Were the ancient greeks right about women being unable to love?

Were the ancient greeks right about women being unable to love?

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their perception was based off of the women that existed in that time, women now are different, a woman is able to love deeply just as a man is

Were they right about thinking it's normal to introduce young kids into buttfucking? Geez.

They are supposed to love family. What do white whores from broken families from other white whores have? Nothing they are raised to be whores and they cannot see a wrong. So an answer to your question is yes. They cannot and they are quite stupid followers or shit fake leaders on top of it. They just want to appropriate White Mans Culture just like all non Whites which these same loveless whores say is cool to come over, because they don't love their communities, families, or countries. They are empty vessels most of them essentially that look for pleasure and self gratification in places it will never be found.

So the answer to your question is yes, but they do know what WANT is... They will love whatever gives them that even if it was stolen from some where else because woman are enemies of man. Namely White Men since we are the Alphas of the planet.

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women are capable of loving maybe 1-3 men throughout their life. the rest are nothing but killing time and comparing to one of the 1-3

>Phaedrus, Plato

Yes. 90% if not more of Women are simply a means of reproduction. A few true, loyal Female Souls exist, I am sure..

But in the end, Alexander the Great trusted ONE man, and loved him as himself. Hephaestion, the Great.

Men can express love in song/music, sculpture, literature, theater for a woman, but a woman is not capable of doing this for a man

Men will even wage war over a woman, but a woman can never do such a thing

I take it back. Little less than 1/3.

Oh? Surely there was ONE woman.

They evolved?

The asymmetry renders rarities null.

>They evolved?
yeah, men and women have changed throughout time, a woman now is not the same as a woman 1,000 years ago. People from antiquity weren't generally capable of love because there was no time for it, they were busy fighting wars and trying to survive, empathy, kindness, love, and such emotions are developed in peaceful times.

All that stuff can happen during war time.

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Yes, women are lower beings than men, but homosexualism and pederasty is an abomination in the Eyes of God.

Bullshit. Women “love” men more DURING times of war, famine or strife because women NEED men more during those times. It’s when times are good that women feel safe and secure enough to express their natural urges to trade up.

Why else do you think that feminism is broken into “waves”... because when there’s a war on, women stop bitching about how oppressed they are and latch onto a man to protect and provide for them. Once the war is over and things go back to normal, they go right back to talking about how they don’t need no man.

Get a clue. They’re just using you. That’s fine and all, just part of life, but what are you getting in return? At least before feminism you got authority over them in exchange for taking responsibility for them. Now that authority is gone... they can absorb your resources AND go fuck around and absorb the resources of other men AND absorb the resources of all men collectively through government wealth transfers... and there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop them.

From the start, the gods made women different.
One type is from a pig--a hairy sow
whose house is like a rolling heap of filth;
and she herself, unbathed, in unwashed clothes,
5 reposes on the shit-pile, growing fat.
Another type the gods made from a fox:
pure evil, and aware of everything.
This woman misses nothing: good or bad,
she notices, considers, and declares
10 that good is bad and bad is good. Her mood
changes from one moment to the next.
One type is from a dog--a no-good bitch,
a mother through and through; she wants to hear
everything, know everything, go everywhere,
15 and stick her nose in everything, and bark
whether she sees anyone or not.
A man can't stop her barking; not with threats,
not (when he's had enough) by knocking out
her teeth with a stone, and not with sweet talk either;
20 even among guests, she'll sit and yap;
the onslaught of her voice cannot be stopped.
One type the gods of Mount Olympus crafted
out of Earth--their gift to man! She's lame
and has no sense of either good or bad.
25 She knows no useful skill, except to eat
--and, when the gods make winter cold and hard
to drag her chair up closer to the fire.
Another type is from the Sea; she's two-faced.
One day she's calm and smiling--any guest
30 who sees her in your home will praise her then:
"This woman is the best in all the world
and also the most beautiful." The next day
she's wild and unapproachable, unbearable
even to look at, filled with snapping hate,

35 ferocious, like a bitch with pups, enraged
at loved ones and at enemies alike.
Just as the smooth unrippled sea at times
stands still, a joy to mariners in summer,
and then at times is wild with pounding waves--
40 This woman's temperament is just like that.
The ocean has its own perplexing ways.
Another type is from a drab, gray ass;
she's used to getting smacked, and won't give in
until you threaten her and really force her.
45 She'll do her work all right, and won't complain;
but then she eats all day, all night--she eats
everything in sight, in every room.
And when it comes to sex, she's just as bad;
she welcomes any man that passes by.
50 Another loathsome, miserable type
is from a weasel: undesirable
in every way--un-charming, un-alluring.
She's sex-crazed, too; but any man who climbs
aboard her will get seasick. And she steals
55 from neighbors, and from sacrificial feasts.
Another type a horse with flowing mane
gave birth to. She avoids all kinds of work
and hardship; she would never touch a mill
or lift a sieve, or throw the shit outside,
60 or sit beside the oven (all that soot!).
She'll touch her husband only when she has to.
She washes off her body every day
twice, sometimes three times! then rubs herself
with perfumed oil. She always wears her hair

