Is condom sexist ? twitter proposal

"I hate guys that can't even touch me without a plastic bag on their dick, like i'm that disguting for you ? Is beauty the only thing that matters in this fking patriarcal society ?"

Attached: W43001_01_Mise-en-place-du-preservatif.jpg (500x500, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

get tested

Is a bra sexist?
Notions of sexism should not include obvious anatomical differences.

So flag. Black Lives Matter, delete thread man.

Condoms are racist too.

Attached: muh-dick.png (437x294, 81K)

no faggot

Wtf with the size of this dick? Pathetic.

Visible anal warts repulse most people. They can't help it.

Stop being pathetic please.

Attached: 1561409085630.png (432x432, 94K)

Maybe they figure guys won't feel inadequate that way.