Why is homeschooling even allowed Jow Forums?

Why is homeschooling even allowed Jow Forums?

I can't see how parents can be better teachers than those who are certified for it. Something like this is illegal where I come from primary schooling is mandatory...

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/jeff_schmidt_disciplined_minds/Jeff Schmidt - Disciplined Minds A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-battering System That Shapes Their Lives_djvu.txt

The best method is to get money and get experts to tutor your child on a particular subject, either that or private school


Since the State stopped training teachers in actual teaching, homeschooling will be no different than normal school in a decade (for public schools in negrotown is already at the point).
Then, the only difference will be that Tyrone can't rape your daughter in your living room, or at least he needs to put more effort in it and risk a bullet.

>Why is homeschooling even allowed Jow Forums?

The Christcucks.

>Something like this is illegal where I come from

Because Mexico had an anti-clerical revolution to try to drag its people kicking and screaming, into modernity. The gains of that revolution have (somewhat) been reversed, unfortunately.

This is as retarded as saying
>I'm worried my three year old isn't walking yet
People develop differently. Actually, humans are the dominant species because they develop so SLOWLY.

This doesn’t even make sense because when homeschooling you actually need to keep up with the very low expectations of public schooling ,

Your kids get tested and results are verified by a third party, homeschooling simply allows you to finish year 12 by age 10, (not a hard feet, public schooling is retarded)

I don’t even know why you think if you got permission to homeschool it wouldn’t be revoked if you fail to meet certain goals. Maybe if you live in a complete shit hole, then that seems to be the problem not home schooling.

Overall homeschooled kids do better than public school kids.
I once remembered in highschool we did a reading circle in english class. I was shocked that pretty much everybody was unable to read from a text (except for me of course).
Public school is shitty. The only good thing about it is lots of girls to talk to.

>why are parents allowed not to send their children to indoctrination camps
Gee I don't know...

>certified for it

Any idiot who crams and studies for a degree can be a teacher. It doesn't speak to their actual ability to teach or especially their character.

the fuck is unschooling??

The school system is full of Satanic faggots that want to molest kids and fuck with their heads. Homeschooling is the only salvation.

Homeschooling works fine if teacher is still certified for it.
Especially if you are Middle or Upper class if parents don't actually have teaching ability, they can still hire a teacher or tudor for you. The difference being that they know what the fuck you are being taught that way.
If parents weren't so lazy and actually helped their kids with homework, they'd see that the kids are being taught some weird shit.

Best part is, I've seen both left and right complain about this shit, because they claim its unfair to blacks as well on top of its tendency to be propaganda.

Attached: heartland-commoncore-math.png (900x371, 45K)

Why is (((public schooling))) even allowed?

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Clearly mine sucked.

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if you make state run schools mandatory then you're subjecting the state run schools to the demands and oversight of a person who might otherwise just homeschool their children.

just one or two very vocal mothers can shape an entire counties politics if their demands are specific enough.

it really depends on the area's public schools. Its true a lot of the countries public schools are dog shit, but at least the school I went to was really good. All I remember about the homeschool people that joined in highschool was that they were around the same level as us, and socially autistic as fuck

It's sad that this is the case.

>Overall homeschooled kids do better than public school kids.

Because homeschooling selects for families that care enough about their kids to invest time in them. Put those same kids in just about ANY type of schooling and they would still score better than average.

Group differences in student scores are explained by something like 60% genetics, 35% home environment, and maybe ~5% curriculum/classroom instruction.

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Being Texas educated, I didn't get a lot of holocaust propaganda.
Mostly trail of tears and hanging blacks.
As fucked as that shit was, and necessary it was for people to not ignore its happening, they were sure to remind us every year about how evil we were. Also no explanation for why racism was a thing other than "they were stupid stupid people." (An actual thing one of my teachers said. And I'm not saying old white people were smart back in the Jim Crow days by default, but is this really the only thought that goes into this history on such a serious subject? This is the standards of education I was subjected to?

Math on the left is just a method for doing mental math when you don't have paper to write numbers down. It can be easier than the method on the right when you are doing arithmetic with larger numbers.

>Group differences in student scores are explained by something like 60% genetics...
>60% genetics

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More like they had to change the system because niggers don’t have the mental capacity to just do the normal standard way

>People develop differently.
Some develop to have a shot at a successful life, some are doomed to inferiority. You should be worried, btw, if your 3 year old has trouble walking or if your eight year old has trouble reading. I was already reading children's qnd popular science books at 7. Some of my mates in kindergarten were reading Harry Potter at 6-7.

