If your country isn't listed in this graph then it contributes nothing to science

Attached: nobel prize by country.jpg (960x684, 166K)

Obama getting the nobel peace prize for dronestriking children exposed the nobel prize as an award for goyim serving jews.

nonwhites ntfo

>tfw only 5 nobel prizes
Feels bad, man

A tranny got one in america for being a tranny. A black man also got one for being a president.
Nobel Prizes dont carry as much weight as they used to. I dont see the chinese scientist getting one for the gene manipulation they are doing over there.


This. It's kikes giving kikes awards for doing kike things.

And 2 for peace, which doesn’t really count. Everybody knows Borges got robbed though, but then again he should have just stfo and write.

>as many as switzerland
>not on the list
ya fuckin dog cunt

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meh besides medicine and the ability to shitpost with someone on the other side of the planet, I fail to see how science is contributing to anything. Italy has brought more beauty to this world than USA ever will.

Sup fools ?

now how many of them are jews?

Attached: big think.jpg (349x193, 9K)

Now how many people just got one for being a really good goy?

Well Australia isn’t there but we were instrumental in communication for the lunar landing so your reasoning is flawed. Also Nobel peace prizes are worthless

René Favaloro deserved one too desu

By capita we win. Sweden.

How many Jews does it take to win a nobel peace prize? --- 6million.

Attached: Untitled2.png (100x106, 17K)

>Mr. Arnault is married to the poet Katarina Frostenson, a member of the Swedish academy, and together they run a private cultural club, called the Forum, that has received money from the academy.
>The newspaper reported that Mr. Arnault had mistreated women at the club and at academy-owned properties in Stockholm and Paris over a 20-year period.
Never change Sweden, never change.

Australia has a shit load of wireless tech and deep advances in audiology

>we're the most loyal to jews
congrats. here's your prize.

Attached: where.jpg (360x239, 29K)

we refuse the noble peace prize since that is gay and meaningless
you should only awarded to those who make contribute to the developing of humanity and science

unironically a chart of how jewed a nation is

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Scientific experiment. Lets see how easy it is to glass OP

since jews make up 40% of US noble prize winners. i will consider it as isreali achievement



now subtract all nobel peace prize faggots like Obama

Can't shitpost without wifi

Oh okay then.

>To date, of the 13 Nobel Prizes won by Danish people, 5 have been for medicine, 3 have been for physics, 3 have been for literature, 1 has been for chemistry and one has been for peace.

Nvm we gucci.

Henry Kissinger is officially listed as a german nobel peace prize laureate.


>an award for goyim serving jews
Trump will certainly get one then