Why didn't you take the Buddhapill yet?

why didn't you take the Buddhapill yet?

you can end your suffering now

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It takes years if not a lifetime of meditation in isolation before the cycle of suffering even starts to fade.
Buddhism only really works for extremely dedicated monks.

Well... not [i]now[/i]. It takes time. Hinayana takes an incalculable number of aeons to attain Buddhahood.
With Vajrayana it can take 1-7 lives.

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you need a thousand lives to get enlightened, it's hard work desu, there is no 'now' and 'right away'

It can take less than ten years in Zen.

you guys are cucked beyond repair

Have you met monks? Aint no monks have time to meditate.
In reality there are people who have accumulated inconceivable merit and wisdom over many lives. Many who are bodhisattvas who have been very highly realized beings in previous lives.
Their momentum can come to fruition fairly quickly.

The point is it is very difficult to even be born a human where the dharma is propagated. This alone requires great merit.
However, one can become much happier, more stable and able to be more useful in life by practicing dharma.

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Buddha made the pursuit of truth into a theory, spoiled it for everyone.
Fucking asshole.

Ruined it for everyone

But we need suffering. It's how we learn and grow and improve ourselves. A life without suffering is not worth living.

Honestly from everything I've read, Buddhism really seems to be among the best religions, especially when it comes to applying its values secularly.

Still, I think some sort of literal "secular religion" (besides social justice) needs to come about to actually foster some social cohesion in this day and age without forcing patronising mystical concepts on people but at the same time avoiding the dangerous post-modern "there's no inherent values in anything so lets turn all the systems on their heads" ways of thinking.

Hinduism was beyond repair and still somehow miraculously Buddha managed to repair it. He got rid of shotloads of useless garbage, purified the teaching and then Buddhism was born.

Sorry. I’ve practiced zen for more than 10 years. Most zen masters are pretty meh. A small handful are pretty incredible but most are just barely qualified.
You can have a kensho in under 5 if you go on as many retreats as you can. What most people think is “Satori” is only the starting point to be able to practice Dzogchen.
The zen scene is riddled with people who overestimate their level of realization. Sadly.
It’s why I left.

Dont be an idiot.
Go have a shit in the street and think harder.

He still turned the pursuit of truth into a set of theory and rules, which is not true.
You’re dumb as fuck brah.

Based and buddhapilled

The zen you take on a mountaintop is the zen you take up there.
But you may be true about the masters

its literally impossible believing in a higher being after spending 10 years of my life studying particle physics and astrology.


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>Sorry. I’ve practiced zen for more than 10 years.
You're doing it wrong.

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>Buddhism really seems to be among the best religions
Buddhism is the most cucked and defeatist religion ever, thats why everyone who adopted it was later on conquered. The West would never evolve as much as it did if it followed Buddhism.
Budism in a nutshell:
>be a cuck brah, let go of everything brah, forget your family, people, land brah, just sit around and do nothing, nothing matter brah, be a beta cuck bra
Its like a fusion of communism and being a plant.

I tried to do this for 2 years. I want to end my suffering and anxiety. I can't get rid of attachment.

Fucking help

>Have you met monks? Aint no monks have time to meditate.
>In reality there are people who have accumulated inconceivable merit and wisdom over many lives. Many who are bodhisattvas who have been very highly realized beings in previous lives.
>Their momentum can come to fruition fairly quickly.
>The point is it is very difficult to even be born a human where the dharma is propagated. This alone requires great merit.
That's not even Buddhism. That's Southern Esotercism for junlge monkey scam artists.

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I don't feel like suffering. I give no shit.

>I tried to do this for 2 years. I want to end my suffering and anxiety. I can't get rid of attachment.
>Fucking help
It's a riddle and a trick, user. That's the secret. See Allan Watts on youtube (70s, not that modern creep).
Buddhism was originally a deprogramming mechanism for stupid religous questions. Just watch a sane house cat. They're buddhas.

