Redpill me on Reagan

he gets a lot of hate from /ourguys/ and I wanna know why

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I fucking love Floridians
jesus christ

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same germanon
seriously though plz someone redpill me on reagan

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fuck you give me my redpills Jow Forums

where's my damn redpills

He gave amnesty to illegals which flipped California blue forevermore due to the new demographics.

>Shoot at a hurricane
>Bullet gets blown back at you
That sounds incredibly unlikely.

Reagan is another example of a nice guy democrat turned republican. His mistake was assuming he could trust the left. We know where that leads.

Reagan unfortunately wasn't redpilled. But the story of his presidency should be enough redpill anyone about the trustworthiness of the democrats and the left. Concede anything to them and they still want more and more.

He exploded the deficit while preaching fiscal responsibility, continued the fruitless and expensive draconian approach to the public drug problem, engaged in short sighted foreign policy blunders like Iran contra and Taliban support that accomplished little and damaged international American image, and he oversaw the gutting of the American mental health institutions which led to the dumping of insane people on the streets - where they still remain if they aren't arrested (the institutions were literal hellish prisons and based on outdated science but it turns out replacing a broken system with nothing and dumping the insane in the public square is literally retarded). But he made white middle class boomers feel safe and proud so he is remembered fondly. Last genuinely good president we had was Teddy, maybe Eisenhower or even Nixon if his retarded narcissism and paranoia hadn't destroyed him.