
Is there a scientific reason they are the way they are? Is there a gene for money loving and subversion? Or are they really possessed by Satan?

Attached: Jew 6 Million.jpg (651x759, 217K)

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They rejected Christ and in doing so rejected reason, hence why they are the way they are. Read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Attached: [GAY DISCO INTENSIFIES].png (429x276, 92K)

It's an eternal punishment on their people to be cursed by these things for crimes in their ancient past

Mix of genetics and culture.


Basically they are just high IQ arabs. Arabs are notoriously repressed gays, money loving, antagonistic, so with jews you just see this at an extreme bec. During middle ages we assisted them in selectively breeding for only the wealthiest paranoid selfish deceptive corrupt ones with pogroms since only those traits would survive

Basically this.

Attached: jews and jesus.png (1201x393, 170K)

Rabbis literally had “non observant “ jews executed by local gentiles and only wealthy/educated men were allowed to have kids. Rabbis also allowed to have kids AND make money compared with catholicism celibates thus Higher IQ genes getting passed on at higher frequency than in catholics, main competitor of jews.

according to a french jew scholar, circumcision leads to sociopathy.
The trauma at 8 days after birth makes them the way they are.

These too are contributing factors