Drop redpills about (((porn))) here I'm trying to kick the habit and I need motivation

Drop redpills about (((porn))) here I'm trying to kick the habit and I need motivation

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Hard mode: shut off your internet for 12 months in anticipation of quitting.

the more you think about avoiding it the more you'll do it. you just need to realize how disgusting you truly are, have a shocking life event that depresses you, get a gf to fuck, or kys.

A good way to soft quit is to only masturbate using your imagination. After a few months of that you can move on to reducing hour frequency until you go full nofap. Trying to hit the brakes when you're going 120mph doesn't work. Believe me, I've tried.

Porn is good for you

As long as you disable advertisements and never let it take control of your life then you are fine. Almost every guy watches porn, does who don't are either liars or have very low sex drive.

Reducing your frequency*

Jews run porn and its not good to ruin your dopamine system by giving constant rushed of it

Read a book.

Redpill #1: There is absolutely nothing wrong with porn.

Redpill #2: The problem is you

Try DMT and hope that you hallucinate about sex.

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get a hobby. if you get a hobby you will fill your time with that hobby instead of fapping to bestiality porn all the time

basically this

There is literally no downside to quitting, apart from all the other jew-related porn subversion that I'm sure other people will post in this thread.

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I'll give this a try then

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>tried to go 1 month with no internet
>mfw after 1 week
It was a redpilling experience but I just had to go back. My life is fucking empty without it.

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Everytime you think about wanking, go for a run or do push up and get some dumbbells. Put that extra testosterone to good use. Jerking off will make you fat and lazy.

Think about vagina and get some muscles to get that vagina. Jerking off is a placebo. Gay ass nigga

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You and me both bud


have you considered going outside or reading a book

>going outside
and doing what? besides the gym, hiking, what else can a young single male with no friends do

just go on instagram girls nextdoor posts like whooors

Buy cigarettes.
Take cold showers.
Stop with all entertainment or passive activity.
Do 16+ hour fasting regularly.
Take vitamin supplements.
Buy a notebook and write in it in your freetime.
Do 20min meditation sessions every day.
Confront the fundamental solitude of your Self.
Realize you are always in the present moment. Try to keep that in mind all the time.
You will have many epiphanies and flashbacks. Write them down in the notebook. Also dreams if you are able to remember them.
Also sleep well.
Take walks.
If you arent doing physical exercise regularly, stop taking in carbohidrates.
View each action you take as either following your higher self or not.
Confront everything you are avoiding.
Feel rage and contempt. Be as honest as possible with yourself

"The age of the most contemptible human being is coming; that which cannot feel contempt for himself anymore"

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Books are cheaper in digital form and the streets are unsafe.

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ingun ingun number nines

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i typically go to the local pub and read, and used to go for frequent bike rides before my bike broke

you can also do non-internet stuff on your pc if you want, play with software, watch tv/movies, etc. for example i dick around with Hammer out of Source SDK a lot. not to release anything, but just because it's like playing with digital legos almost

not only are you a massive girly la-la man, but e-ink tablets exist for reading not at home and sorry you live in a fucking third world hellhole lol
>be american
>get shot

>books aren't cheap as fuck
shop used and get a fucking job, if you can't afford 2.99 for a book from the salvation army or a dedicated used book store you are a genuine poorfag and won't survive when the day of the rope comes

Good stuff more like this please

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>that bottom right quadrant

the girls in porn .... they're girls like her

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>that pic
cringed hard

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That’s really sweet of her.

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the items on the girl's shopping wishlist

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How much porn do you watch? I can’t see looking at it for any other reason than jerking off. Like 15 min a day tops. Five times a week or so.

I have 3 children, student loans on a PhD, and transplant meds to buy. Go fuck yourself and worry about something you can actually control.

>unironically suggesting I purchase an Amazon product

What, AWS blanketing the entire internet isn’t enough for you? I probably already own more paper books than you’ve ever read.

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So you’re saying they’re hot and probably cannot otherwise hold a job due to mental disability?

So all porn is retard porn? Donald Trump fucks retards?

St. Thomas Aquinas says to think of particulars instead of universals.

So like when you're thinking "yeah dem titties is hot, ima fap one out", you're thinking of universals...like how a titty in the general is hot.

But if you think about how that chick is probably drugged up, doing this for money, deep down ashamed, or just caught up and lost herself in the hell that is unbridled lust, as says...i.e. think about individuals, you just might be able to hop off the dopamine highway that is leading you to fap once again to porn.

I think the biggest redpill is the fact that women hate men watching it
I've been reading lolcow a lot recently and they bitch about a lot but nothing seems to disgust them quite as much as porn addicted men.

Sounds sensible.

what kind of cringelord looks at this shit and then thinks to save it to their hard drive

why are you so O B S E S S E D

Just a guess:

It appears to be psychological warfare aimed at decimating birth rates of the target group so that target group can be replaced with morons that will do whatever the group controlling the porn and all other media want.

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blessed picture

>an Amazon product
not all e-readers are amazon products and you're the one refusing to buy paper books. sorry you're so consumed by jew cuckoldry that you can't even conceive of a non-Amazon branded reading tablet, let alone the possibility of reading things off of paper

don't be intentionally dense

he has it right. If you think about the girls you fap to, they're real people, they came from a broken home, mom divorced, poverty, high crime neighborhood, general bad circumstances ... and (((they))) took advantage of that and pushed them into this job

That’s where most stuff including Jow Forums is actually hosted. California

despite making up only 4.4% of the world's population, Americans are responsible for 60% of the porn

Yeah. After I stopped using my computer for a few weeks, I booted it up and started making Hammer maps. Works your mind, and you feel like you are accomplishing something.

