Has anyone in your family or a close person become a tranny Jow Forums?

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No, but a friend of mine has a son who is.
He dies a little bit every day.

lmao no.My first girlfriend (the one i lost virginity to) became a lesbian though


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They don't even really think I'm gay for real.

I saw a dude in a skirt at the grocery store

Yes, my cousins kid had a (((therapist))) convince the family to inject their little girl with testosterone and cut off her breasts at 18

Real tragedy, but the mom is a worthless roastie who wanted to be a cool wine mom and get social media credit

No, but I HAD a friend who said he was a few years ago, presented as a man, finally married a woman, and has never spoken of it since.

Yep, Sister.
Dresses like a dyke and takes Testosterone. Never in a million years would she pass for a man.

I have actually only ever seen one tranny my entire life. At least as far as I know. They are not close, but she was happy that I identified her as Native American on first meeting. (Her friends apparently all pinned her as Mexican at first)

Found it amusing that the tranny took race that importantly.

This had also happened to me, twice

>tfw you are so bad at sex that you turn women into dykes

If they become a tranny they're no longer family.
Which hopefully translates to boosting the statistic higher than a 40% likelihood.

Did you fuck her boipussy?

Where do you live?

I'm in a blue state and they are all over the fucking place.

I had to stop going to the local game store because fat tranny's are the worst and smell disgusting

my wife's cousin, she went to "her" wedding
I did not

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How the fuck do you lose your virginity twice?

No, thank god

Who the fuck pays for this shit? Is this why your parents have to pay so much for health scam?

By fiance's sister turned her first 3 boyfriends gay.

I've turned dykes straight lol

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It was my first time and I was like 12 lmao

Had 2 "friends" who became trannies. Both followed the exact same path.
>Suddenly cut all communication with me
>Find out through actual friends that they decided they were a tranny
>Turns out tranny has a another group of friends
>This group is overwhelmingly in support of this life destroying change
>Tranny almost certainly stopped talking to me because he knew I'd advise against this nonsense
>Occasionally check twitter to see them post about suicide, self harm, and how goddamn much they hate Trump for the thousandth time
I still get upset over it sometimes. Both their lives have been wrecked and I have little hope of them ever turning it around.

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Not close exactly, but a very good friend of the families grandson turned into a tranny faggot...then his "dad" decided he was trans, then his mom decided she was trans. So now all three of them have swapped genders and it's just one giant family fug fest i guess.
Meanwhile, the tranny family won't even speak to the grandpa because he's christian and doesn't want to embrace there new faggot lifestyle.

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my sister is a literal discord tranny

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>tfw you will never emasculate this family unit by dating and fucking their son

Just imagine it. Imagine holding that pathetic, failed male down in his childhood bed while you tear his lily-white ass to pieces. Imagine the look of shame and disgust on that red-faced cuck as you great him the morning after turning his 'daughter' into a moaning, quivering mess. Imagine it. Imagine him lowering his gaze, his eyes darting left and right as his wife happily pours you cereal and asks if you slept well. She knows you didn't. The whole house knows you didn't. But she's happy to entertain the notion because it completes the happy illusion she's nagged her husband so hard to achieve.

Imagine his feelings of guilt and failure as you cuddle with and kiss his 'daughter' during family movie time. I might even flirt with his whale of a wife. Just to really rub it in. Complete genealogical domination.

God just the thought of it makes me rock hard.

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Your sister pretends to be a male? Lmao how bad did you molest her

12? I barely figured out how to fap at 12. I hope you're a chad and not the new normal.

First time you fuck her
Second time he fucks you.

Yup. Guy I knew in college. Went full post op. Dead a year later. Surprise surprise.

no, i havent see a tranny in real life.

Who pays for it? Planned parenthood.
I’m not even kidding. Whine to one of their “Therapists” and they’ll throw drugs at you like it’s candy.

You can see the rage in his face too. Veins pulsating, blood pressure rising. He knows its a farce but what is there to do? Beat his son senseless? Tie him down and just really go to town on him until his face is all but unrecognizable? His wife will intervene no doubt. Then he'll have to give her a good thrashing as well. Maybe its what's best. Maybe it would change things. No. He knows it wouldn't. They'd just play the victim. The pictures would hit social media and hed be a pariah. What would the neighbors say? What would his family say? No doubt rebuff him, even if they agreed. Even if they wanted to do the same thing. Every Christmas and holiday theyd see his son walk in practically pleading for attention and recognition. Mascara and lipstick smeared over his gnarled face. "She's transitioning you know! She's a real girl now just like your daughter!" his wife would say. That bitch. That fucking sow. Mind polluted by daytime television to think this is ok. That this abomination is anything but an afront to man and god alike.

