Based Tanned Swedes make native Swede deepthroat gun & Fort Nite Dance
Just as it should be. Swedes were always slaves in past history.
holy shit...
imagine this was your son.
what would you do?
i probably shouldn't answer this myself.
Why not choose death over humiliation? This is how you deal with pussies who want to break you before killing you. You man up and look em in the eyes cool as ice. But dagestanis are more ballsy than swedes I guess
>what would you do?
Beat him until he becomes a man and then let him go and fix it
hit em with this
or you could hit em with this
fuck wh*te "people"
bunch of low T cucks
after all these years I cannot feel a drop of sympathy for Sweden. not a single ounce.
they ask for this as well. the majority of Swedish flags on pol are globo-homo faggots who want this to happen
for some reason I can't even feel indignated when its sweden, they choose this, if this lad thinks that's bad, which I doubt, he will join a movement or do something, if he doesn't he can't complain later, enough of patting the backs of weak man who let other's humiliate them
Slavs and their eternal slaves are already dead on the inside, that's cheating
Doubling on that
We need to nuke Sw*den into oblivion.
It's not their faults. Ever heard of Barbara Spectre? It's a coordinated effort to weaken the west by striking the weakest points of Western liberal democracies. Swedes will turn on the government eventually when the welfare money is gone, the economy is in ruin, and the migrants succumb to their nature.
barbara is some obscure kike bitch nobody but Jow Forums knows about.
Nope. The demographics will shift so significantly by that time that the native Swedes will be outnumbered and outvoted. It'll end up the same as South Africa.
>forced to do a fortnite dance at gun point by fugees
Why doesnt pewdiepie talk about this?
He could make all 9-year-old around the globe make aware of the persisting problems in our society
Today is officially the low point. Things will turn around and the national socialist revolution will soon take off. Check em.
5 days old, 13k views probably half non-swedish.
How can it be this isnt viral?
How are they surpressing this?
Sweden is a female-supremacist country so the feminist Swedes being conquered by superior tribes is justice from nature.
What a faggot.
give him a gun
makes me feel not so bad for all the terrorists my uncle killed in somalia and afganistan.
I know I should be angry but the fortnite dance cracked me up. Sorry Sweden.
They aren't.
People just don't care until something happens to them.
none of that shit is going to matter
>Not embracing death to finally be able to relax
It's like he's not even swedish at all, since he lacks the dead inside autism.
Swedes are weak and pathetic people. The boy is probably a future SD voter. How can someone sympathize with these lemmings? Is it not just when these people are punished for their stupidity?
Where in the country is this by the way?
I have a hard time figuring the dialect out.
If it's up north or rural south his father should just gather some hunting buddies and sort it out.
This is absolutely disgusting. Any Swede got some source from a news site on this incident? What doe sweden do about this? Some fat Dutch guy got beaten up by like 15 migrant kids and it was all over the news and even in politics here. So why isn't it like that in Sweden?
Video related
>So why isn't it like that in Sweden?
The regime censor everything, I did not know this had happened until this thread.
Like being outnumbered has ever mattered in the past nigger
As a Swede I honestly browse Jow Forums for accurate news, sweden either dosn't report on things or it's completley fabricated.
Gotta be between lindköping and stockholm considering the nature
I'm glad sandniggers are nonexistent here.
I would treat those monkeys the way they should be treated. Rabid animals need to be put down.
He is too afraid for his YouTube (((money)))
Yep. All the tough Swedes became Vikings and left for the West and New World. All that were left is the modern Swede
>somalia and afganistan
I'd feel much worse about a cat dying than a muslim of any kind, more of killing a cockroach kinda deal
So sorry to hear about your uncle dying in Australia and Uganda
>Where in the country is this by the way?
How is this relevant at this point?
Tough guy a real scary tough guy I am shaking in my boots just after reading your post
Give the guy a break at least he's trying to defend his Nation from being defamed by you assholes
What's with the hostility
Everything that will be used in a race war to exterminate them.
You are funny so so so so funny
I don't give a fuck about swedes. This fag aint gonna do shit to get back at them.
why don't you rally on the darknet?
How did a cockroach get internet access, has science gone too far
Not a real article. Do you really get your political opinion from memes.
