The reason why Jow Forums hates Latinas is because they won’t date you

Latinas are extremely proud of their race and would never be caught dead with a white boy. This triggers Jow Forums into hating them. Cope with it white boy, no one is more self laughing and race traitorin as white women.

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Lol 90% of latin people are half white, dumb faggot

Already laughed at this one, faggot.

Go to bed.

>Latinas are extremely proud of their race and would never be caught dead with a white boy
Do you live in a different planet?

>latina + white man = most common interracial couple of all

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All those girls are at least half white.
Come to California and see real latinas-they age like milk, and after their first kid (usually around 15) they are absolutely ruined.

i hate them because they're loud and stupid and constantly have attitudes and multiple kids.

We don't hate them.

She looks a bit young...

i dont care about getting a date. the reason i hate them is that they dont have a legal reason for being allowed to stay in the country. they are locust who fled poverty and stole opportunities from legal citizens.

right now they will laugh saying they get to stay but im going to argue that just means they have to deal with being in america which is rapidly becoming less desirable than it was 2 decades ago

so as crime rises they will be hit more and found to be more of the criminal element. their reputation will be ruined and many wont hire them. their communities will likely end up like some black communities in pockets of the country where its just a crime riddled hell hole. having reproduced beyond their means and piled into some place for the sake of political faggotry

I'd deport Dora all over her face.

the ugly ones like us crackas. the hot ones stay with their spics.

Shut up beaner, Latinas CRAVE white cock. Go back to your country wet back.

My girlfriend is Colombian. I plan to propose to her later this year.

Latinas date White Men all the time.

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>have 20 year old spic bitch offer to fuck me if I bought her alcohol
>"Nah, I'm not into easy hoes"
>rages for two hours before blocking me
Real """""""quality""""""" women they are

Can confirm. 36m from Venice Beach. Latinas blacks asians, they alllll love 6/10 white men. Just not skinny twinks. Get over it. This is America, racemixing hasn't just been greenlit, it's highly promoted and rewarded with self aggrandizement.
Umad br*wnoid?


How hot was she?

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Good. Goblinas women age like milk.

Lol slutinas are disgusting whores who smell like shit and can't use advanced algebra. Only retarded beaners and LITERAL niggers find them appealing.

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and how is this politics ?

I swear beaners are the only people on Jow Forums who want other races to fuck their women. Its bizarre. You're litterally trying to shame anons into fucking Latina bitches.

Keep em bud. We like our Becky's and Ashley's. Even if they're beyond fu*ked.

The only thing that smells worse than a spic are their women.

Did she think she's not a prostitute if she gets paid in goods instead of cash?
I mean what, a bottle of liquor is 20 bucks? She had to ask for more then that, right?

I would date a Mediterranean woman.

Isabella Moner is gross.

I fucked two Latino chicks for fun, whatcha gonna do, guido? Take my sloppy seconds?

You really are an autistic little fuck aren't you?
You existence is proof that autists, aspies, and retards should just be put to fucking sleep.

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As a pasty white Spanish person living in Mexico I can confirm this is total BS.

Pls provide pics of said sluts to enrage OP

To Latinos a white guy is the holy grail

T. I married into a Latino family and they think I walk on water. Of three sisters my wife is the only one who married white and is the only one still married. I have a good job and we usually pay for the family to vacation with us. Latinas love white guys.

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most of the women i banged off tinder were latinas/brazilians thirsty af for white cock. They always admit how they prefer gringo blancos over favela monkeys

>tfw most "latinas" used to be male
keep fawning over paco's sausage

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provide pics or lies hehe

How long have you been married? How are you with her parents? Any advice or pointers for me, I'm looking to marry my girlfriend this year.

Estas equivocado, maricon. Matate a tu mismo

18 years. I'm an old fag. Here since 2009. Came here for the porn on b/ stayed for the politics. Its true: you'll never escape pol/

But what if I like like white girls?

That doesn't really answer my questions, was looking for general advice for getting married, since you claimed you were married to a Latina.

sorry forgot the advice, Latinas like a strong man. If you are weak, she will cheat. They like being traditional also, I always get served first at dinner for example. But keep her satisfied in bed and make good money and I promise, she will be yours for life.

stale pasta faggot

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^^ this dude is right. one sight of weakness and you lost her.

Why are latino men so prone to being trannies?

basically, be the exact opposite of an sjw
Also, Latinas are realists and will totally agree on the Jewish question. They allowed Hitler into s America for example.

The only woman I ever touched sexually was Hispanic. There was also a Colombian chick in my middle school who would give at least a blowjob to anyone who asked if they weren't completely pizza faced. Black, bean, white, nerdy, chad... she'd do them.
She actually skipped gym class to fuck one of the blackest dudes in school in the woods out back. My and my nerdy friends fucking caught them by accident. She wanted to blow us to shut us up, but we were so grossed out by the charcoal dick in her that we all unanimously declined. She then spent the rest of the school year spreading rumors about how gay we were and all of her black boyfriends kept harassing us.

Man the nostalgia. Shame the rest of my school life wasn't as amusing.

Thanks for the advice. Just curious: How many kids do you have? What do her parents think of you as a 'gringo'? My girlfriend's father always calls me 'cholito'. I plan on proposing to her later this year, I hope it goes well.

