What to do

I dont see much chance of finding help here so... But still a bit optimistic.
>Turning 25 in a few weaks
>Staying with abusive parents
>Mom tells me that she gonna tell everyone i tried to rape her or touch her in places
>Dad constantly beating me while being a pedo rapist himself
>They told everyone what a creepy perv i am
>Neighbours hide from talking to me
>Suicidal from young age
>Parents make fun of me
>Dreamt of working and travelling around the world
>Parents impartial against me
>Dropped out university cause of lack of stuff
>Mental and Physical Health deteriorating
>No friend or anyone: Just you guys
>Numb most of the time
>Dad is under complete control of mom and aunt
>Tried freelancing website as graphic designer but nothing works
>Huge memory loss. I forgot often
>My talking,learning and thinking ability is diminished
>Bones weak all the time,Sleepy all the time
>Not sure what to do
>Dont wanna commit suicide as i still feel optimistic
>Pic related Clothes that i am wearing for the past 10 years
>Help needed

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Sometimes the flag really does tell the story

Get a job nigger

enlist. Assuming your military is anything like ours, there is a group of people ready to beat all the bullshit out of you until you believe in yourself. After that, fresh start...new town, fuck it. Find something you are good at and get after it. Also toilets man...like that really is a thing.

I agree with this guy, but if you are in America you can go to the Salvation Army ARC program, tell them you are addicted to some drug or alcohol, and they will hook you up for a year, I did the program ten years ago and I got on my feet, I have a job and a cute fat wife that love to fuck,,,, I a pretty happy dude

>Dreamt of working and travelling around the world

Become a flight attendant, temporarily. It will get you out and about and give you the privilege of traveling for free anywhere in the world on your days off (if you work for a major airline or one of their regional airlines).

Sky West

Try applying to these.


*sorry, didn't notice the flag
I know nothing about Flight Attendant pay or travel benefits in India.

im sorry user
you need to try to find someplace better thats shit advice but im sorry unless your a total piece of shit the andrea house or some other similar organization can help

>have sex
sorry depressed poo bro it's all i got.

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I want to feel bad for you, but you're outside my Monkeysphere in an order of magnitude that places you 2038 Monkeyspheres away from my concern and Holy Fuck, I cannot stand Dot Indians so I don't know what to tell you.

Can't you just get a job?

the key is becoming excellent at a skill. You say your a graphics designer? Well if that's the skill your going to choose to provide an income for yourself you need to become excellent at it and that usually takes years of commitment and hard work. Generally becoming excellent at a skill to the point of making money takes around 4-5 years of full time commitment(30-40 hours a week). You'll know you've made it when you've got job offers coming without looking for them because of your quality of work.

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The only advice I can give you is to either fight back, or leave as soon as possible. When I say "leave," I mean the state or province you're in. Get away to a place where nobody knows you, and start over from scratch. Best friend lost literally everything he owned in Hurricane Sandy, a month after his mother shot herself and two months before his brother died of a sudden aneurysm (brother was only 23, too). His dad died when he was elementary school. He had literally nothing and nobody at the tender age of 26. He was homeless for six months straight, living out of a tent. He had just enough money to buy a ticket to Arizona, and to buy a tent.
The point is this: if that poor, unfortunate friend of mine can make it without killing himself (he's living indoors, found a job that pays above $10, and now owns a home back in New York, seven years after the universe took several shits right on top of his head), you can too.

Nigga you sound like a bhopal baby or some shit

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Beat up your dad and then tell him you love him

Sorry to hear life sucks in India. What most Indians who have immigrated to Canada is learn some sort of IT or engineering to be able to go to school here and get a good fuckin job. I don’t mind Indian people at all their food is fucking great and they’re chill people. But also your parents are probably very old and stuck in their toxic ways. I know you are cape-able of moving on and getting past this place in your life from the look of your post so I believe in you!

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what kind of fucking idiot doesnt hit record on his cell phone

Join a rape gang and fulfill the prophecy

Try antidepressants. It will help you think clearer, cigarettes are the poormen alternative. Then join the army, get a job that relies on strength, or just try to sell chinese junk on the streets and leave home. Spread the gospel of toilets and good luck, user.

This advice , coming from Jow Forums is surprisingly good

Join the army faggot. Only way out now.

Or the coast guard... They're pretty chill.

Become a hindu monk and start a vlog

1.Find Christian ministry in your city region
2. Meet with them, repent of Sins and get baptized in Jesus name
3. They will help you
4. Leave home, don't return
5. Find job save money, invest in Bitcoin little bit at a time and don't swing trade it, just accumulate also Chainlink
6. Find Christian Sozo inner healing videos on YouTube to get free from your generational baggage and strongholds

Praying for you in Jesus name user

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Hang in there user, the only easy day was yesterday

Kill them

I like the bitcoin part.
As for religion, it’s good for a sense of purpose and fulfillment, so do that.

this ---> you really seeking advice from Jow Forums? on Jow Forums?