Hello Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums,
I'm generally an /x/ lurker and /b/tard but recently I discovered the wonder that is Murdoch Murdoch. I considered myself redpilled before but I've been exposed to red pills that I didn't even know existed. Anyone have any suggestions on where to go next in this vein?

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You're here forever.

Welcome to Jow Forums. No matter if you leave you’ll be back. Listen to Xurios on Spotify for based music and hit the weights. Lift heavy. The ironpill is the sequel to the redpill.

>I'm generally an /x/ lurker and /b/tard
Sounds like you'll fit right on in with nu/pol/. Just start screaming about pedophilles and baseless conspiracy shit without posting any substantive proof.

.t assmad Epstein pedo supporter

Murdoch you blue pilled weebo faggot, stop shilling and take out more lampshades.

I can't say you're inaccurate in your aspersions, but I'd like to grow. I look at the world through this new lens and it sickens me, I could accept degeneracy as I was myself a degenerate and the world meant nothing and now I hate watching my people slide into shit.

>going from another persons idea to another persons idea
It's time to look with in yourself and find your principles. What I mean by that is what do you stand by and question if these principles are based in logic. Also question your own set beliefs and thoughts and think if they truly are well thought out or if they are just confrimation bias.

The true redpill once you've taken all of this shit is to keep yourself in check mentally. I know my flaws and constantly challenge my beliefs. Once you know what your flaws truly are, then you can adjust and be the best person and thinker you can be.

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if u go to ur not redpilled. stay out of that godless place

Read more man. Discover the world they hide from you. Those 'old, dead white men' they erase from our current curriculums are the key to finding a worthy anchor to hold onto in this dissolute life. Read, and try to understand, some of the classics (Plato, Seneca) and go onto German Idealism from there. Supplement this with other topics as well, a wide breadth is important. Read Communist Manifesto, even if you detest the author.

When you have something you can hold on to and believe in you will begin to find a certain solitude.

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Leave your degenerate /b/, and tail chasing /x/ ways behind. Learn to spot /ptg/ and Israeli hasbara patterns and campaigns against /ourguys/ and ideas. Look to the facist leaders of the past to erase the myth of the 20th century.

Wow. That was a good Jow Forums intro. Well done user.

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Here's my guide to MM:

Ironically, murdochmurdoch.net has a gazillion free e-books that go further. Hope you like reading! murdochmurdoch.net/various

What are you most curious about? Race realism? Jews? Jews is a big subject, but basically, here's what broke the ice for me. A white nationalist might as well have put the words into Barbara Spectre's mouth! It's 3 mins, the intro is just to let you know it wasn't chosen out-of-context.


If you doubt that it's whole, there are several copies of that clip on YT.

If you want to know /why/ Jews are like that, a) they're nervous + neurotic, with some reason to be. They fear being shoah'd, pogrom'd. Another is that smart people are idealistic, they truly believe in Tikkun Olam, equality writ large, safety from nature (but, they don't practice it in Israel, only in /your/ country, goy). The other explanation is just that all races are in conflict (the Hitler pill), if you're not the dominant race, they want to mix you down, destroy your unity, and dominate you, like every other race(*) - only, Jews, being smarter and less ethical /towards outsiders/, are better at it.

youtube.com/watch?v=-wjMmeNS9wA&t=2m53s -- that's 2 minutes, 53 seconds in.

(*) eg, the Hispanic advocacy group, 'La Raza' - they want more of their kind in, only, Hispanics are dumber, poorer and less intensely focused. Jews have the tendency to fight to climb to the top of every organization they're in. They're not a people who 'just want to be left alone' to do their thing.

What I've found ultimately convincing, is when you learn to recognize Jewish names. Then, any time a 'white' criticizes whites /as white/, or wants to break them down, you'll look at the name, and see it's a Jew. Not curated here on Jow Forums, but when you see it on your own, IRL.

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Also ignore memeflags. Thry only post behind the flags to shill and derail threads. Especially Black lives matter posters and democrat posters.

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Forgot the image

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Watch metamorphosis, become a nice guy national socialist, improve yourself, and then make white babies.


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You're generally another MM faggot shilling for this shitty cartoon. I suggest you fuck right off

I misspelled fascist. Thanks man

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Give up porno and masturbation first.

I second this lift and read lift and read

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Read mein kampf and prepare for what's coming

It will hurt at first.

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Europa the last battle. This one is must.

>pedostein damage control
Why are you suicidal?

This board is being overrun by JIDF, Discord trannies, shareblue, and summerfags right now. Don't get discouraged by them. MM is our main contributor to the propaganda department.
If you want more redpills then I would suggest starting with:


The Culture of Critique
Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America

Dr. William Pierce
Goerge Lincoln Rockwell
Kai Murros

Kys.You're not going to do anything about it

yes actually...
check out my series the endless zionist wars saga...
its a music collection of anti zionist music vidoes
if youtube didnt shoa these theyd be alot more popular



> Anonymous (ID: CBEzQFG4) 07/08/19(Mon)00:08:38 No.218775699▶
Since people like direct pep talks better than comments, here's what you need to do:


Read mein Kampf, watch speeches by George Lincoln Rockwell, read Culture of Critique, study the connection between Marxism and Capitalism and how both are toxic to the white man, and get fit to attract a mate/fight in the race war.

The best thing you can do is find people in your area who think similarly to you, but make sure to be careful about it.


Jow Forums themselves never got past the first redpill tier.

Let me explain, you have found the truth now unlike half of Jow Forums do not just simply look into Fascist literature but instead read all of the Wests greatest philosophers, writers, psychologists, militarists, religions, occult, and in in appreciate in general all great art. Become cultured, find the truth as One realises there is so much more than the right - and the classical... Then one realises there is so much more to the right - and the classical. Of course it does not always work in such equally valued and distributed manner among the many faculties of the psyche yet it occurs on the subconscious level to the very least. Such is the way with the modern Fascists obsession with postmodernism - he shall come to see what infinite depth not regress the classical has such as the likes of Wagner - he appreciates Wagner without understanding him and so is no appreciation at all.

I find it best to treat knowledge and its possessors as ends in themselves over a means to an end - something in which is encouragable while reading within chronological order.

Ideological reading. *
Books I find integral to my own beliefs and values that cannot stand the time of reading the entirety of Western canon. As example:
>The Bible of
>Mein Kampf
>Bell Curve
>March of the Titans
>Bhagavad Gita

Classic reading. *
Books of such immense effect and importance they transcend the necessity of chronological read. As well as the occasional book one finds along the way. As example:
>The Prince
>The Iliad and the Odyssey
>Plato's republic
>Leviathan by Hobbes
>said occasional book

Chronological reading.
The entirety of Western canon and more. One starts at the Greeks and may work their way back or forward this list remains the underlying ribbon of the entirety of a mans reading.

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good book suggestions

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holy shit, I thought I was the only one. I guess old Jow Forums gets drowned out by the endless wave of retardation.


it's all so tiresome..

I’m convinced Murdoch Murdoch is created by Jews in an attempt to get whites and Jews to work together against the third world hoards. In the newest episode Murdoch says that Jews just want there own ethnostate and to secure the future for “lampshade children”

You aren't the only one. This place has gone to shit.

Pretty gay take bro

Have you watched the newest episode?