Femanon Here

Femanon here

What gives you the right to tell me what to do with my body or who I can fuck? I don't tell you what to do.

And no I won't fucking show you my tits you incel freak.

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Other urls found in this thread:


go to your cage, wagey

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>What gives you the right to tell me what to do with my body or who I can fuck? I don't tell you what to do.
The Bible, stop being a whore and pray for forgiveness you harlot.

you're not a woman, you're bored and i know Jow Forums is an easy target, but please put an egg up your ass and beat it

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tl;dr you know the rules

Good bit of slide threads tonight, makes you think

kill yourself you closeted homosexual

Do you know what a whore is?
Do you know what happens to whores?

This and amen.

Dumb bitch.

You belong to a brapp farm.

have sex you seething incels

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This is that leaf from that other femanon thread.

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This isn't a woman

Nice bait fag

sup retards? femanon here

nice job taking OP's bait and bumping this shit thread. and fuck off I'm not posting tits.

>And no I won't fucking show you my tits
Then what use are you


>A woman
>I don't tell you what to do.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ahh great b8 m8 8/8 you got a solid chuckle from me.

>Democrat flag
The only way to achieve true gender equality is with communism! Go the extra mile and smite the white male bourgeois!

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If you didn't get with your highschool qt you will be forever doomed to sharing used women with other men for the rest of your life.

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>What gives you the right to tell me what to do with my body or who I can fuck? I don't tell you what to do.
I’m bigger than you

nice LARP you faggot

it's our God-given right, protected by the government.

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Do you really think femanon save and use this image? Or make a post like this?

t. trancel

get the fuck out of here! Jow Forums is not your domain, go back to tumblr, you whore!.

and that what I suppose to say if you were a real woman. you fucking bait


New/pol/ will reply to bump limit.

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This thread again...


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No hymen, no diamond.

There are no women on the internet. Tits or gtfo.

You're not a femanon, you're just a bored guy, but let me explain it all to you anyway:

Women are incapable of making important decisions, the second men let women a little bit off the leash, most of the world is suddenly turning to shit.

Pic is quite related, its basically a redpill on women.

Its hilarious how many 30+ roastie women with fatherless children are out there on social media platforms, crying "WHERE ARE THE REAL MEN FOR ME?!".

Guess what, dumb bitch, shouldve been thinking with your brain, and not your flappy cunt for the entirety of your whoring filled life.

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Tits or GTFO!!!

Does normal Jow Forums allow geographic location to be changed or does this so-called femanon have Jow Forums x or some other add-on installed?

You don't get to murder a child, because of convenience. Abortion is murder. full hard stop. Those that seek it, are murderers. Those that perform it are murderers. Those that champion it are also murderers.

You should keep your fucking legs closed, you whore. You should also remember that the left as well as leftist values are cancer. They will be eradicated.... Violently. . .

Fuck you leftist. Fuck your "rights." Abortion isn't a right. It isn't healthcare. It's murder.

Sorry incel my body my rules :)


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The most hilarious part of it all is that MEN are the ones leading in anti-abortion actions, while WOMEN are the ones who cant wait to suck untold numbers of babies with a vacuum and throw them to the trash bin.
Women, supposedly the most empathic, loving being on the planet just cant wait to murder babies legally.

These are indeed clown times.

There's a funny Polish anecdote about modern women and modern problems, i dunno if you heard it before:

>abortion is a moral dilemma --- on one hand, we get to butcher babies, but on the other hand, we're giving women the right to choose...

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You just replied though

Why not make the point without excluding yourself.
I get it if it's bait thread for the laughs but still..

Not an Incel. . . I just know a whore leftist when I see one.

You are absolutely a whore leftist.

Leftists in general, regardless of whatever the fuck gender they wish to identify as that given second, are the enemy. It's not so much a problem of women anymore. I believe all leftists should be culled.

Keep your hands of my wallet

Femanon here

Fuck off roastie

Leftists are 90%+ women, senpai.

>see a protest
>90% women
>watch EU parliament
>90% women
>watch american government
>90% women
>any campus
>90% women

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>And no I won't fucking show you my tits you incel freak
Show us your milkers



>femanon here

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