Mfw I've recently overdosed on redpills

>mfw I've recently overdosed on redpills
>mfw my family starts complaining about me constantly ranting about Jews and degeneracy

I've got to leave this place at least for a month. Or a week at the very least. I just don't want to think about politics all the time. Everything looks just fucking grim and sometimes this place makes me perceive the world to be a much worse place than it truly is.

How do I leave this fucking shithole at least for some time? How do you do it? I want to stop thinking about the whole ruination and the degeneracy and all of that. I fucking hate this place.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop taking pol seriously you weirdo

Your family is weak. Make a falseflag, get some nigger to suckerpunch someone related then redpill them about crime statistics.


You’ll never leave. You just accept it or find God. You’ll never forget it and everything will trigger you into coming back, a breath of fresh air and truth. It is a shelter, a cruel one, but its home

Come to Israel for a while and take the zionist pill

It is disgusting user but the next step should be self improvement.
Rise above the untermensch of society.
That is how you win people over, by making them want to be you.

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>not hiding your power level until you can redpill safely
scrub, before I ever mentioned the jew I had already made my friends and family name them for me.

the trick is to enloghten yourself with the information on Jow Forums and not to sperg out about 24 hours a day seven days a week, even the spergs from AtomWaffen would struggle with the amount of shit spewing from your mouth.

See you tomorrow.

I am in the same spot as you are. I just can't play pretend anymore. I openly thot patrol my sisters and call them whores for sleeping around. My family hates me for it, but deep down they know I am right. And I openly tell them how weak and pathetic they are. Logos rising.

Кaкиe нaхyй кpacныe тaблeтки, пoeхaвший? Tы в Пoльшe блядь живёшь! ПOЛЬШA! ГOPOД КPAКOB!

I feel the same honestly.

live for eternity user, not day to day.


use something like coldturkey to block the site and have a relative put a password they will remember (if they forget it even better)

You’ll be fine...but you’ll never leave.

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I have redpilled my family on most things that are being talked about here, but they're still boomers and they want to take it easy for the most part, so even when they get where I'm coming from, they just say to me 'okay, user, we get it, relax, just stop being angry all the time'. It's fucking difficult though.
Pretty much the same thing here, I'm just indignant at pretty much everything around me and I can't hide my power level anymore. It's all so tiresome. I just notice everything and it's just sickening.
That's the final redpill I feel.

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Pick up an RPG. I spent like 2 months hardly coming to Jow Forums at all because I was spending my free time playing Red Dead Redemption 2

>How do I leave this fucking shithole at least for some time?
You're here forever. Enjoy your stay

Like based Tarrant?

Pick up a hobby nigger, focus on improving yourself, see friends, even normies just to take your mind off of the stuff you read on Jow Forums and don’t forget that this place is festering cesspool of anger and despair.

Underrated leaf


I'm alarmed at how many leaves have been making based posts recently. What is happening in your country?

Trips of truth

Talk about other things, and make sure you're successful in your career.

>sometimes this place makes me perceive the world to be a much worse place than it truly is.
I thought so too.
then I found out that, interacting with normies is a pill far worse than anything povl could ever dish out
seeing it first-hand is so much worse. I guess that's why npcs don't have eyes

Kek, that's honestly not a bad idea. I feel I will have to desist from visiting this shithole out of my own volition without anybody's assistance though just to preserve my sanity and make some real progress. I am bound to come back here after a while, but I'm just sick and tired of keeping track of every single sick thing happening in the world at large at the moment. I need a fucking break.

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Why does the Jew frame the white man?



What a surprise.

Nigger, don't reveal your power level infront of normies

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Listen Jow Forumslack bro, here's what you need to know: the world is ending. You're in the last days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Take it easy and don't expect everyone around you who have overdosed on bluepills themselves to take you seriously. You basically look like a sperg or, more aptly, a madman to them. You're operating on an entirely different plane than them. Give them little teaspoons of reality every now-and-then, but don't go apeshit either.
For now, focus on yourself. Self-improve, eat healthy, set an example. That will say far more than any ranting about the Jews ever will. And then, when D-Day comes, when the economy collapses, and when the political systems that the kikes and their cronies have oh-so intricately built up over the centuries come crashing down, at least you will be prepared, and can help us rebuild Western civilisation.

You are here forever

The fact that our collective hivemind might eventually cause you to go bananas is enticing at the very least. Statistics are written by thoughts and emotions akin to your own

>still hating only Jews and not realizing humans are all conniving self-centered kikes who exist for their own benefit with no exceptions

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Easy to be bluepilled when you live in a fairly well-off ethnostate. That's the first step to letting your guard down.

second post best post

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>For now, focus on yourself. Self-improve, eat healthy, set an example. That will say far more than any ranting about the Jews ever will
That's what I've been doing recently, but sometimes I just can't take it anymore. But yeah, this place is fucking cancer. I love, but I hate it if you know what I mean.

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I suppose I should drop one of the few white pills.
So essentially, 3 satellites with different equipment and directions measured the temperature of the entire universe down to a millionth of a degree. Instead of it being random, the entire universe appeared to be hotter in one hemisphere. Not only that but imagine splitting the universe into even more hemispheres, like slices of an apple in every direction, up to 16. Those too showed a temperature unevenness that aligned with the two major hot and hold halves.
The best part, Earth is at the center. The temperatures align with our solar system.
Before you call schizo and shrug that part off, the scientists know. They were told not to talk about it.
Here’s an interview with the satellite team’s leader from the European Space Agency
>Why characteristics of the CMB should relate to our solar system is not understood. ... I was explicitly told not to say anything about God in this talk — which I've just violated," Efstathiou said half-jokingly.
More science now that you get the jist. What’s being measured in temperature is the CMB or cosmic microwave background, the first light of the universe from photons first leaving a superhot plasma state. It can be detected as microwaves reaching Earth from all directions. It is how we know how old the universe is. The temperatures are all very close, the difference a hundreth of a degree but it spans the whole universe. Why is that so important? The first random variations in temperature in the beginning of the universe are known as the “Seeds of Structure” of the universe responsible for everything we see today. As a spot gets colder, it gets more dense, more gravity, more stuff then galaxies. These early universe temperature changed point to us.
We are the purpose and center of the universe. We have a creator.