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buddha was a hobo commie
trust me, i know what i am talking about

The reason I dislike Buddhism is that I find it to be much too passive and domesticated. You must fight to survive, people who do not fight are not somehow more "moral" or "righteous" rather they are justifying their own lack of resolve to fight for their families survival. They get what they deserve

I can't imagine any more short path to the ninth stage of Ten Bulls poems, only Zen. And bit only that, Zen takes you to 5th-6th stages in literally no time, while in Therevada or Vajrayana it can take years of practice.

Not really. At the risk of sounding braggy or larpy I had my kensho “confirmed” through the trad testing methods. I’ve worked through more than half of the koan curriculum.
I’ve definitely gotten som roi for my effort.
Dysfunctional, petty, ambitious fully transmitted “masters” are what I’m basing my position on.
I met a Dzogchen master whose mere presence knocked me over and exploded my mind. Whole different level is possible than what most zen masters dream of.

No, you can't become God by meditating. "Ye shall be as gods" is the oldest lie in the book.

Repent and pray Jesus to save you instead. The apocalypse is here.

>Buddhism only really works for extremely dedicated monks.
Wrong. Buddha taught, so called, "middle way."
You don't have to be a monk to practice. Becoming a monk will speed up progress, yes, but is not necessary. It took the Buddha 300,000 lifetimes (or maha-kalpas I can never remember) to achieve Buddahood. But you can end suffering in less.
For a "stream-enterer" it takes up to 7 lifetimes, for example, but you need to practice to become a "stream-enterer."
You can also take "easy" way, practicing West Pure Land Buddhism, i.e. reciting name of Buddha Amitabha, this way you will be reborn in the West Pure Land and live there until you achieve Buddahood.

Most important though is to practice the Noble Eightfold Path. In doing so you can reduce suffering in your [current] life.

Foe anyone interested I recommend reading this accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/bodhi/waytoend.html
It's worth to practice even from a practical point of view. Keeps your mind "awake"/sane and resistant to subversion.


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wasnt buddha just an mortal prince who 'enlightened' then somehow gained divinity and become buddha?

Do you have any reading recommendations. My experience with the east is limited to Bhagavad Gita and a handful of Upanishads.

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You're missing the point. It's not fucking star wars. Zen is suppose to teach you to simply accept the moment, not obsess the narratives of past/future or religions. All this weird shit they're selling you is a scam.

Bodhidharma moves into a cave. Locals see him and assume he's a highly spiritual man. One man full of anxiety comes to the mouth of the cave.
>Please teach me your secrets
I want to learn so bad that I am willing to cut off pieces of myself to learn your ways.
Because I have no piece of mind

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Zen literally speaks of instant awakening.

>It took the Buddha 300,000 lifetimes (or maha-kalpas I can never remember) to achieve Buddahood. But you can end suffering in less.
>For a "stream-enterer" it takes up to 7 lifetimes
All lies.

You missed the point and fell for the jungle monkey guru scam artist version.

There is a mind you fuckhead. Its just in constant stress mode because of modern society, which is why its not so easy to sit in your bloody cave and ignore the world.

which one?

Suffering ain't so bad. You learn from it.

Many people "practice" zen/meditation/whatever while at the same time leading immoral life. They will never make any progress.
The necessary prerequisite of meditation (jhana) is leading moral life--adhering to 5 precepts:
1. Abstinence from destroying living creatures.
2. Abstinence from taking that which is not given.
3. Abstinence from sexual misconduct.
4. Abstinence from incorrect speech.
5. Abstinence from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness.

Excellent feeling to see someone else shill for Ajahn Geoff de Graff, aka Thanissaro.
How can a bunch of nazis have enough merit to even hear his name?
It must be the discipline from past lives, lol

Monkey you little shit

I agree that to get to a certain point (kensho and profound experiences and insight into nonduality) it’s easier than a lot of people think. But the point is people overestimate the profundity of this level.
The space between the 8th (certainly achievable) and 10th pictures is vast af. That’s where you will see a shit ton of difference between a douchebag and a master.
In Vajrayana the 8th is directly, explicitly pointed out until the student gets it. It’s not technically necessary to get there through arduous meditation and shit-tons of cushion time. The zen student by contrast has to sit there until they discover it themselves. The teacher prods and pokes but the student either genuinely discovers it or not. It can be argued that this creates a more stable foundation than the “pointing out” of vajrayana.
But make no mistake it takes years and years after that regardless of the path. The advantage of Tantra is that you are working with the mind and body in a much more profound way than mere sitting meditation.
Where all the traps are in zen are in that pesky 9th ox picture. The majority get lost in some error in that stage and it’s not even clear what they’re shooting for here. They really, truly dont know. That’s the whole point of Vajrayana. They ARE very clear. And its simply not possible without the abhishekas and yogas and fucktons of practice.

