How long until Japan reaps the benefits of multiculturalism? How long until they realize they need mutombo and muhammad to make up for the birth rates being so low?
Diversity is Japans Strength
Absolutely seething.
The Elites have been trying to push multiculturalism on Japan for the past couple of decades. The Japs wouldnt have any part of it.
So the Elites used their weather warfare weapons to create an Earthquake which created a Tsunami and Japan got Fuckishimaed.
The Elite have said that no country will be allowed to exist outside their NWO system. And that means Japan must become 'diverse'.
niggers are so fucking ugly
I dont see a black person. I see an asian woman.
Watch video fren
Watch the window user they are even uglier than mexicans they get blacked?
No. You wont believe me if I tell you but a Samurai and a Ninja shows up and the blacks run away. They then Fuck the women they saved.
Salsa per favor señore
Asian women are discovering the BBC and its beautiful
Son of a fucking bitch
not even based nippon is safe from the kikes
Thank god im visiting weebland sooner rather than later
Keep dreaming nigger. You monkeys were saying the same shit on the misc 5yrs ago. Seen 2 asian girls with niggers in Asia since then.That's including s korea,Japan, Singapore, hong kong,Taiwan and Thailand. They despise you. Get over it
only the lowest of the low go for black men, because real women know black men are garbage.
>black men are garbage.
I know a girl from Jamaica with a white husband, apparently we have a reputation of being lazy
They're gaining a foothold through Unions and publications to inject their globalism into the culture. They want to soften the public up to immigration before opening the floodgates then they have a free run at taking over the politicians, banks and major corporations.
the tsunami was done by china, underwater nuke on the fukushima coast projected to cause catastrophic damage and cover the footprint of the nuke with ocean contamination.
What’s up with Jap microscopic dicks?
if nips are jacking off to shit like this then not even japan is safe
Japan is still 98.9% Japanese.
It'll take at least another century of subversion before the Jews get us.
I think the language barrier slows them up considerably. Same with China
thats japanese?
The jews fear the samurai
look up jingoism see japan
even today there is japan for foreigners
and behind the curtain, japan for japs.
okinawa jap prolly
La luz extinguido
Where is this from?
Anytime some makes a negative comment about whites or straights just remind them diversity is our strength.
Japan will reach a tipping point where expressing a preference for other Japanese natives will be called out and labeled racist. Opposing and natural thoughts will be stifled and the immigration flood gates will be opened.
It’s already happening to Korea. Why do you think that Koop shit is becoming so popular in the west all the sudden. They are playing nice with the globalists.
don't give into their subversion japanons
Kikes truly are cancer in human form, wow.