No. He has to keep towing the line. Keep smiling. Even if people laugh at work. He knows theyre laughing. Oh they exchange pleasantries but it's a facade and he knows it. "Hey how's the wife and daughter? I just think it's awesome what she's doing. She's so brave! ".Liars everyone. Especially frank. Always laughing and joking. With his little sarcastic comments. "Oh hey atleast you don't have to worry about him getting anyone pregnant now, am i right? ". Fucking frank. He'd die first. It be so easy. Just burn this place to the ground with everyone inside. Lock all the doors first. No survivors. Maybe sit in the cab of his truck on the hill and watch the fire engines roll in. Knowing theyd never get to them in time. Just hear the screams and cries. It'd be all too sweet. Maybe light up a cigar as the place smolders and the coroner's showed up. Then put the .45 in his mouth with a smile on his face as sweet relief finally came.

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we had a fucked up father all verbal though

and a batshit crazy mother

>eugenics foundations pays for transhumanism
well that makes sense

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I'm the furthest from a chad. And me and her met by an accident. She was just a crazy bitch. And when I was 12 I barely even had a moustache, I definitely wasn't sexually mature at all

I'm related to the girl from the "20 minutes into oppression and chill" meme.

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Nope, but i worked with a tranny for a while. Honestly the most miserable excuse for a human being i've met. It will most definitley be a suicide statistic, i have no hope for it. What a mess.

Your genetics must suck

>I barely even had a moustache
Now I know you're from a 3rd world country.

My brother decided he was a woman (never did the surgery) for a few years, realized it was bullshit and is now a man again. It's like it never happened and no one ever talks about it. And he's based now too. Dodged a bullet.

That soul.... Dying...

vagina in her, anal in you

Mild schizophrenia and autism run in the family.

He didn't take crazy pills, did he? This is fucking child abuse.

I liked it.



I have one adult (20s) cousin who thinks he is a woman and I have a very young nephew who looks like he's heading in that direction as well. I haven't heard for sure, but based on what I'm seeing on social media his parents are allowing him to be a complete girly sissy.

Is this a man?

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No relation has gone tranny.

I did have a college advisor that was some sort of tranny. Basically just looked like a man in a skirt, even had a five o clock shadow. Didn't even try to talk in that falsetto voice.

I still don't know if he was really a tranny or just a guy that liked wearing a skirt.

Chloe Arden hasn't posted a new video since May when he got his dick chopped off and was filming himself on drugs talking about how far down his fronthole was.

I should clarify my brother is a grown ass man, not a child. We suspect he was taking hormones at some point but he looks full straight on man again. Lucky for him he had a family who told him he was an idiot and gave him 0 support despite all the "therapists" who encouraged him to continue. Apparently he had some tranny friends who pushed him too but after he saw the light he dropped them. This is a rare case but illustrates how a lot of these cases can be salvaged with the right support and how the media influences weaker people

I work with one

Small town Indiana here, just a normal blue collar lad trying to make ends meet like the rest of you. Anyways last June I took a job with better pay, nice, and its all white people working there, very nice, but theres a fucking tranny.

This thing is the literal embodiment of the left, constantly making accusations of sexual this and gender that. Management ignores what they can but their hands are tied on most of it. I absolutely refuse to talk to him, Ill actually ignore him when we he says something to me. Itd be one thing if he had a cute feminine penis or something but hes like 5'11" and always has a 5 oclock shadow that he refuses to shave.

The best part? The women at work hate him the most because as they put it "hes always leaving pubes on the toilet seat" kek

Terrible human being, would not recommend

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I'm glad it turned out right. I used to be the kind of a guy who could probably find a hookup for a friend, but it honestly was scary after a while when I got to college and all these prescription pills were flying around like total madness. That's not right.



The girl my brother is engaged to has an ex husband who decided, after fathering 3 boys and a girl, that he was a woman.

I worry about how fucked up those kids are going to be. Just glad they have my brother to look up to as a normal male role model

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I live in a massive family, not a single gay or tranny. Closest thing is a male cosplayer.

My close friend growing up was from a deeply religious German family though, recently caught up with him after 10 years and saw that his older brother is now a tranny 2 years on hormones, he is about 6'6 with a rugged manly face and a receded hairline, he'd be 28 now and still lives with the parents. Those parents were so zealous they banned me from their home for suggesting some metal band to my friend when I was a teen, wonder how supportive they are of their eldest son being an abomination.

drugs and degeneracy a la transgenderism go hand in hand. I had a college friend who got into psychs, became a tranny, threw his whole life down the tube. Destined to be an amazing software engineer, now spends his days as a janitor smoking pot and watching weebshit

Yeah I know a guy that’s now a tranny, which is hilarious because he’s like 6’5” and has giant hands


It's about the money. Once you start to get up in there you see that they're some combination of willfully ignorant and just stupid, and they're almost all trapped in a state of childhood dancing on strings to keep the money coming in. It's horrifying.

My cousin had a wife with three kids, later got divorced, and came out to his parents. Needless to say, he now has an estranged relationship with all of them. His oldest child knows he's mtf, the second one is going to therapy, and the third one doesn't know. Oh, and he is also in a relationship with a ftm who treats him like shit.

Any advice for someone in a similar situation?

I once paid a tranny to blow me and for me to blow her.
Only encounter with a tranny I can think of I've had.

me on the right

Only you were turned gay by your uncle.