Fwiw. Your mileage may vary etc.

>end suffering now
>desiring to end suffering
>when desire is the root of suffering according to the buddha

This is the third "why aren't you X religion" threads I've seen in the last five minutes. Why the slide?

Not true

Because it's the cuck's way out of reality
You kill your ego you return to the source and get shoveled to reincarnate as a different life form again.
Now if you take your ego and strengthen it through various esoteric practices like energy work, nofap, astral projection, remembering past lives etc
You may even transcend being a human on your own (your ego's) accord and experience more of this enhanced reality through your limited perception. Which would be a lot more interesting and entertaining than to suicide spiritually.

This exactly. The challenge of no fap is a method for developing bullet proof relentless mindfulness. From there, all gains in dharma proliferate.

Why? I'd rather larp as a Pagan than a Buddhist.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Zen Buddhism, and I've been involved in numerous secret meditations in Tibet, and I have over 300 confirmed satoris. I am trained in gorilla mindfulness and I'm the calmest person in the entire monastery.

Retard, you don't suicide. You abandon the mental tendencies that are worthless and those that cause vexation.
Is there any good that comes from lust greed hatred delusional narratives of self?

>There is a mind you fuckhead. Its just in constant stress mode because of modern society, which is why its not so easy to sit in your bloody cave and ignore the world.
There is a mind but you can't get a piece of it you spastic fuck.

Stop it. That's real Buddhism. Bud from sanskrit means to wake. A buddha is "woke". He stops imaging all the stresses and "modern world" or "past world" or "future world" and just breathes, eats/drink/piss/shit, sleep, exist. Like the cat, no illusions created by complex langauges and thus complex dreams.

You're doing it wrong.

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Because I like having stuff. Also, I am considering becoming a police officer and the pacifism thing would get me hurt if I get rushed by some scumbag.

Buddhism is ego death slavery

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"There are not only one hundred ... or five hundred, but far more
male lay followers, my disciples, clothed in white enjoying sensual
pleasures, who carry out my instruction, respond to my advice, have
gone beyond doubt, become free from perplexity, gained intrepidity,
and become independent of others in the Teacher's dispensation."
11. "Apart from Master Gotama, the monks and nuns, and the male
lay followers clothed in white, both those leading lives of celibacy and
those enjoying sensual pleasures, is there any female lay follower, Mas-
ter Gotama's disciple, clothed in white leading a life of celibacy who,
with the destruction of the five lower fetters, will be reborn sponta-
neously [in the pure abodes] and there attain final Nibbana without
ever returning from that world?"
"There are not only one hundred ... or five hundred, but far more
female lay followers, my disciples, clothed in white leading lives of
celibacy who, with the destruction of the five lower fetters, will be
reborn spontaneously [in the pure abodes] and there attain final
Nibbana without ever returning from that world."

Buddhist => ideology of the upper/upper-middle classer with nothing to do. Justification for being a parasite on society

>You're missing the point. It's not fucking star wars. Zen is suppose to teach you to simply accept the moment, not obsess the narratives of past/future or religions. All this weird shit they're selling you is a scam.

The Bodhidharma story is true enough but not finding your mind is not the end. It’s a good start.
As for “accepting the moment” thats a potential red herring that I don’t feel like arguing about.

>There are not only one hundred ... or five hundred, but far more
>male lay followers, my disciples, clothed in white enjoying sensual
>pleasures, who carry out my instruction, respond to my advice, have
>gone beyond doubt, become free from perplexity, gained intrepidity,
>and become independent of others in the Teacher's dispensation."
>11. "Apart from Master Gotama, the monks and nuns, and the male
>lay followers clothed in white
Guru scams

>Many who are bodhisattvas who have been very highly realized beings in previous lives.
>Their momentum can come to fruition fairly quickly.
Beings like that are not reborn in the human realm anymore.