65 combed-out, and dressed with overhanging flowers.
Such a wife is beautiful to look at
for others; for her keeper, she's a pain
--unless he is a king, or head of state
who can afford extravagant delights.
70 Another type is from an ape. I'd say
that Zeus made her the greatest pain of all--
his gift to man! Her face is hideous.
This woman is a total laughingstock
when she walks through the town. She has no neck,
75 no butt--she's all legs. You should see the way
she moves around. I pity the poor man
who holds this horrid woman in his arms.
She's well-versed in every kind of trick
just like an ape; what's more, she has no shame
80 and doesn't care if people laugh at her.
She'd never think of doing something kind
to anyone; she plots the whole day long
to see how she can do the greatest harm.
Another type is from a bee. Good luck
85 in finding such a woman! Only she
deserves to be exempt from stinging blame.
The household that she manages will thrive;
a loving wife beside her loving man,
she'll grow old, having borne illustrious
90 and handsome children; she herself shines bright
among all women. Grace envelops her.
She doesn't like to sit with other women
discussing sex. Zeus gratifies mankind
with these most excellent and thoughtful wives.
95 But by the grim contrivances of Zeus
all these other types are here to stay
side by side with man forever. Yes,
Zeus made this the greatest pain of all:
If she seems to want to help
100 that's when she does her keeper the most harm.
A man who's with a woman can't get through
a single day without a troubled mind.
He'll never banish Hunger from his house:
unwelcome, hateful lodger, hostile god.
105 Just when a man seems most content at home
and ready for enjoyment, by the grace
of god or man, that's when she'll pick a fight,
her battle-helmet flashing, full of blame.
A household with a woman is at a loss

110 to give a decent welcome to a guest.
The wife who seems the most restrained and good,
she's the most disastrous of them all;
for while her slack-jawed husband gapes at her
the neighbors laugh at how he's been deceived.
115 Each man will diligently praise his own
and blame the next man's wife; we just don't see
that we all share alike in this hard luck.
For Zeus made this the greatest pain of all
and locked us in a shackle hard as iron
120 and never to be broken, ever since
the day that Hades opened up his gates
for all the men who fought that woman's war.

I saw a Nordboi in my country for the first time in my life yesterday, and I didn't think "I should kill that nordcuck right here right now".
I thought how exciting it would be to talk to him and smell his golden hair and uncovering what made him as sissy as he is. I thought about how nice it would be to learn about his life, and learn about the world I never saw.
I pictured talking to him, eyes darting like those of a noble lady, looking anywhere else but in his eyes.
I pictured myself princess carrying him with ease, to a bed. I pictured myself, still with my clothes on, unclothing myself, and rubbing his silky-smooth pale skin with my rough, med hands, and him, squirming lady-like.
I pictured him unclothing himself in a slow manner, drawing it out, so I can have a good look at his white body.
I imagined him slipping his hands under my underwear, and jostling my big roman cock, rubbing his effeminate, pale fingers on the precum-covered, sensitive tip of my big penis.
I imagined...

Damn nordboys, I can almost give up on my roman empire for you.

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That's it you're going in my filters

at least they surely don't love men, as men do women

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Have you read anything from those times like Plato or Aristotle?
They were the same as us

I've read some of Plato, but women back then were nothing more than breeding machines, they weren't even allowed to leave the house, they were in charge of the kids and housework, how do you expect a woman from that period to evolve to a point where she can develop intricate feelings like love. Men hung toghether, went to war together, had friends to discuss and share opinions and passions with, women had nothing, a woman today is not as same as a woman back then

>Intricate feeling
Dogs are capable of love user. It is not a complicated emotion. Neither ancient societies nor marriage would've survived without it.

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Congratulations you are the most idiotic person on Jow Forums today

Men love more intensely, but women can feel love too. I've met very few women who seemed like they were genuinely in love, but they do exist.

Sounds like an excuse for being gay

most people have no soul
most of those people are women

This was great, thank you


DIOS mio.... where the fuck is this from?

Love is a channel of male idealism. The woman brain cannot tap into that universal energy.

First post delusional post.

You are so unbelievably stupid. Just google the term Eros you moron.

You do realize that the age of „consent“ was 12 up until the 21 first century. With a few deviations obviously.

An Ancient Greek poet, who was famous for misogyny. I forgot his name unfortunately.

There are much harsher misogynistic quotes from Greek philosophers though

no, but to be fair most people can't love (other people)