Southern Hate Thread


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Fuck you too bud.

If the soldiers that fought for the North could see the world today, they'd have all fought for the South.
Betting Lincoln wouldn't have ever given the emancipation proclamation.

>unironically fighting to keep niggers in your country and have a debt based currency

The south will never rise again.

>If the soldiers that fought for the North could see the world today, they'd have all fought for the South
Nigger if anyone pre-WWI were alive today they'd want to burn America to the ground and start over

Some fun facts about Lincoln and the north vs the south

Lincoln was not an abolitionist, as far as anti-slavery went, he was a moderate, he didn't go far to ensure integration, and in fact at one point said “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races”

In the north, and eventually in the south, many slaves ended up worse off because rather than their owners providing room and board, they now had to work for barely-livable wages, many of them were in no better position than before.

The civil war proved through bloodshed that the federal government has ultimate power over states, effectively states' rights only mean anything if the federal government doesn't care about the particular issue. (To see how this has effected us in modern times, an easy example is when California legalized marijuana and for a good while there were still federal agents arresting individuals and closing businesses for actions that the state declared legal)

Secession is not a right of any state. Likely secession of any state will only happen if the majority of the union decides the country would be better without that state, which is extremely unlikely. An actual secession scenario seems to only be possible if the federal government collapses, or the state(s) are prepared to go to war.

The civil war was a large step for the US to get onto a centralized fiat banking system. How to conduct banking was a battle that was fought since before the revolution, but I think it would be very reasonable to say that greenback notes were the predecessor to current fiat.

>Be American.
>Enjoying the best quality of life.
>Never experienced life outside America.
>Sitting fat ass on Computer.
>On interner.
>Eating Tendies.
>Mad at niggers because they're in better shape.
>Be you.
Move to literally anywhere without a "debt based currency" you fucking faggot

The south will rise again!

Attached: Desu.jpg (432x540, 43K)

The south never send the military to murder the elected members of a state government if they voted to not join the war of aggression.
The 2nd US civil war is a clear case of the winners rewriting history to make their actions seem much better than they actually were.

The North should have either allowed the slaves to be counted as population for the representation offered in the congress or it should have left them as non people. The 3/5ths compromise is a clear indication of the real motivations of the Northern States, to hold onto the dominance of federal political power.

>Secession is not a right of any state.
Texas begs to differ.

american niggers are strong and tall because they were bred that way. just like a cow or a horse.

debt based currency is an issue of rights and ethics. it gives the government power to act and war without public approval. Its a tricky issue mostly because abolishing debt-based currency would weaken the country against foreign threats. It has taken over the world like a virus, it will be very difficult to get rid of. That doesn't by any means make it acceptable though.

> Texas
I hope they try it and it works out.
I doubt it will happen, it's been discussed endlessly.
If any state secedes it really needs to be california though.

Falling into the ocean isn't secession.

I hear thee user but based Sherman would have helped shoot the spics at the border.

This is now a carpetbagger and nigger hate thread

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This is now a YANKEE hate thread

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Is there anybody who seems more upset after winning a war than yanks? Southern defiance just tears you up, even today

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You fucks gotta get a life and stop watching mine. First time in months I watch the Ken Burns docu and you post this shit. Seriously. C'mon man!

No, Lincoln was a power mad tyrant.

I think you're missing an important point here user, although well written.

The Civil War justified the ever so American trend of "Bringing Freedom through force of arms." It provided moral justification for intervening in the World Wars, and the resulting power-house of the Soviet Union.

All this shit started with fucking Lincoln. Depressed fucks like him should never be given power.

Attached: Lincoln.jpg (160x185, 5K)

>The south never send the military to murder the elected members of a state government if they voted to not join the war of aggression.

Implying the North did? Can you explain? I've never heard of this.

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Based as fuck. My grandma is from Georgia but im 100% yankee fuck you southerntards.

found the jew

you niggers freed them so they could terrorize the country for 150 years

>Hating your grandmother
>Starting a war with her over a bunch of nigger

Northerners are rootless barbarians with no shame, even today.