Thats not what buddhism is about, and to do what you just described literally takes like 5 minutes of introspection, cringe and bluepilled

>You're doing it wrong.

If you say so.

>The Bodhidharma story is true enough but not finding your mind is not the end. It’s a good start.
>As for “accepting the moment” thats a potential red herring that I don’t feel like arguing about.
Go ahead and "transcend" and find that pure light then. It will disolve and you'll end up back where you started. Here and now, that's the Dao.
But some people need to spend decades being broken down until they realize it's all a game of stupid questions and activities.

Thus ends the lesson.

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You did what for 2 years, if you have comprehended the dhamma and what the Buddha teaches you would have achieved some kind of mental calmness or peace by now. You are not involved enough in the teachings or you just dont care. I don't even meditate but just by being in contact with the teachings I have reached some kind of mental tranquility, it's not absolute but its by far the best state I have been in my entire life, wich doesnt say much, but its something.

ID: ITE8bVUE is a jew. There's always one or more in Buddha threads. Easy to spot--they always talk smack about Buddha.
Best way to not respond and add filter.

>Is there any good that comes from lust greed hatred delusional narratives of self?
They are vital to suirvival if your not a upper-middle classer who never suffered hardship in his/her life

The real question is how did that cat end up on the top of that cactus? Think he is happy up there? He probably does not care one way or the other, lucky cat.

Right. And yet I still went ahead and posted it anyway. In case it helps. If not, this is just an anonymous ocean of piss.

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>Best way to not respond and add filter.
You're doing it wrong.

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>The real question is how did that cat end up on the top of that cactus? Think he is happy up there? He probably does not care one way or the other, lucky cat.
Because he's a Samuri Buddha.

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This. If you aren't born relatively wealthy you will absolutely get crushed without these traits by all possible sides.

You don't understand it, humans are higher animals with a higher consciousness and awarenesa, but we are still bound to our human condition just like animals are bound to their animal condition and what that implies, their instincts overpower them, their existence is one full of dangers and suffering. Humans are like that but in other ways, we are atill inherently violent, we crave, we desire, from these desires violence is created, hatred, greed, and ignorance as the pillar. It's easy to behave like an animal, to be violent, it's much harder to surpass violence and your condition, buddhists are true warriors, but their practices and goals go against the mundane mindset, the wordly feeling and emotions, violence, desire, sensual pleasure, that's why you dont like Buddhism, you are too bound to all of that. The first step into spirituality and buddhism is letting go these things or atleast realizing what they truly are and controlling them to a small degree.

>1. Abstinence from destroying living creatures.
>2. Abstinence from taking that which is not given.
>3. Abstinence from sexual misconduct.
>4. Abstinence from incorrect speech.
>5. Abstinence from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness.
That's what they teach plebs because you're degenerate monkey children who need daddy lessons. It has nothing to do with true realization.

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Read buddhanet.net/pdf_file/chandew.pdf
Chapter 5. The “Five Contemplations to Cease the Perturbed Mind”
I think "The Contemplation of Compassion — to destroy Aversions and Hate" is what could help you.

You can/should ofc read whole book, it's very good.

I've made some excerpts of this book pastebin.com/Xy04e0Mq -- sort of cheatsheet for Buddhist practice.

Thats what poor people tell themselves to cope

i tried meditation using headspace but i dont know if im doing it right

>Other wordly
>higher realms

You'll never escape until you die. So KYS or accept it. That's Zen.

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Just breathe. That's it. Anything else is distractions and guru scam shit.
You can do focus meditation on something with no meaning, like a spec on the ground or wall. It's good after working out

Literally from the Pali Canon. You can believe whatever you want man, but it seems like you are scamming yourself. These are ancient texts, they are written in a way accesible to people to make them understand the teachings. Buddha had deep understanding in human condition and psychology, if you went and read a little bit of his teachings you would instantly realize how it's impossible for a normal person to have all the knowledge he had.

