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wicked people

The atrocities of the zionists knows no bounds

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Woopty shit

>Ethiopian origin Jews

how do we donate to BLM israel?

they only treat terrorists like that

I'm pretty sure that's a dying terrorist

Bulbheads btfo

imagine actually defending niggers.

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Hi Scholmo!

Reap what you sow Jews

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That video with the chair on top of the guy is old from a few years ago. Unless it happened again literally the same way which would be pretty funny..

BRB setting up a facebook page

absolutely based
fuck niggers

Twitter is such bullshit though.

Did a nigger fuck your mom?

Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Black people are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the last century. Blacks are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and whites will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.

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So, jews are getting high from their own supply now?


Oshit Jow Forums. We should throw some gasonline on this fire by doing some cringy comment section psyops

Israeli here on vaca as art student

We're going to purge all Somali

Cry harder little bitches

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>Israeli here on vaca as art student
Classic. Can i buy some art? Would you like to tour the Empire state building.

Humans are a class system. Whites are explorers and innovators, Asians are scientists and mathematicians, and blacks are the human war breed. Strong, violent, breed like rabbits. An infestation is impossible to eliminate. Niggers are a WEAPON. The Jews have been using this weapon on the west for more than a century, I fully support using this weapon on them.
I also fully support "We wuz Heebs an sheit" Lets see how they like being replaced.

no, my son's mother


that's racist dog. are you pissed off by their cocks or something?

Shut the hell up

We own your government as well

Listen Muhammad you should know we sage all wankers with bad teeth. I'm glad your caliphate has cold weather now but I'm fairly confident instead of shitting up this board you could be in London stabbing, raping, or throwing acid into what's left of the "Anglocoughjewishmercantilism" empire you once had. Nice island BTW. Falkland sure do look great this time of year aye you fucking nigger monarchy?

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Inb4 color revolution in Israel

why do UN flags always glow so hard

Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think Sweden is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the last century.
Swedes are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make.
They are now going into a multicultural mode, and swedes will be resented because of our leading role.
But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.

Imagine the media if this happened in Europe.

Whos better globalists or zionists?

pretty wholesome desu. way less degenrate than western mainstream music. plus no race mixing
>you make it hot like there's a heater on

Wtf I'm a jew now? I suppose since everybody around me speaks Spanish I can send as many niggers as humanely possible to Israel since Germany is trying to flood Italy with niggers and the pope is clapping really loudly for niggers who can't swim to invade Italy lol. I really like destroying society with multiculturalism. It's fucking easy and awesome. Point out the differences and watch the low iq mongrels kill each other. Lol the Fbi is literally crying right now. Diversity is our strength. Somebody post the disney nigger fight quick quick quick. Somebody print the latest Fbi statistics saying white people are all terrorists and we cant have fun on the 4th of July because all of our founding fathers were white and that really hurts the morale of our Fbi department because it's full of niggers spics and pajeets..


This is the future you chose, kikes. Accept it.

The layers of irony are really thick

We should send our abbos to Israel. They can live in their Eucalyptus forests

This goes to show you that gas is the LEAST effective way to destroy a country.

Jews need to be enriched. Every Jewish girl needs an Ethiopian bf! Reform are already outbreeding themselves to obsolescence. We just need to Black it up a little.

Wasn't the original BLM facebook page also ran by a rightwing Aussie too? I remember hearing he got busted

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Make it happen.

As long as purge doesn't mean "Export to Minnesota." I'm with you.

jews once again proving they are too stupid when it comes to foresight, everything the older generation have built is falling apart because their children are being indoctrinated by their own shit.

Open borders for israel is the future but the jewish women already love the black cock, its only natural they let in all the african brothers in.

Yeah, the absolute fucking legend.

OP? How much of a nigger are you? Maybe there is some context? Maybe he had a weapon? Or maybe he was hurting someone? You do know that most of this stuff is being reported by anti-zionists because they are a majority.


> Reinaryan global take over when?

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Hi shlomo

Jews are white, we must support them.

>doesn't show nigger getting shot
>doesn't show what nigger was doing that led up to him getting shot
probably another rodney king

Checked and kek'd

they need more diversity

>Asians are scientists and mathematicians
Fuck off chink. Go read a book and see how many gooks you find

Why doesn't this make headlines worldwide like Hong Kong protests?


felt good to watch. Watching an actual KIKE-NIGGER get bashed is exhilarating.