Attached: Consider the following.jpg (677x796, 72K)

Fuck you dumb bitch you dont know the whole story. Shes a judgmental half injun bitch. Southerners are all dumb as fuck.

So you're not even white. No wonder you're so down with starting a war against your "countrymen".

Attached: Anime987.jpg (983x834, 89K)

>only 1/8th cherokee
>not white
Guarantee im whiter than you.

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Fuck those stupid hick faggots.

>Seething shitskin loves white infighting
I betting the other half of your family is jewish.

>7/8th white

Why would you "Guarantee" you're whiter than me? You're one dumb motherfucker. And you self-doxxed. Holy shit.

Attached: Kek4.png (812x806, 797K)

>Muh sherman
>Muh march to the sea
You yanks are jealous of us because we are the only part of traditional america left.

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Czech actually.
You're from the south you fuckers love mixing it up.
>you self doxxed
Fucking retard no one can identify me based on my eye alone. Even if they did it doesnt matter im not a dumb hick racist like the rest of you faggots.

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Fuck you

>greasy shitty food
>peanuts in muh coke
>banjos and meth
Kek you faggots deserved much worse.

Shouldn’t you be out robbing a liquor store, Detroit Nigger?

Post eye.

Yeah there a lot of kikes in bohemia. I guess that proves it. Some have kike half shitskin mutt loves to see white humans fight one another.

My great grandparents did come from Bohemia but im not jewish. my last name isnt jewish dummy

Alright, I forgive you yankee. You turned me around with that last line. And the fact that I got some idiot to self-dox by telling him he was a heartless yankee who "started a war with his grandmother over niggers" made my night.

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>K-Kek you faggots deserved much worse.
Your daughter will fuck niggers, yank.

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Thats hardly self doxxing you tard.

>attorney general is jewish
>secretary of war is jewish
>secretary of state is jewish
>there is only 1 jewish military cemetery in the world thats outside of israel and thats the cemetery for jewish confederates
>50% of the deep south turned black
if southeners had a tripple digit IQ they would have stayed in the union instead of rebelling for their jewish masters

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Most black people live in the south lmao nice cope southerntard.

Yanks freed them, snow nigger.

>Deep South is the only part of the South

You are the keep that keeps on giving friend.

Attached: High IQ.jpg (692x610, 94K)

Niggers and Northerners deserve to be exterminated to the last man, woman, and faggot pronoun

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Black people were gonna be free no matter what. We shouldve let them murder their masters.
Suck a dick

Lol your statues are getting torn down.

Have you ever played fallout as a low int character? Everyone just laughs at the insane sounds you make, because it's obvious you have no idea what the adults are saying?

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That faggot has nothing on my great great uncle.

Robert Toombs, the unreconstructed rebel and Roddy Piper's great grandfather. Fuck yankee nigger lovers.

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I bet you have a rainbow flag tattoo.
Day of the klan is coming.

I dont play video games
I have 0 tattoos. And the klan hasnt been a thing in awhile, stop living in the past.

In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned 3,953,760 slaves.

That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves.

While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it MUCH higher.

There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.

40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So around 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

Thus, at a minimum, 26% of all slave owners were jews, despite being just a minuscule 0.7% of the population. The actual percentage was likely much higher.

Attached: slave owners.jpg (607x223, 55K)

You have a tramp stamp.

Reminder: Despite what is portrayed via jew controlled media, Billy Bob le evil white male on his 10 acre dirt farm did not own slaves. Slaves were *extremely expensive* along with other factors (white Christians typically being opposed to slavery etc).

Who bought slaves and had them imported to the US? The mega plantations. Who owned and ran the mega plantations? Pic related.

Attached: (((cotton trade))).jpg (1275x1648, 467K)

Fuck you user, I'm posting a bird

After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax ( ), the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.

90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.

The bible on the subject:

Attached: slave trade examples.jpg (602x437, 104K)

Oy vey. Delet this.

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Don't forget that the CSA secretary of state was a jew.

Attached: 800px-Judah_P_Benjamin_crop.jpg (800x993, 169K)

fuck off Yankee kike worshipper

Attached: we thought slavers white.png (1123x1122, 930K)

Confederates are traitors. Their flag should be banned and the statues all torn down. Anyone who talks favorably of the Confederacy should be charged with treason.