Not family, but three people in my high school friend group became trannies.

>Pretty, thin blonde girl who became obsessed with gay anime characters and wanted to become an uwu kawaii gay boy. Has taken testosterone for ~5 years, and is now a morbidly obese, balding 25 year old woman who looks like she's in her 40's. Constantly goes to gay clubs in hopes of seducing gay men, and is shot down every time.

>Typical /v/ poster, an ugly guy with zero social skills and poor hygiene. After being dumped by the only girl actually willing to up with him, he decided he was a "lesbian". Is constantly chastising lesbians on social media for being "vagina fetishists" since they are unwilling to suck his dick. Got kicked out an IHOP once for smelling so foul.

>El atrocidad, a huge fat Mexican tranny who I only met a few times since he was a friend of a friend. Dresses up like a little girl despite being a 280 lb man. Really spooked one of my female friends by going on a Buffalo Bill-style speech about how he wanted her uterus while driving her home one night.

One of my older brothers went tranny. At age 40. He is 6'0 about 200 pounds. Fucking post op now.

We are not on speaking terms.

Don't support the trans nonsense and call it out for what it is. But don't let it become hate either. Love your bro but be honest with him.

Was it good? I always figured guys probably know how to do it better, but I've never given it a shot.

Is he as low energy as Colin mochries """"daughter""""?

765 btw.

Is the tranny son gay? Religious nuts are more willing to accept a fake "straight woman" tranny than an openly gay man, see: Iran

Nah but I'm not from the USA

You made her gay, jesus you must be fucking ugly

I had fun. I can never come from blowjobs though so I got her to give me a handjob while I shoved my nose and tongue up her asshole. She came down my throat.


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My close friend is a tranny, I don't mind though. He/she always played as a girl in video games when were kids so I knew many years back that he/she was a tranny. Still love and would die for him/her.

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No harm no foul is my way of looking at it. Probably a shame some guy fucked up his endowment and sold his body only to find out it only lasts for so long :(

My brother (burt) became a girl (beth) then became a different guy (Winslow). That's right, he's been 3 different people. If you call him Burt, he freaks out - I mean really freaks out - about dead-naming him. I fucking hate my brother.

Jesus. I'm glad my brother is just a Fortnite vaper

Has her uterus rotted out yet? I hear that happens to women who LARP as men- the testosterone+estrogen blocker combination causes her sex organs to atrophy and fuse together.

no I literally never saw a tranny irl until I went to Colorado like 5 years ago it was disturbing honestly

Yes, me
>Tfw the suffering will never end until I decide to put a chunk of metal through my head

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Highschool friend is now a tranny. I still address him as Ryan and he doesn't get mad.
I did tell him I don't ever want to be alone with him ever again though, and that did upset him. Told him to man up and stop crying about it.

Is that a real chick and why doesn't it shave its mustache?

No but my girlfriends’ friend killed herself and a couple years later her brother became a tranny. They only had two kids and every once in a while I think about what it’d be like to be their retarded boomer parents.

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Friend's brother. Military, since it's Canada he had nothing to do, and was stationed down east. Married, one or two kids, I forget. Idea came on him as he sat on the computer all day. Came back to Ontario since it's much, much easier to find an unscrupulous therapist. First time I met him we tried. Basically came off as a nerdy dude trying to larp female. Still reverted to standard bro amongst bros behaviours once he felt comfortable. Surprisingly apolitical. Obviously split with his wife and kids. Got the bottom surgery. Imagined himself, as so many do, as a transgender lesbian. Of course no woman would date him. Ended up accepting life as a fetish fuck. Last I heard he was living somewhere cheap out west on disability, since he hasn't had a job since the surgery. No suicide yet. Pretty sad desu.


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No, I’ve only interacted with one in my life, full beard and fake tits, and definitely not a drag queen.
Refilled his drink once when I was a server then avoided walking past that table.

I hope to god no. I hate seeing this shit from afar but it would be far worse dealing with it.

I heard typically they run away from the family after getting asked questions just a few times. I know for a fact pretty much every family has at least a few people who ask the right questions during family gatherings. That usually scares them away.

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I'm not trying to be confrontational, honestly curious, but do you genuinely feel that you can't live life as your birth gender?

Why or why not? Seems like an incredibly risky gamble; that you'll be satisfied and live a happy life if only you could look like the opposite gender. If you aren't happy now do you really think this will be what changes it?

I think I heard something about my mom's cousin's daughter wanting to be a man.

thank god no. I just have a lesbo aunt and a "bisexual" (fake news) cousin.

No, but my hideous bulldyke cousin identifies as pan-sexual, meaning she would be willing to fuck men, women, and the mentally ill.

I think asexual, he was a weird dude in school. Typical incel, he'll probably end up with a guy but I think that will stem from mental illness rather than genuine feelings.

Imagine living in the timeline where you could get free T and Jow Forums advice, and maybe even live the best crossdresser's life, but then you decide to try to be 3DPD.

Antifa trannys are now attacking latina reporters.


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