Or maybe we just want you to fail so it'll destroy your self esteem to the point that you become a trap. That way we can fuck YOU

Ever thought of that possibility?

was she ugly? lol this shit is funny

op is a massive fag because 90% of hispanic women look like this

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Isn't it just amazing how this retarded nigger can make the same thread a dozen times a day for the better part of a year and STILL get people to reply to them? It really shows how far this board has fallen.

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just one son, looks pure white thank God
My wife is light skinned.
As far as the parents, once they found out I had a good job and could provide they loved me. Funny thing is they are like niggers: the lighter the skin the better the person, in their minds. Her mom once called her sister a burnt price of toast because she has darker skin. So don't even worry, they worship whites just like every other shit skin culture. Btw, half of my awakening to race realism was from such intimate exposure to Hispanic culture and seeing that, yes, white is truly superior in every single way

Good figure butterface.
The girl I banged was other way around. I don't like very obese girls, but the face is what I'm stuck looking at throughout a relationship or during missionary, so its more important to me that the face looks good.

I'm latina and I only date white men.

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hispanic culture is not brown... millions of hispanics are white. if you group all their countires together there are more white hisapnics then US.... regular white folk srs

I have a theory about that:
>Latinos had reached the peak of male aesthetic around XIX century
>By the half of the XX century the natural path of aesthetic evolved into three separated paths
>you go for the overly macho danny trejo look
>the perfected and sophisticated guy williams style

or chop your dick off because if you are not one of the other two then you fail as a latino male.

I imagine there was a lot of coalburning at your school

Thanks, friend. I'll take your advice to heart. I'm surprised you only had 1 kid. I plan to have a lot, at least 4 or 5. She's great with kids, too.

Have a good night.

I love a flock of seagulls and that song.

>Latinas are extremely proud of their race and would never be caught dead with a white boy
LOL! i'm white (anglo) and i've fucked four of them. AND it was easy

cry more faggot

pics for proof of said latinas

funny that the pics of those chicks are all mixed with white. dumb nigger

>Us crackas
>(((Us))) crackas
You sound like a semetic nigger

i didnt take any and idc if you believe me or not. my dick knows im telling the truth lol

I dated a latina, she was incredibly intelligent, very modest, and had an amazing personality.

I don't mix my personal feelings with politics. If it isn't societal, it doesn't belong as an influencing agent. Anecdotal evidence is different than statistically validated facts. I'm not selfish enough to mix those up.

She can be a latina in Mexico, where her parents came from before they anchor-babied.

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I was under the impression that "Latinas" are born pregnant.

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lol you dont have any pics of them? i believe you man


Your niggerness shone through with that one.

Latinas prize white men just like other colored women do. I'm a dev so I softened a little nowadays, but back in high school I was in pretty good shape... the prettiest latina girls in my school all shown very strong interest towards me, even stronger than pretty good looking guys of their own race. This goes for black, hispanic, or any other nationality (although I only stick with white)... treat them good and its quite easy to get with one.

This is one of those politically incorrect facts that you can't really say in public, especially these days. And naturally in a time like now, in another display of their classical projection, these kikes race towards things that really piss them off, and claim that they are our weaknesses. Don't fall for their tricks, Jow Forumsacks.

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and 99% will turn into a goblina.

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post, divide et impera right Scholmo?

Yes, but not as much as you'd think.
Even the lunch room was self-segregating, with Pakistani sitting together, Indians sitting together, whites together, and so on.
Hispanics could sit anywhere, since the very nature of being Hispanic means being mixed race and looking like anyone depending on what their parents looked like. (Like some Jews)

White girls would politely say no to black guys while avoiding disclosing the reason as anything racist and trying to be as nice about it as possible. It actually reminded me of a lot of the times a white girl turned me down... it hurt but they were usually nice about it and never once stated the reason was because I was a disgusting foureyed creep, which was definitely the reason.

So you’re trying to make me believe that not all of the white girls were mixing it up

The fat ones yes.
One has mixed kids now. (Two different black dads too lol)

Again are you seriously trying to imply that the thinner white girls weren’t mixing out? White boys have the lowest status in HS as we all know

Every white fag that I've seen with a spic votes democrat. Pls help explain that.

their miscegenated degenerate mutts that all need to gassed.

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98/100 spic females look like this

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Not in the 90s in a red county. Things like politics and society didn't get in the way of who people wanted to fuck so much, seeing as we weren't exposed to white guilt and crimes against poc as much in middle school.
Helped that most black dudes were lankey butterfaces as well in that school. Burning lighter coals like beaners? Maybe. But I didn't even see that being done. White girls were very very picky and only went for white guys who were above my league by far. Nerdy ugly chicks chose to fuck absolutely no one.

wow but im literally a latina who worships white cock

I don’t hate them but you are right I wish they liked white men as something more than walking dollar signs

what do they mean by this? are all latinas like this?

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Found the race mixing faggot who doesn't want to feel left out
KYS you worthless pile of human shit

They love your money

This is very based and redpilled

Why would you willingly make more spics?

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And so you prove they're not pure white.

Let's say you're right, then all a Latina would need to do to get my approval is to date me. So really, by not dating me they are only hurting their own chances at US citizenship

They just like your credit score.

You are retarded


>their race

They don't have one.

Mutt isn't a race

nice little body, but the face ruins it