That's exactly what it means. The only reason they are still in occupied palistine is becase the plan to deport them to white countries failed.

Not thatyou can hold kikes and liberals to any standards that they find inconvenient at the moment., but it sets a presedent. Why does not israel have to take african refugees? I thought they were supposed to be great for the economy. Is it only some of them? If so wich ones? Are those the ones we're taking in? It will never work because kikes and liberals are anti west anti white more than they are pro anything other than turning little boys into girls.

It's all so tiresome.

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donbrazzi jews are a group of jews that emigrated to ethiopia before the talmud, which means they intermarried with the local ethiopians, wich is the reason why ethiopia is orthodox christian. (that's where aksum, is btw).

also ethiopians are the missing linke between animal and man. pic related

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Suck his cock a little harder and he might throw you a sheckle you fucking cuck

ze gever tov! ani ohev! mazel tov! setting up BLM in israel is paramount, spread feminism among the women equality and diversity, any jew who objects to more immigration of ethiopian jews is a racist misogynist bigot encourage racemixed couples in ads and encourage the women to date black kangs. almost to easy

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Thank you, Dr. Spectre.

Looks like someone didnt get an invite to the island, have a you as conciliation you fat dead eyed nigger. Pic is related btw.

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lol video is from 2015

>African man murdered in brutal 'lynch mob' attack in Israel after being mistaken for Palestinian shooter

Security guard shot 2 people believed to be an active shooter, that's why the crowd throws the bench on him

This is so fucking unfair. Why the fuck can’t we murder protesters?

It's time for Israel to open their borders and let 2 million black Jews into their promised land, or they're racist anti-Semites.

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I'm all in favour of this - if only Jews would have the decency to allow whites to behave the same in their lands, maybe we could get somewhere in the march towards a lighter skinned future.


wtf I love Israel now

What did the nigger jew do?

terrorist = anybody a jew wants to murder

We must defend the 'Real' Jewish people

Only because it triggers the Jews

>black people enter someone elses country
>start rioting, burning, looting

i feel like the most important propaganda play for Jow Forums here is to weaponize the term/concept “white jews” and support any cause that harms white jews in favour of non-white jews under the guise that the latter are oppressed by the former

blame all israeli atrocities on “white judaism” and support all anti-israel causes

basically run the same playbook on them as they do to us

we can even have the blacks and their WE WUZZING on our side, we can say stuff like the original jews were black etc. and cry racism if any white jew has a problem with it

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Israel must learn to be multicultural.

Holy fucking shit those Jews are this arrogant they think they can just put niggers down after working so hard to establish this as bad for the rest of the world? I'm going to laugh so hard if they get them selves ovened over a nigger extermination.

This is actually a good idea


6 gorillion Ethiopian protestors

tribalism lads, even them

White Jewish Nationalism.

>scientists and mathematicians
k chong, asians are reverse engineers at best

then if anyone cries about “anti-semitism” we can point out that we support the oppressed non-white jews as well as the palestinian people therefore we are pro-semite

we can even take it a step further and start claiming that white jews whitewashed the holocaust and deny the suffering of black and brown jews

Afro anti semitism

>mfw niggers were that one minor villain that randomly comes in useful in the season finale

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There are no Somalis in Israel, I think you mean Ethiopians, Somalis are muslims ethiopians are christian and jews, thats how they were allowed in israel by larping as jews

Sand niggers killing other sandniggers. Nothing new


>Ethiopian Jew
>Rise up
this timeline is too much for me gonna go blow my brains out good luck anons

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The golem finally strikes back. But the jews still won't learn.


this is the fuckin move, lads

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based juden

Baby cocksuckers vs ape rapers, who will you guys bet on?

Niggas are not afraid to be reckless, but jews have actual army if things get too rough.

Niggers gonna nig and kikes get no likes.

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off-duty cop with his wife and kids were chilling while the dindus tried to dindu some 13-year old, he saw it so he went there and tried to break it up and the dindus ran and then started hurling rocks at him, got hit, so he shot at the ground to scare them and it ricocheted into one of the dindus, who has pending cases in the police and was supposed to be in custody at that time.
of course, he dindunotin and the cop is racist scum. fuck weisspeople.

>t. Rabinovich Rosenstein

Even better.