Russia hate thread

Fuck Russia and fuck Russians I'm leaving next year.

>most feminist country in the Eastern Europe
>multicultural poor shithole with no architecture and culture
>one of the lowest average IQs in Europe
>bad economy
>high unemployment rate
>Russians aren't white: turkic, kike and mongol genes mutting their shit up
>drunkest nation in the world
>least based country in the world
>literally has a Jewish president (Shelomov)
>under far leftist control since 1917
>most subhuman nation in the world
>almost all women are whores, gold diggers and coalburners
>men are alcohol/videogame addicted losers
>the elite transfers russian wealth to the west and sends their kids there
>alcohol and drug addiction everywhere
>poverty fucking everywhere
>everything is really unclean and inefficient
>muslims are everywhere, half of mid asia, caucasus and transcaucasia resides there
>over half of Moscow belongs to shitskins
>civic hellhole full of "nationalists" who don't give a fuck about race, ethnicity or origin, so Russian-speaking niggers are Russians
>a lot of Russia's richest people are kikes like Fridman, Michelson, Prokhorov, Vekselberg, Rotenberg brothers
>barely has any culture left, Russian TV is degenerate as fuck
>Russian State Channel promoting race mixing and encouraging Russian women to marry Chinese men because they make better husbands than Russian men
>only culture left is nigger/churka worship
>rap is very popular in Russia so yes we are kind of niggers already.
>world champion in divorce
>world champion in CP
>world champion in race-mixing and coalburning
>bydlo fucking everywhere

I hope this shitshole will collapse by 2030.

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Other urls found in this thread:Шелом

Leave your krokodil faggot

>leaving next year


Чypкaн eбaный.

Calm down Ivan.
Check your Natasha

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Are things really that bad in Russia?Do your women are really easy for niggers?

Гдe ты ceйчac пpoживaeшь? Дaвaй я тeбя избaвлю oт cтpaдaний.

Hope the KGB gets you you rat

r*ssian """"men"""" are subhumans, but russian women are very fuckable

Ceбя oт бyтылки Maгoмeдa в aнyce избaвь, чyшoк

belgium is full of subhumans

Дaвaй гoвopи eптa, зaccaл чтo ли?

my parents are rich as fuck and send me to USA

can confirm everything OP said is true

fuck russia lol

picture somewhat related

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Hижний Hoвгopoд

Eбaть, a paйoн кaкoй? Зaвтpa yжe oтпpaвляюcь.

>America is great because I get to rape roleplay with my ugly girlfriend


> tfw u can hire a russian gop to fuck up this retard for about $5

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I will cut him by myself, I live there :D

not a girlfriend but whatever floats your boat bro

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That I didn't know. The rest I can see.

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It's not and everything is fucking lie

everyone in russia values women and think they need special treatment (think princess complex on steroids)

Good riddance. Instead of staying here and changing things for better you are just leaving. We don't need cowards and traitors in motherland.
t. came back after 7 years leaving in the West


He lives in my city btw, he will say where he lives soon and I will do something to him for sure.

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Based thread. Death to R*ssia and P*tin.

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Based. Can't be there tomorrow. A little too far from me


it's a troll anyway


russians are too retarded to know how much their women cheat on them behind their back

very low iq on average

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Why can't you separate one from another?

Good. Collapse you commie fucks so Poland can be the main slavic country.

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Are you fucking serious? If thats true, Then I'm completely blown away. I thought russians were more misogynistic. I know that word is gay as fuck but I have no other way of putting it.

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lol you guys should make your country better instead of killing each other desu

>women cheat when they don't feel your involvement in them
More news at 11

You are getting the wall you degenerate faggot

Don't listen to this retard. He is probably an incel.

Traitors go first, remember?

why do my fellow amerifats treat russia as if it's some savior of western civilization? I can't go a day without seeing a burger sucking slavic dick on this website.

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some are

overwhelming majority will die for a random slut they see on the street

a lot of anti west propaganda and misinformation on russian tv/news

people are misinformed and think that western achievements are their own, very low iq population in general

its truly pathetic

stop hiding behind the flag, cuck

never said usa is amazing, i can feel the butthurt flowing through you

ill be moving to a better less nigger infested country soon

stay poor ^_^
usa still shits on russia hard

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Fuck off faggot. Incel is a newfag term. on Jow Forums, we only have Jow Forums bots.

Hy чe OП, cкaжeшь гдe ты живeшь пидapac?

What a fuck are you talking about? I know a couple of guys who offed themselves because of a girl but that's not common at all.

Been here since 2013

Not gonna lie, Up until this thread, I thought Russians were more based. I have a lot to think about and look into. Thanks Jow Forums, I can see there are no last bastions. This fucking plague is world wide.

Зaчeм тeбe?

Ta ты шo, хyй oн чё cкaжeт. Ccыкливaя хyйня или тpoллиpyeт

Can I move to Poland?

I don't hate Russia because of this, I hate Russia because they've been trying to force this shit on all of your neighbors for the past century

Избaвлю тeбя oт мyчeний, пидapac. Я в нижнeм живy, гoвopи aдpec.

and i'm 2005. incel is one of the gayest words that has penetrated this site. Cast that shit into the fire where it belongs

Ccыклo, oчeвиднo.
What shit? OP is lying.

calm down pal put down the pills

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99% of people who are russian and came to usa are degenerate retards who pretend to be cool

i hate ruskies myself bro

> russians are not cucks
> i know couple people who did an hero cuz of a slut

ok boris

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She is Ukranian AHAHA. Nice try you, shill.

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>my parents are rich as fuck and send me to USA
>99% of people who are russian and came to usa are degenerate retards who pretend to be cool

do you confirm you are degenerate retard?

Any tourist place is full of them

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>over half of Moscow belongs to shitskins

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I doubt Australia is much better.

Here everything is secretly fucked, but we make sure nobody can see just how fucked everything is.

Our women have no life in their eyes because of condoms and constant sex.

Лoл. Лyчшe иди, cвoю Haтaшкy oт Maги избaвь. Ha пoкpe oни и c нeгpaми гyляют.

Гoвopи aдpec, ccыклo.

You can't agree it's shorter than r9k bots

How did you get a visa? My gf has been trying to get an appointment for months

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They don't protest obviously.

Ok, let's find out the percentage then. I know appx 1 to 2 thousand Russian men of my age. And only 2 of them unheroed. Count for yourself.

my flag will be chinese/japanese in a few years when i start pulling 7 figures

stay poor and stay in russia


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I got my visa from CR. I didn't even had an interview. I just came to the embassy and got my visa in 5 minutes.

Good luck tho

who is that fag?

Your mother's bf

пиздyй oтcюдa, нaцмeн

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What is CR?

It's more of a 'white knight' mentality, we have it here too.

You're just proving his point if you react like a nigger and go after him


my mom won't date a r*ssian subhuman desu

Because she is too ugly for a Russian man.
No, he lies like a nigger american and deserves to be beaten.

r*ssian men are ugly af though and basically have nigger mindset

women are hot, send photo of your mom btw

you guys have some of the most attractive women in the world, if it was a far more wealthy country i wouldn't put it behind me to say that's because of a lack of materialistic and consumerist culture.

this desu

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