Hate Crime General - /hcg/

Post your hate crimes. I'll begin with a classic.

>39 year old man walks through Mariatorgrt subway station in Stockholm
>doing roman salutes in a frantic manner while shouting 'Sieg Heil' repeatedly
>he walks up the escalator and confronts a random black man
>he kicks him in the chest and send him flying a couple of metres
>after that he kicks the black man in the head so viciously that he's knocked out cold
>proceeds to do a final roman salute and walks away

Attached: Hitlering in the subway.png (1545x1265, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:



>large group of people attack three men at Fridhemsplan subway station
>they use glass bottles and shout "sieg heil" and "jävla svartskallar" ("fucking black skulls", a derogatory term for people with black hair/black skin)

Attached: Cancer.png (989x886, 368K)

>jävla svartskallar

Attached: 143390214870.png (405x427, 15K)

pack of monkeys kidnap retarded man
>pee on him
>cut him with a knife
>spit on him
>beat him
>burn him with cigars
>livestream it
>all while yelling "fuck wypipo"
>get caught
>Obama says it doesnt seem race related
>charges dropped against all but one
>oldest female ape served 20 months probation

>my visage when black people are in the vicinity

Attached: 1542467888940.png (500x428, 118K)


>not posting videos
>only walls of text

Attached: 1562557657548.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Attached: hand.jpg (1704x642, 64K)

damnn tf is wrong wit niggaz.. like wtf is this story time bitches?
dafugg seriously