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With how insanely corrupt they are, wont get far.

the republic of congo will bankrupt this shit in 2 years flat.

Welcome to the modern work, monkeys

A generous assessment, I don't give it over a year. Look how fast Zimbabwe returned to baseline after switching leaders.

Niggers smell and are prone to crime

Now what, nigger?

zaire has been gone a long time.
r.o.c. has the most natty resources on earth for a nation.
they will be exploited and fuck it up.

You are Brazilian. That makes you American, not African. Idiot.

>they will be exploited and fuck it up
History repeats itself ad infinitum. Only this time it'll be other niggers (or Chinks) doing the exploitation.

>still want gibs

Nigger bad

If this would help them stay there.

4 years, max, before that 3.4 trillion is siphoned away for gold plated everything and million dollar gifts for everyone who casts a shadow at the door of these great leaders. There will also not be one single dollar reduction in aid, and the weeping balloon-bellied children begging for gibs will not abait.

White people have been funneling money and culture into africa since they made contact, and it only lasts when forced. Africans make african culture, which is made of brutality, war, theft, and abuse. 4 years to drain the money, a full 8-9 for them to be unable to hide the damage.

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are we pretending EU is a success?

>55 nation free trade zone
>55 different flavours of dirt traded amongst partners

well done, africa. well done.

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I hope South Africa has plans to export.

>pilots mostly white
>ports owned by china
>no roads
>no trains
>half the continent is literally monkeys with guns in power
Have fun getting fucked by china

That room must smell awful.

Is this a reason EU is stealing niggers from Africa?


>bankrupting a free trade zone
Retards. This is just an agreement not to put tariffs on each other, not some kind of money fund.

>African politicians discussing seizure and redistribution of farmland, 9/8/2019

what guptanomics and crime?



That's not how niggernomics works. Any money, at all, you simultaneously under-report, and in secret borrow against. They will beg for more gibs, with the justification that it's just until the new economic frameworks clicks in, which it never will, therefore eternally raised gibs. With the other hand, they will structure this "increase" through a bunch of shells and bogus initiatives to create a bubble of on-paper economic growth. They will then use this to borrow and deal for every penny they can for about a year, until it pops. Outside investors and anyone dumb enough to trust an economic boom in africa will end up holding the bag for billions of nothing. They'll hold on trying to chase some kind of return for a couple years, but once they realize there's nothing left they'll cut losses and leave.

Even the chinese are learning the africans eat prosperity and shit ashes. No, it's not a fund, but they'll see the numbers, act like it is, and the movements will look legit to stupid whites who think africans understand how money works, and not that it's magic white people charms that come from the sky and create magic and prosperity.

4 years before rolling bankruptcy, again, and collapse. 8 before you see something big in the news about it.

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What are they trading? AIDS and famine?

how is the IMF involved?


Zambia actually makes a surplus of food (they took in the Zimbabwe farmers and are taking in the South African ones now) so it will go something like this:

>Hey Zambia gibsmedat
>"Sure thing buddy sign me your mineral/water rights"
>Hell yeah
>"Cool, selling to China now"

Zambia is like the one smart nig in the ghetto continent, stuck surrounded by his dumbass relatives.

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>free trade zone
>economic prosperity for anyone other than jews
pick one

>Kick all ignorant turboniggers into europe and canada
>Improve conditions of the remaining patriotic ones

Best plan

I sincerely wish you good luck.
Now maybe we can stop sending Africa aid.

so... you're saying.... that all Zambia needs to become Wakanda is an Industrious/creative chink to take over the country?

No, I'm saying they'll buy things other nigs don't care about and sell OTHER nigs' lands to the chinese. Zambia knows it's not worth it to use mineral/water rights from another country, as they won't honor the deal. But selling it to China instead gets them massive funds with no hassle.