I was reading at four.
I am also friends with actual medical professionals.
You are a retard talking out your ass. Forcing a child to develop early is, if anything, harmful.

Baizuos are just salty they can't brainwash homeschooled kids with their dated propaganda.

Public school is completely worthless. Teachers are losers, most of them have never left academia. A competent parent with experience in the real world will be infinitely better at teaching a child what they need to know. I think a lot of our problems come from the fact that we have created this standardized pipeline for people to spend their lives in. Public school which is only designed to get you into college. College, the classes are only designed to prepare you for the next classes, they aren't designed to prepare you for a career. Then hopefully you get a job, where you learn that almost all of that time you spent in school was completely pointless.

Actually I think schools are more about socializing the kids and getting them to behave like civilized people.

My god an actual commie atheist pro-state enforced brainwashing scumbag. You are a disease.

She's 8 and can barely read, and can't read functionally. That's not a matter of "slow", that's beyond it. I could read Harry Potter at 4.

This is only partially correct. Children learn better when the curriculum is catered to them specifically. Being forced to learn something that you don't like or don't feel like doing at that moment prevents retention. Homeschooling is far superior for results, but far worse when it comes to resource management. For a society that wants the best outcomes for it's children as the highest goal: everyone with an IQ over 90 should be homeschooled.

Ok but now tell us about their mental health scores.

Bitch needs to teach phonics. Its easily the best way to learn to read.

Has nothing to do with homeschooling, they're just retarded. My daughter could count to 20 and knew the numbers 1-20, main colors, alphabet, and a bunch more by the time she was 15 months old. She spends 24 hours per day with her mom and I, and we read to her and teach her stuff constantly throughout the day. The baby songs are good too.

Even if some parents are idiots, it's better to allow homeschool for the parents have have a clue. If you blanket ban it then it would do more harm than good.

Neither of you have a job?

They give retards teaching degrees. My accounting professors always used to laugh at the education professors. Their class averages were like 3.8 gpa. If you should have failed, you were given a B+. I didn't have a teacher as intelligent as me until my college accounting professors.

You mustve been in school more recently than I. Most of that stuff was a gloss of names, places and dates. More of a timeline than focusing on the ramifications, good or bad. Didn't even have a "history" course in 11th grade. Seniors took world government and economics.

And mental math isn't for everyone. Even those that naturally do it that way can attest to that.

I run an online gun shop out of my house.

For 80% of the population school is just daycare, a place to put kids where they won't commit many crimes and won't bother their parents while they are at work.

For the top 20% college prep is important because the professional-managerial class needs to reproduce itself, and it is a highly disciplined class. This is the cause of the drive for socialization, inculcating the right norms and values, etc.

There's a lot of naive stuff about preparing everyone for a professional career, but ultimately anyone who takes that idea seriously is setting most working class students up for debt and failure. If we actually gave a shit about the bottom 80%, we'd be organizing for more paid apprenticeships for older teens, not forcing them to take on loan debt for degrees they won't finish in fields that aren't hiring.

This is the only thing I want to know from this thread.

The only subject I wouldn't be able to teach my child is to be a degenerate asshole with tolerance for communism.

Also Woodshop, I don't have those machines.

Pretty good stuff. High school should be what college is. Someone should be able to take 4-5 accounting classes in high school, start as a lower paid staff accountant, and learn the rest on the job. Start at like $12/hr out of hi school, instead of $22, then have 4 years of experience at earn like $25+/hr by the time you're 22, and have no debt.

I agree 100% apprenticeships would be much more valuable then college. However, some people will just have to be left out. A master trying to teach 30 apprentices at once will just turn into college again.

the fact you derided homeschooling makes me loathe you. should move to europe you unamerican aspie piece of shit

I love how both of you brainlets list harry potter as the book to begin reading with.

>Being forced to learn something that you don't like or don't feel like doing at that moment prevents retention.

Definitely, but school isn't about learning. If it was, you'd see all kinds of self-directed curricula like Montessori, Sudburry Valley Schools, Modern schools, Deweyite methods, etc.

For the proles, school exists to keep kids out of trouble. For the PMC, school is about attitudes and beliefs, not technical knowledge. See

Schooling was 96-08.
They started us on KKK and lynching shit in the 2nd grade.

Ok, mine was '85-'97. First 5 was private and home before going public.

