After US Soccer Team Wins “Women’s FIFA,” Crowd Chants “Equal Pay”

The US female soccer team won the female FIFA World Cup, beating The Netherlands in France on Sunday, something that no one in the world gives a shit about.

The crowd of dumb sluts started chanting “equal pay.”
The slutballers are claiming that they deserve the same amount of money as men for playing these games, even though virtually no one watches these games, and normal FIFA is the most popular sporting event in the world.

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>Crowd Chants “Equal Pay”
how cute.

>normal FIFA is the most popular sporting event in the world
you really believe those lies?
pro wrestling is the most popular.

They literally lost a scrimmage to a high school boys team. How much do high schoolers get paid to play soccer? Oh that's right, $0. If anything it seems like these players are OVERPAID.

Good fuck all professional sports.

Yes equal pay to these world champions who lost to a U15 boys team 5-2.

They said they were "taking it easy on them" in a later interview.

USA bringing their degeneracy to the sport once more

Pic related is their mens team kit, I'm not shitting you.

Attached: USMNT Kit.jpg (474x248, 15K)

Give them an inch, they'll clamour for miles.

>Finally, according to Forbes, the women even get paid a higher percentage of the total World Cup gross. Back in 2010, the Women were paid 9 percent of the final Women’s World Cup take, while the men only earned 7 percent of the revenue from the 2018 Men’s World Cup.
>retards being economically illiterate
shocked lads.

I sure do love slide threads!
>so sage
No faggots you made sure that's not even a thing because

That's called saving face

Parentage wise compared to profits the women make more.
Are they asking for a pay decrease?

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Surprised they dont just cut womens sports entirely. Its nothing but dykes that neither men or women care about or watch

The thing that gets me about this, and it applies in general, is them taking football for granted. Football, y'know, the game men have, the game that just exists, the game that wasn't cultivated for a hundred or more years through the deep-seated drive of men to watch and analyse competitive sport. The reason chariot racing existed is for the same reason, it's not about kicking a ball about, they don't understand. Any faganons care to comment?

imagine if any other league demanded the same wages as Premier League or La Liga

I hope they get equal pay, just kill the entire business already

They ARE overpaid. They earn more than the men do as a percentage. The difference is that the men bring in more money and so their smaller percentage of a bigger slice is still bigger than the bigger percentage of a smaller slice that the women get.

But facts and logic are anathema to women.

pay them the same and you will bankrupt the sport, if teams have to pay them the same as man even though they bring nothing to the table they will bankrupt, if in the worst case they have to low mans salary they will get a lot of guys leaving the sport and teams getting destroyed, not to say people abandoning the sport, as usual no thing a man made that woman cannot destroy with victimization, its so tiresome

I believe the world cup win pays 0, it is completely honorary.

As in what private clubs pay, well, if any of these women would play for Arsenal or Barcelona and could replace top male players there, I am sure the free market would pay hundreds of millions.

Football and other sports are about nationalist identity and competition between each of them.

indeed, football was way better when salarys were not even 1/1000 of what they make today and people really felt connected to the teams

How many of those are trannies?

A A - -
R - R -
E - - E

Women and logic are incompatible

True, but they mean a lot more than that to people. Some people watch every match like it's a world cup final. Women don't have that drive.

That is indeed what the boys said.

That used to be true.

So then we know (((who))) pays for it, they can just print more money. Problem is when those football(not soccer) players buy our food for that money, since some dumb ball faggot nigger sport surely doesn't deserves to get salary, not even men.

They payed 77,8% more 16% for woman of all proceeds of the world cup vs 9% of all proceeds for men. Shuremen make around 600 million but thats because the proceeds are that much bigger 6 billion. Woman earn 47million or something. Why is it Always equal outcome even if results are different with these crypto commie feminist scums.

samson jesus putin redpilled russian sub samson option pedophile psyops biblical jews epstein
>test post please ignore

If they would get pay parity with men, their salary would be more then all the tv rights, stadium tickets and all the rest combined.

