Change my mind

Change my mind

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I think OP is a nigger. Change my mind.

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Wtf you are an absolute nigger

the last one should've read uwuwuw

nigger (you) gay


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You mean:


I agree
white male/anime female > white male/white female


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Based and ladyboypilled


Lmao chink insectoid white women will never ever be attracted to you. Go back to your hapa hugbox.

Lol you pussies will never know the pure ecstasy of having a Golden Tiger cum in your ass and then having him suck you off unitl your Big Aryan Cock reaches nirvanna.

Enjoy paying alimony to some thot, snatch scratcher.

>be white
>have korean friend from childhood
>unironically hetero life partners
>live together
>hobbies together
>dual income
>bros 4 life

it's actually based. imagine sharing your house and risking the divorce rape when you could just kick thots to the curb on a regular basis and never have any drama?

>mfw workmate is getting divorce raped rn

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This guy gets it.

>falling for the rice meme

Asians are the biggest race traitors on the planet and white women are the most race loyal by far

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OP is indeed a nigger.

Why do Asians try so hard to behave like whites? It's rather irritating watching someone copy your every move.


The true patrician's choice is WM/AF(M).

It's not that they're copying us. Intelligent people faced with similar situations often come to the same conclusions. Or in short, great minds run in the same track.

The intelligent races need to stick together.

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