If whites are superior, how did they get duped into opening their countries to the world


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>forgot flag
Fucks sakes

Jews won WWII. Europeans lost.

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History moves in cycles. Things fall apart, we pick up the pieces, then rebuild.

It's not a cycle. It's not being rebuilt. The European population was 11% of the world population in 1900. Today it's less than 1%. By 2100 it will be near 0%.

>Worship of evil gods; democracy, equality and mammon
>Our brainwashing institutions have alien viruses in them, altering data flow
Yeah, it's kinda shameful your entire and expanded race fell to what came to be known as a subliminal ad.

Hijacked lawmaking by the PC crowd. De-weaponized public to make a stand and say no as they cannot enforce it with arms. Subtle takeover. The end.

It's too late for us, save yourselves. Keep them out.

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we didn't get duped into opening them, they were just opened

Adolph was mean to the Jews so we have to let them have our country.

A 200 year plan and a shit ton of banks

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Sure we were (((duped)))

being the best doesn't mean you can never be overrun by worse or the worst
kill yourself brainlet


Because whites are genuinely nice and kind people who've had their generosity deeply portrayed by the rest of the planet. We were gullible, in a word.

the female vote.

Yeah the Jews and their esoteric knowledge

It seems the various UN conventions and EU dictats that pertain to the rights of people crossing borders have hindered target nations ability to remove them.
For the sake of a post war guilt trip, written by Jews, we willingly subjugate ourselves.
The tree of life for westerners, has most certainly being poisoned.

They let women vote.

Retarded and bluepilled

this pill is too red for poltards

nice try jew. you're not fooling anyone.

For the last time, it's the kikes fault!!

>>forgot flag
>Fucks sakes

>mfw this is botched bait

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Tldr? I'm on my phone and the pictures are resized or something

Try complete lack of morality twards the goyim. Talmud and nepotism.

We will beundoneby our altruism. We tried to befair to everyone else and the envaded pillaged and stabbed us in the back for it. Jews just led their charges for them.

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Wh*tes deserve everything they get desu

OP abandoned the thread since he couldn't shitpost without his MEMEflag hahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

This just proves how pathetic all these baiters are. They're all definitely in one the same bullshit. White people pretending to not be white to troll other white people. It's so fucking stupid and tired.

western whites are pro individualism and anti tribalism which is a sign of higher intelligence but will unfortunately lead to their replacement by arabs and niggers.

>forgot flag

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Because of our empathetic nature.

we can see your id

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anybody can be tricked or sucker punched no matter their standing

user, I seriously hope you are drunk as fuck. This is really fucking pathetic and retarded, Cringe and bluepilled just sleep it off

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