I will be getting the money of hard working americans getting kiked the hardest so that I can live inside my pathetic studio appartment and eat (((free))) ramen until the economy collapses and I become homeless.

The absolute state of trannies.

I made $2800 by putting $350 on Trump in 2016. You're a dumbfuck who just parrots anything you've been told and should put your money where your mouth is if you think it's a sure deal.

You too leaf, bet a couple of thousand on ZOGnald if you really want to show us le discord trannies how dumb we are.

>oy vey we need to keep the GDP up high for the NuAmericans!

Fuck you, shitskin boomer


Degenerate behavior, as expected of a tranny. I don't gamble.

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>hurr durr I just want (((free money))) while the workers of my country are working overtime to supply for my lazy ass

neets get the rope too.

>Degenerate behavior
top kek, exactly you coward cocksucker. You don't even believe you're own bullshit


Kek is this tranny trying to peer pressure me into giving into degenerate behavior? That doesn't work online, especially when I don't have a single gram of respect for you or your kind.

Trump wins good, if a Dem wins that's also good.

I kinda wanna see the shitshow of a Sanders,Warren,Harris, Presidency. They have pretty muched promised to destroy the United States old, and start a cultural revolution of the likes of China.