This hurts the white boy brain

Europe became great because of Christianity unifying the people... not because they were white. Without Christianity, Europe would be a barbaric shithole like Africa

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wtf I guess all races are the same

Would EMJ and all you "trad Catholics" please remove yourselves from this board. We don't need your constant lecturing on Mary or how we all must to bow down to the Pope. We also very much don't need your fucking dissing of everything European that isn't related to Catholicism.

Fuck. Off.

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>Bolivia and Costa Rica
Officially Christian nations by law
Officially pagan country by law

>christcucks actually believe this shit

Kill yourself spic.

>Europe became great because of Christianity unifying the people
That was pagan Rome. Christianity destroyed every culture it touched. That's why we're digging through the fucking ground to figure out what happened.

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So why isn't the west becoming even greater now that Christianity also includes billions of shitskins?

Die mad, Rabbi.