Attached: nobel prize by country.jpg (960x684, 166K)
If your country isn't listed in this graph then it contributes nothing to science
Michael Myers
Sebastian Ward
Obama getting the nobel peace prize for dronestriking children exposed the nobel prize as an award for goyim serving jews.
Kevin Diaz
nonwhites ntfo
Brandon Perry
>tfw only 5 nobel prizes
Feels bad, man
Jackson Turner
A tranny got one in america for being a tranny. A black man also got one for being a president.
Nobel Prizes dont carry as much weight as they used to. I dont see the chinese scientist getting one for the gene manipulation they are doing over there.
Carson Stewart
Jonathan Barnes
This. It's kikes giving kikes awards for doing kike things.
Isaac Myers
And 2 for peace, which doesn’t really count. Everybody knows Borges got robbed though, but then again he should have just stfo and write.
Mason Rivera
>as many as switzerland
>not on the list
ya fuckin dog cunt
Caleb Hall
meh besides medicine and the ability to shitpost with someone on the other side of the planet, I fail to see how science is contributing to anything. Italy has brought more beauty to this world than USA ever will.