The big one

How about that big one, ey Jow Forums? Still waiting. Should be any day now, right? Maybe next week? Or next year? Just admit it, you were wrong yet again. Remember the Oroville dam? When is that supposed to fail and kill us all again? Remember summer kids, Jow Forums is ALWAYS wrong.

Attached: Polisalwayswrong.jpg (590x443, 67K)

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there has been ~1200 earthquakes in the area in the last 24 hours

Which one was the big one? I must have missed it while I was asleep and there was no damage to my house when I woke up?

They’ll wait for the next news cycle

there has been ~5100 earthquakes in the area in the last 7 days

>wishing for catastrophic disasters

the fuck is wrong with you?

Attached: asteroid.png (1009x971, 682K)

Attached: 1548560517895.png (238x335, 82K)

It's still going. I would love to have the data to see if the velocity and magnitude is increasing? I bet it is.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at 9.46.24 AM.png (979x1021, 236K)

It's coming

Attached: die3.jpg (1349x625, 172K)

quit being such a pussy. you and i both know this world is a sack of shit that needs to end

This doesn't actually mean anything by itself. You have to compare the frequency and strength of earthquakes to baseline.
A bunch of magnitude 1.x quakes aren't exactly frightening.

Am disappoint.

The Big One will eventually come, it's an undeniable fact. It could take another 50 years but the amount of earthquakes recently is worrying.
t. Geography A Level


The fuck is wrong with you not wanting the clown cycle to end

It shows the energy is still concentrated in the same area. Meaning another big earthquake will happen.

If California was washed away by earthquake/tsunami, USA might be able to recover from wetback invasion

check the difference between the 30 days, magnitude 4.5+ and the 7 days, magnitude 4.5+... no difference meaning all of them happened within the last four days (beginning with that 6.4 on the 4th). the latest one, a 4.5, happening yesterday

It just shows small energy releases which mean relatively little by themselves. The big one is coming at some point because there's a shit-ton of energy building up. These little releases don't change that, nor do they indicate that a massive release is imminent.

Hang yourself with piano wire and tie weights to your legs.

The destruction of California is not a disaster

Yeah you're right. But how greater are the chances of the big one just because there a lot more small quakes recently?

who knows.

here's what my fortune cookie told be yesterday though

Attached: 20190708_104442.jpg (2000x1500, 500K)

>plane crashes on your house

Attached: 1559392812334.gif (492x266, 3.12M)

Well, that definitely is good advice in any case. We know the big one will happen sooner or later.

Commiefornia sinks into the sea, suddenly the liberal voting pool drops by 1/3, the next presidential election is a "wash" and Trump wins again, Hell, we all win again!

Attached: Puritan Shitposting.png (796x594, 613K)

best wishes.

rollin for big rumbles
papa needs a happening
come on 9s
give it to me

Attached: 1560407863001.webm (640x364, 2.97M)


Fuck you, faggot. I was saying nothing was going to happen since the beginning.