Burn in Detroit, yank.
Come and get them.

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>come and get them

Attached: 87455B13-F50D-4373-AB53-C729C3F3523B.gif (633x758, 13K)

This is the time it really happens
THINK about what just happened a few days ago. World leaders got called back in an emergency. Putin especially I remembered the headline I was initially like whatever. BUT then I got redpilled on the Russian sub heroes and how they just recently disabled the Samson option IF this is true IF this happened this is fucking huge. Now consider the fact that at the same time, this whole huge pedophile ring is right on the brink of going down (many Jews btw coincidence though) and "allowance" of knowledge about UFOs, the shilling of some kind of alien tech, which is probably going to be some large scale false flag attack who the fuck knows at this point what they're planning to distract people from this, but the psyops and the battle and the total absolute shitstorm that is about to take place will be something nearing biblical, I can just sense it. The curtains are going to reveal something weird and disgusting, we are in for a ride

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Fuck you user, I'm posting a bird.

>>>> >>ting a birdASS
>>>> >>Fuck you user, I'm posting a bird.
>>>> >>Fyou user, I'm posting
>>>> >>a bird.Fuckyou user, I'm
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>>>> >>IIIIIIIIIIIRrd.on, I'm posting>> >>a bird.Fuck you user, I'm>> >>posting a bird.ting a bird.Fu>> >>ck you user, I'm pos>> >>ting a bird.>> >>Fuck you user, I'm posting a birANONS BIRD POSTINGd.
>>>> >>Fuck you user, I'm posting>> >>a bird.FuF>>Fuck you an,
>>>> >>I'm posting a bird.Fu>> >>ck you user, I'm pos
>>>>>ting a bird.
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>>>> >>ck you user, I'm pos
>>>> >>ting a bird. >> >>Fuck you user, I'm posting a bird.>> >the jews are back in townthe jews are back in tOOOOOOOOWNjewareT((OWNSbacINthe
>> >jews are bathejews are >bathe town in town inBIRDare jews back the in jews are back
>> >JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJback in townjews are >back in JEwtown in town inBIRDare jews back
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>> > baaaaTHEJWE the jews are back in townthe jews are back intowntheJJJ town inBIRDare jews JJJJb
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>> >JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJback in townjewsare>back in JEwtown in town inBIRDare jews back
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Fuck you user, I’m posting a bird.

retard my family came to america in the 1870s.

Attached: 1558315522547.jpg (600x600, 78K)

>Be me
>Work a $70K base plus salary job in Ohio
>Move to Chicago with the company
>They offer me a director's position that also requires relocation again
>I joke that they better send me somewhere warm, because Chicago sucks
>The job is on the panhandle of Florida
>Holy shit, I live in the south now
>Holy shit, the north really did suck
>Not too many people kiked down here
>People smarter than I anticipated, due to northern bias
>Most profitable region in company
>Cost of living is actually lower
>Take home pay is highest in company for this region
>Southerners are great
>Fuck the north

fake, copy pasted from a previous post. Same pattern of G's

Ok? and?

Attached: download (3).jpg (225x225, 9K)

Found the bot.

none of my family lives in either the north or south we live in the west.

>>Not too many people kiked down here

Burn in Chicago then.
Mid west is nice though

>D&C Shill
>I'm from the West
In other words a CA mulatto. It all makes sense now.

intermountain west.

Attached: It's All So Tiresome.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

That explains the low IQ.

Attached: Anime98.png (436x512, 244K)

Nice camouflage.

Attached: compass_anti_south.png (285x276, 4K)

Based compass. We only need to march North to get our revenge on the Yankee Mulattos ITT.

Attached: Salute2.jpg (710x888, 101K)

Guess you missed the part where I'm on the panhandle, which is really just lower Alabama. Fuck outta here.

Fuck all the niggers and towelheads down in Marseille and Lyon.

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Tfw your entire economy is based on an unstable model of unskilled slave labor and export of raw resources dependent of market prices. You deserved to burn

>gets raped by stonewall jackson time and time again until he ((accidentally)) gets shot by friendlies