Don't care.
I really really don't care at all.
Do you?
Give it to them.
It won't change the fact that NOBODY goes to women's soccer matches. That their international audience is a fraction of a fraction of the size of the mens. That 99% of americans couldn't name a single player. And of the 1% who could 99% of them would say Mia Hamm.

If we don't hear from you in 5 minutes, should we call the police? Take your meds.

Women piss me off ruining mens spaces but this is OK, fuck football it's for morons who would rather fill their minds with shit than face real life problems.

>Woman earn 47million or something.

Christ these gashes are earning tens of millions to kick a ball around on a field, and they're STILL complaining?


I mean soccer is pretty fucking gay so...

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Women's World Cup attendance: 21,756 per match
Men's World Cup attendance: 47,371 per match
Price of a ticket for the final of the Women's World Cup: 84 euros
Price of a ticket for the final of the Men's World Cup: 980 euros

>The crowd of dumb sluts started chanting “equal pay.”
vaginas cannot into maths.
They have to get 30,000 other roasties to show up to the 30-40 other games they play per year before they can claim that.
But nooo they just want to waltz in using all the facilities, stadiums and club infrastructure that men built without generating any interest in their game by being entertaining and demand all the rewards without doing the work to build it....typical

why are we against equal pay? who does this really hurt? who would be paying these whores the same as men?

surely virtue singleing companies like Nike will pay Megan Rapoine the same it does Ronaldo and Neymar.

>only libshits watch women's soccer
my expectations have NOT been subverted

Who fucking cares about this slide bullshit? These stupid cunts are paid millions to kick a fucking ball around. They should all be rounded up and shot.

because at the end of the day they will end up making the sport worse. Probably sport as a whole. Next thing you know the basketball team will want equal pay.

And sooner or later the league will go bankrupt because you can't pay someone $580 million dollars a year to play for crowds in the triple digits on a good day.
So they'll probably find a way to do what tennis and UFC has done and integrate the women with the men so people are more or less forced to watch the women. Kinda like preliminaries to the main event.

Womens tennis is far more watchable than football, that shit is just painful.

>women are going to inadvertently destroy niggerball

there's no much how to integrate woman here, unless they start a mixed category, but I don't see that working in any way, but look for the bright side, bankrupting professional sports is one less massive entertainment industry for the normie to ignore what's happening, and it will bring back the real sport rivalrys who always happened in the low professional areas

If the women's soccer fans want to start paying 4k a ticket each, then the women's soccer team could be earning close to the males.

caring about professional sports in the first place.

it's all about niggers and trannies now, so why not let the left and globohomo eat themselves.

thats your personal preference. but most people would disagree and thats why women sports have less attendance and lower pay.

Why don't they just play the men if they want equal pay, then they can be humiliated in the process.

because it is the last bastion wherein we as a species can celebrate greatness, effort, achievement, victory.
Everything else has been lost. Cheering for winners in any other instance is frowned upon. But in sports the best man wins. And we are still ok with that as a society.
Take that away and we will have quite literally removed every form of measurable achievement recognized and celebrated by society. There is nothing else. It's our last objective truth.

they are both shit, i'm just saying tennis is less shit.

Where do they think the money comes from? I don't get it

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did the crowd pay the same in tickets as they would have for the normal team

The best women can't even return a pro men's serve.

Just replace them with self identified women (male) and they will play better.

that's already happening in volley, I don't know how trans have not appeared in football yet, pays too little as of now to make any of them go

How full was the stadium though?

>49 shots
>3 on the frame
>equality nao

International soccer is only paid at a small rate. Some play for free. Who wouldn't play for their country for free... fucking women

There are no black women and no Native women in the soccer photo. Reminds me of the HuffPo editorial board photo full of 20something white women, a couple Asians and a quadroon.

They can chant equal pay when they offer equal opportunity.