So you’d rather she starved?

I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. There absolutely have to be disappointed people all around you.


but Amazon does have 95%+ of the e-book reader and the e-book market, as well as a huge Kindle-only market. Nook is officially discontinued, and Kobo barely has marketshare

it's not working, Moshe


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>i typically go to the local pub
Shills please just stop right there. We live in a nightmare where doing that and not ordering a drink or god forbid something other than that is going to make you a pariah when it shouldn't. Bad advice is bad advice,

Emotional support lizard.

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That's a man

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so either use a conventional tablet, find one of the 5% that isn't amazon-branded, or maybe READ A FUCKING (physical) BOOK YOU ILLITERATE SWINE

How is porn bad for birth rates. If it wasn’t for porn less people would be having sex. Why do you think they call it a marital aid. After being with someone 10 years you’re going to need s little porn sometimes.

Also a man

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1. why not order a beer or at least a soda or something, are you some kind of pussy?
2. i have never had this happen and typically people are friendly to me in bars and pubs, even when im reading "risky" books like ones about rifles or quebec nationalism or programming languages that arent "C# (For Unity)"

My dad became addicted to porn and neglected my mom for decades until she had enough and left him.

Here's the Easiest Way to Quit user:

Recognize that pornography is a weapon being used against you.

Once you accept that, you will begin to find it repulsive.

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>homosexuality serves constructive purpose in education + warfare

What did they mean by this

the gays fight for their buddies better i guess, or maybe they dont leave kids behind when going to war, who the fuck knows, the types of people who hold greco-roman shit up on a pedestal are usually insane and have insane thought processes

What’s not working? You’re entire argument is that she shouldn’t have that job because she’s basically a kid. The reason she’s basically a kid is because she’s mentally disabled. What would you have her do? She’s not going to get by sorting glass.

Don't come hear for starters.


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ignoring how I would not now what to do with 80% of my time, for a lot of people this isn't reasonable since we make our gibs online

Actually it does in warfare. The idea is that it’s a bonding experience. You’ll protect my ass if you can do butt stuff with me later.

Hard mode:
No drugs
No alcohol
No weed
No cigarettes
No juice or soda
No porn
No jerking off
No ejaculating semen unless you’re having sex with a woman
Have lots of water
Lift weights, workout hard

Try this out and when you start feeling serious anger, hate and rage from that extra testosterone that’s when (You) should go out and get pussy.

this is probably an abdl/ddlg-pandering thing and not her having some kind of mental disability

so how does that work out fine, yet you can't have women on the battlefield because guys will work too hard protecting the girls and get themselves killed in unsafe maneuvers for the womyns sakes

Because the guys can hold up their end. The real problem with women is that they are physically inferior. The other stuff is bs. In the moment you don’t feel shit. You think and you react but it’s not like in the movies.

>tfw too depressed to be capable of fapping

>The real problem with women is that they are physically inferior.
so are twinks, and bears are just fat people

Once you realize that porn is a weapon to demoralize, you eventually become so disgusted with it that you will easily find the motivation to stop it. Also realize that it is directly inhibiting your ability to truly connect with female friends and romantic interests. It forms very destructive and selfish behavioural patterns.

First focus on reducing frequency, and the level of degeneracy. Go from once a day with hardcore porn to once every second day with softcore or instagram, then add more time in between as you succeed, gradually remove visual stimuli, etc.

People say to exercise when you get an urge but that can be very difficult at first. Next time you have the urge, play video games instead, or engage in any other less destructive vice as a crutch. Video games, youtube, “conspiracy theories” are all excellent substitutes. Don’t lose hope if you fall off the wagon. Reward yourself with good food or something meaningful when you accomplish a short term goal.

You can do it user, don’t give up. I fucking believe in you. Break the programming, take control of your life and live up to your full potential. This is the first step.

>I'm trying to kick the habit and I need motivation
Don't be a jew pawn.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

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Hey, JIDF.

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But these days I wouldn’t be bothered by short roided up girls on the battlefield. In theory they’d make good snipers. The trick would be to give them enough roid rations and speed for the month.

Better living through chemistry.

Thanks user

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Porn itself isn't bad (if you discard the fact that most actress taking giant dongs do it under coke/epidural anesthesia), I use it to purposely lower my sex drive and not cheat on my gf.

This also, it will cause you ED (Dick don't work syndrome) at least it does in many men, try to go no porn for seven days as a first challenge, if you can't you are addicted.

Instead of porn go and try and be social or at least walk around town or whatever, do a physical activity.

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It is why all the top generals are required to be gay. You can have a wife and kids as cover but you must be gay. That’s why they got rid of Petraeus. They found out he was legit heterosexual when he was found having an affair with a woman.

>stop watching porn
>get erect every 5 minutes
>end up ejaculating while sleeping anyways because it's the natural cycle of the body
>wet dreams are the same shit as porn
>develop prostate cancer because of lack of masturbation

Why he is so high energy. Don’t fap. It destroys takes your life force

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