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NYC makes you Jewish.

Have sex

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I've already read this, it's great though, so true.

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Continued with sources
>Our existence here on Earth is profoundly interwoven with what happened at the Big Bang. As an example, the minuscule variations in the temperature of the afterglow of the Big Bang are the seeds for the structures we observe in today’s universe.
The combined statistics of these effects, which were already in the COBE data [16, 17], implies that the probability that our CMB sky was generated in a random process is only 0.005 - 0.02%, depending on the map that is being tested.

Then do what it says and stop crying about your feelings.

Bump because not even Jow Forums knows about this.
I’m thinking of sending it anonymously to all the major news organizations. I just don’t want (((them))) to kill me. They don’t world the world to know we have proof of God.

You sound like an annoying lil faggot. They should kick ur ass


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The most based of all possible posts.
Also based. Another lesson I get from Sodom and Gomorrah is that God will let Man make things well and truly horrific before stepping in Himself. If you're waiting for God to step in and fix things, you'll be waiting quite a while. Every man in Sodom was a faggot that came out to assault the Angels over Lot's virgin daughters.
The degeneracy can get unimaginably worse and has been in the past. We are not the first to face this struggle.

You just got the ultimate redpill in this thread. Atleast read this easy to understand article.

Will do, thanks. Looks interesting.

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I understand man, good luck!

If you have money visit Malta for a break, it’s a cheap and gorgeous country.

Ale strzeże mówiąc,w Polsce nie jest aż tak zle jak gdzieś indziej. Tych z PiSu i z PO trzeba się pozbyć.

>my family
Kaiser Soze

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>We live in a warmer part of the universe, therefore the universe was created for us
>We live in a warmer part of the universe because that's where life could form
This is not evidence of a creator, life forms where it can and doesn't where it can't. The fact that we evolved under suitable circumstances is just obvious.

You misunderstand completely. It’s not about life or that much difference in temperature. It’s that there is one at all. Modern cosmology says there’s no preferred direction in space, it should be the same everywhere you look. Except its not and its related to us.
We live inbetwen the “warm part” and “cold part” in every direction you look. We perfectly separate it, It’s not just up and down. Anywhere you look, if its “warm”, it will be “cold” 180 degrees in the other direction. Now this “warm” or “cold” is a hundredth a degree more or less off of the average temperature of the CMB(which is actually very cold, its space) but our technology goes to the millionth and confirmed on multiple satellites. These very small changes create the entire structure of the universe which I explained. So that’s not just temperature, that’s density of galaxies in any direction being directly correlated to us.

you're here for life faggot. get comfy.

There's more to the world than just politics user. Relax. You're not supposed to read blackpill shit all the time, go out there and do stuff ffs. You live in Poland anyway, so cherish your time enjoying it rather than living through the hell of other countries by proxy. If you're that pressed about it go check out your local right-wing party. Poland's pretty good on that front afaik.

Shut the hell up. Your father must be so disappointed that he raised a little girl. Redpill others and stack your power level up pussy

Is anime actually redpilled?
I know that lots of it is trash, but even that does NOT have the mindnumbing effect of perfidious propaganda that is the overwhelming majority of western entertainment.

Yet if you take something that is actually really well made like Evangelion or Madoka, it is actually profound. Reminiscent of the art of ages past that truly deserved to be hung up in galleries.

yes anime is implicitly redpilled

>he cares about his familys opinion


Get a job faggot

find a hobby user think about getting a dog i have 2 dobermans named Lexi and Eva who have really lit up my world

pfffff zjeb
Też bym cię wyjebał z domu jakbyś pierdolił ciągle o żydkach

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>not supposed to read/consume the blackpill all the time
>just go outside
gave me a hearty chuckle

Do not reveal power level user, especially about jews
Rsnting about trannies and tranny kids is easy though

>In Poland
>Family dislikes you ranting about Jews
They're traitors. Possibly even kikes themselves. You know what to do.

literally true user, just rotting your brain and body reading schizoposts on Jow Forums won't save the west.

I don't know, could be a distortion due to the way it was measured or there could be some other reason. The article you linked is from 2013, NBT News, is based on incomplete data, and I can't find a single source that places this even remotely close to "evidence for a creator". The quote about God from one of the scientists is from a guy called "George Efstathiou" pic related. Sorry, I don't buy it.

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cant buy groceries anymore
leaf´s gone wild

There’s nothing you can do, you know too much now. No matter what you do you’re going to see (((them))) everywhere. Deep down you know that those dirty Jewish rats are responsible for the degeneration of our society and ifs pissing you off. You feel like you must do something about (((them))) but you just don’t know what. In short, you’re here forever whether you leave or not. Enjoy your stay

Do you know da way?

Kek this is a greek astrophysicist that's being shilled everywhere lately.

We have so many amazing greek scientists in the US and this cunt had to make it big instead.

Truth be told, the dude's gotten a shitton of medals and awards.