They just cant help themselves, can they?

they just cant help themselves, can they?

Attached: jeffreyepstein.jpg (687x731, 131K)


Attached: Jew-pathology.jpg (2852x1534, 462K)


fake and gay u faggot. post link.

imagine being a parasite rodent kike trying to pretend your people aren't a bunch of baby murdering demons who belong in hell

>No link
I cannot find article by ezzra Colin's
Weird right?

oh boy the reinforcements have arrived to hide the truth!!!

>rush to judgement
He's a fucking registered sex offender

Anyone else finding the Epstein indictment a pretty fucking hot read?

Attached: d13e17daf955bf84e62f353811410177bf38afe4437bac65c8288d036d623e7c.png (924x345, 41K)

> Implies an over-representation of jews in the pedo roundup.
Nice facepalm kikes.