Why would anyone want to escape this world if finally crazier then then the novels I read as a child. What a time to be alive, although most would probably consider it a curse I like to think I am blessed. Even if I work a shit job, live with folks, and have nothing "successful" people call important.

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The best analogy I can think of for this is drawing.
Gradualist practice methodically builds upon itself spurring one ever-onward, developing strength, resilience, insight. It’s like going into a “classical” atelier and learning and building traditional skils and experience and insight until one day you’re doing amazing quality work.
“Subitist” (instant awakening) is brought about by inducing a “gap” in the conceptual mind which enables a more or less complete glimpse of reality. This is like being thrown into a life-drawing class doing 5-30 second gestures over and over, with no time to fuss and get your ego and concepts involved and suddenly fairly masterful drawings appear. If you’ve ever experienced this it seems inconceivable that anyone would ever take the other route. But unless all you do is life-draw, you are guaranteed to run into walls and obstacles. Like you wouldnt suddenly be a good illustrator or landscape painter or graphic designer. Those disciplines take years.

Both The gradualist and subitist approaches CAN catch up to each other and level out but it’s not very common.

I like to read his works. Easy to read and understand. Unlike some others who write in some "poetic"/archaic English with excessive use of Sanskrit and Pali.

>Literally from the Pali Canon. You can believe whatever you want man, but it seems like you are scamming yourself. These are ancient texts
You're not suppose to follow after text and stupid canons you fucking moron. It's not Catholicism.
You're larping and therefor will always be in repetition until you break and realize you were a Buddha all along.

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>doesn't get that aiming at an unrealistic higher power gives people strength to withstand horrible circumstances
>because he didn't really suffer horrible circumstances in the first place, like the typical buddhist

>1. Abstinence from destroying living creatures unless starving or tasty.
>2. Abstinence from taking that which is not earned.
>3. Abstinence from sexual misconduct.
>4. Abstinence from intentionally causing offence.
>5. Abstinence from mindless carelessness.

These are not correct.
>Absitinence from killing
>Abstinence from taking what is not given
>Abstinence from indulgence in sensual pleasure
>Abstinence from wrong speech/lying
>Abstinence from intoxication
What's wrong with the precepts? It's basic morality.

>Why would anyone want to escape this world if finally crazier then then the novels I read as a child. What a time to be alive, although most would probably consider it a curse I like to think I am blessed. Even if I work a shit job, live with folks, and have nothing "successful" people call important.
See, this user is a Buddha.

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They can be. By choice. They can fuction as, or like sambkogakayas or nirmanikayas
HHDL and Garchin Rinpoche are living examples. Many others are gone.

>end suffering
You missed the entire point. Suffering is inevitable, you must learn to embrace it rather than fear it. It's all part of life, it only makes you a better person.

Silly goose.

>>doesn't get that aiming at an unrealistic higher power gives people strength to withstand horrible circumstances
>>because he didn't really suffer horrible circumstances in the first place, like the typical buddhist
Yes, I have.

And so have most adopted cats. They don't have to practice your degenerate escapism and superpower larping. Because they're not trapped in illusions of complex language/imagery. You're doing it wrong.

>What's wrong with the precepts? It's basic morality.
Nothing. But that's not the point. The higher man understand morality through karma (cause and effect, a Sanskrit word that literally means "your doings").

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>sambkogakayas or nirmanikayas
>HHDL and Garchin Rinpoche are living examples. Many others are gone.
scam artists


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Whatever man, death is no escape, you will be reborn in function of your desires, kamma and state of mind at the moment of death.
Suffering led me to buddhism after I hit rock bottom in my life. I found buddhism by chance. First 5 minutes reading abour it I was already convinced, it was like all my questions were answered, it all made sense, too much sense. I've never been religious in my whole life, and I don't consider Buddhism a religion.

I took the Shankarapill

>Whatever man, death is no escape, you will be reborn in function of your desires
Degenerate lies.

To escape the wheel of rebirth in this life is to realize it was a stupid myth. There, I saved you a life time of suffering.