>defend his Nation
What if I tell you that there is no nation used to be Sweden?
This was my favorite TV show still is never liked the ending though
>Jow Forums
>accurate news
A journalist just flew over my house
Send this to Tim Pool or someone who may bring more attention to it.
Why are you so violent with your words?
That's not how you construct a sentence or a question but I think what you were trying to say is there was no Nation to defend in the beginning which is wrong because Sweden give us a lot of great things like rape peanut butter and jelly Ikea meatballs and rape
>I don't give a fuck about swedes
You literally should, cause you have no border, not even wall, what goes around in Sweden - comes to you
Wasn't a joke you stupid fucking sand-nigger
Please stop feeding the Tiger at the zoo
I was told the infidels were to be treated like pests by Muhammad (pbuh)
iit: cuck countries call other cuck country a cuck
Name one Point in history. Post Sauce too plis.
Also. What would you do when getting jumped by dozens armed with guns in the middle of the forest with no one around?
lol. Look at this dood. American mindset in action. There are 99999999 billion quadro shitskinoid in your country killing whites at daily basis and thinking sending something like this to already shit country will do anything is pure fucking insanity.
Sending dick pic would be more benefical.
Kamala Harris is about to be the president of the United States and America is fucked because she's black she's female and she's black motherfuker that's a triple time bomb you will never ever get rid of her stigma that she is going to create if she gets into the ovule office and she's a Democrat so America is fucked beyond all recognition
Isn't there a pile of dead hajjis you should be lying in
Wow now that's a bad word
I would sign up for minecraft.
Then you've never read Swedish news, they honestly take the side of a murderer or a terroist and ignores the victims, they will at most write abouit a terroist getting mistreated in jail, but the "mistreat" is actually they wanted an xbox instead of ps4
Probably shoot back because he's government allows him to defend himself
Pic related is the median Swedish male. Don't you just want to rape his tight ass?
And you automatically assume I am Muslim because of my flag? Don't assume just ask and I'll give it to you point black straight
You are a severely demented person
>What would you do when getting jumped by dozens armed with guns in the middle of the forest with no one around?
Why are you alone in the forest? Why are you unarmed? Where is your lads?
No not really to be honest with you
Dead arab kids make me laugh because they're not human
are you a pedo loving muslim?
Anyone got webm since original video för deleted?
Believe it or not my friend there are different degrees of hell in this country.
I don't live near a big city and the men around here have basically formed an unofficial huntsman militia.
Protecting eachother, fending off polish thieves, gypsies and british pavers, illegal berrypickers etc.
I asked where it was because I wondered if it would be in any area where something like this could possibly exist, or it was near a big city where things like these certainly do not exist.
You are seriously terrible individual what is wrong with you?
Your faith isn't as important as your wrong colour skin desu
>Don't you just want to rape his tight ass?
No, thank you
Try without me this time
Same, even as a father I do not feel anything for niggers or arab kids, toddlers on the other way they should never be harmed no matter the race.
>This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service.
Ahaha, Youtube is already covering up the evidence. Hope you all saved this video.
What the hell is wrong with you? Absolutely not I despise pedophiles and I critique Muslims quite often don't assume just ask
This post is so stupid it dosent even deserve a response.. Have a response anyway.
You're a faggot if you wouldn't hit this.
So you're saying toddlers should never be harmed despite whatever race they are but you are saying you are the same as the person who has stated that he enjoys the sight of dead Arabic children do you see the contradiction or is it just me?
Video removed
>image with no source
Fake news to make immigrants look bad. No video gets removed this fast.
Big tech is the enforcer of globohomo, shouldnt surprise anyone at this point
Well that's a nice thing to say to a complete stranger
Rehost please i havent seen it yet
Your a faggot for hitting that user. Unless you mean hitting it with a cement milkshake or acid .
Holy shit I finally have a proper country flag as a Finn without wpn. Perkele
Pls send webm of OP's video
White Northern Europeans are pathologically averse to inter-personal conflict, so much so you could take a shit on them and they’d stand there and do nothing. The future of Western Civilisation lies with Southern and Eastern Europe those with “hot-blood” and not the “cold-blooded” reptilians of North and North-Western Europe.
I will not click on it because I believe it carries the same gay air that the original whoopee cushion that you posted