Hey Jow Forums im white?

Hey Jow Forums im white?
im the guy in the middle

Attached: yo.jpg (640x640, 36K)

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Yes, Chileans are white.

but then again im only 90% white so i dont get to tell

>muh blonde hair
>muh blue eyes
cope harder maorinigger

Never said I was Aryan, but then again you can barely speak English.

And this assault is just you coping fatass.

indio papa capim caçando onça no mato
eu so indio
eu tiro coração
eu mato
eu soh guerreiro

Go to the gym and heil hortler

the blue trap at the right was stolen from him by the leão-haired indio at the middle so the incanon decided to revenge himself
so cringe

hey favela bro,how are the riots today by the victory of brasil

Let me fuck the chick with blue hair.

You're what I imagine Lennie from Mice and Men looks like.

its a guy

Well, as long as you have no Indio ancestry you're White.

Oh no is the blue haired person a trap? Lame.

while on the subject, I heard the match was against Peru. Is dota playable today or too much shitflinging and trolling between the countries?

No, you aren’t white. You have visible Native features.
Even I’m whiter looking than you and I’m 15 percent Native American myself. You need to just accept who you are, and be proud to be a mutt. Everyone in Fake Texas is a mutt, so be proud of it, and be proud of being Chilean, your nation has accomplished impressive things despite its mutt heritage.

What why would he do that to himself? I wanted to make some mongrel babies that I wouldn't have to see.

That's not OP, that's a youtuber, OP is a faggot

If you have to ask, the answer is no.

>Even I’m whiter looking than you and I’m 15 percent Native American myself
>oh no no no no

What type of shut camera and filter are you using?
Also, I can't even determine your gender much less your race there, Pat.

He's not op, heres a video of the guy youtube.com/watch?v=a9bqdn97wO0

fuck off masisi

I have no issue with my mutt ancestry you pedantic mapuche rape baby.
I accept the fact that I’m a mutt, albeit 85 percent European, so I benefit from passing.
You however fail to do so, and because of that have created this autistic false sense of entitlement to a title which you have none of.
You aren’t white, pointing this out, doesn’t make me a kike, or an anti-white or whatever other autistic term you’d like to toss out.
Face the facts, you’re a mutt, clear as day, you wouldn’t even pass for Spanish, you have clear Native features.
Im sorry user, but get your shit together and face the facts.


To add to the confirmation along with the muttanons, as a 100% white person, no way. The female either. The other might pass though Id suspect he isnt either. White Supremacy politics is not your game but you can help us by remaining in your own shitholes and reproducing with your own kind and only minimally. Good luck with those LARPs, me or one of my people will be there to pull your pants down to show your small brown peepee when needed

about as white as my shits

why i want to look like a fucking arab?

the other guy is literally brown wtf

i dont watch sportsball
i dont play dota, but normally dota players are fucking nerds anyway
maybe on cs but there are more argies than peruanos