Home schooling parent here, don't know about over on your side of the pond but here the process of unschooling is the nonsense idea that for every year of school your child attended, you need to provide them with a period of time, often a month, in which you do not actively try and teach them.

The idea is basically to encourage the child to want to educate itself on the subjects it is interested in. However in effect it is just a crutch for bad or lazy home schoolers.

Most real home schoolers know this is bullshit and instead employ a sensible mix of child and parent led learning as they know building up a routine and time management skills are vital to a home schooled child.

TL:DR unschooling is bullshit for mongs and slugabeds who can't be bothered to learn/teach.

It's suicide if you don't expose them to the dangers of the world via the public schools. I wished I would have been homeschooled back in the 90s/early 2000s, but an impossibility when both of my parents worked full time and neither of them had any signifigant education, just a GED. Maybe I would have spent less time being homeschooled, rather than spending nearly seven years in high school, just to drop out with one credit to go (homelessness is a son of a bitch).

>All I remember about the homeschool people that joined in highschool was that they were around the same level as us, and socially autistic as fuck
Yep. This. I had the privleage of being the liaison to a half dozen homeschooled kids just starting high school. They were all awkward as shit.

The college racket would collapse and you'd have grovelling kike professors and administrators begging the government to bring things back into thier control. Never gonna happen.

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Cause you don't have much control of what your kid is indoctrinated into.

Homeschooling means natural progression of skills and life knowledge kept in the family if tutoring is done by parents.

Otherwise you could just hire a teacher to educate your shilldren into whatever you'd like.

Accounting will continue to require at least two year degree (if not more) and CPA exam because corporate power wants people who have proven they are willing to obey arbitrary authority and subsume their individual or class desires and conform to bureaucratic demands, especially essential positions that involve finance and require private discretion. See archive.org/stream/jeff_schmidt_disciplined_minds/Jeff Schmidt - Disciplined Minds A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-battering System That Shapes Their Lives_djvu.txt

Apprenticeships are more appropriate for skilled technical wage worker jobs, not salaried professional positions.

I don't like this class structure, but it will take a social revolution to change it. Until that happens the best we can do is prepare people for the work they are capable of doing.

*especially for

Public schools are intellectual slaughter houses. They're designed, first and foremost, to break in children to wage cuckdom. Strong punitive measures are taken against a child when they're late, not in attendance, or question authroity. Often times teachers will remind children that they're 'preparing you for a job'. That's all public school is, breaking you in to be a good wagie who doesn't question authority, shows up on time, and follows instructions. It's horrifying when you realize how eerily similar a public school's structure is to that of a low-paying work place. There's little difference.

The problem is that average intelligence has dropped massively since about 100 years ago, and because of women's suffrage, most homes don't have one parent whose sole duty is to raise the children, so homeschooling has become unfeasible. It also creates socially awkward people who don't know how to interact with others. I knew one guy who was homeschooled his whole life (a friend let him hang out with us as a favour to his parents) and he was the most annoying, cringey person I've ever met.

Women don't need to read anyway, what good ever came of women being educated?

How else are they gonna follow a recipe or read bedtime stories?

>Why is homeschooling even allowed Jow Forums?
Homeschooled kids perform better
"In 5 of 7 test areas, (word identification, phonic decoding, science, social science, humanities) structured homeschoolers were at least one grade level ahead of public schoolers.
They were almost half a year ahead in math, and slightly, but not significantly, advanced in reading comprehension."
My hatred for public school cannot be understated. Their main goal is to teach you to obey, and then brainwash you.

>Because Mexico had an anti-clerical revolution to try to drag its people kicking and screaming, into modernity.
*tips fedora*

>The best method is to get money and get experts to tutor your child
Marcus Aurelius said the same thing in Meditations.

Attached: marcus aurelius Meditations.jpg (310x499, 53K)

imagine unironically sending your child in a day prison so he can get all the latest tranny demon propaganda shoved down his throat

>Something like this is illegal where I come from primary schooling is mandatory...
the USA is a free and successful country
Mexico is...Mexico.

Makes you think.

Oh so it's just some retarded way of saying summer vacation (holiday for you biscuit dippers)

Kind of, but it's presented as more of a de programming method. So for example if a child is 12 it would recommend 8 months of doing nothing, which is pants on head retarded. Summer holidays here are only 6 weeks or so. Although as a home schooler we don't have summer holidays we do 2 weeks family vacation twice a year and a week of no study for Christmas.

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