Hes not flipping on anyone, hes fighting the case with his billionaire lawyers.

Its over.

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Yeah. Why do people still post Jack Posobiec here? He's mossad.

>a fucking leaf
You always plead non guilty until the plea deal is reached at which point you plea guilty

Or if you're Jessie Smollet you just get the case dropped

He could still be working on a deal

He will be putting his feet up in Israel by next week. There is no justice here anymore.

If he sings he'll get suicided

make memes saying Epstein is a white male and the pinnacle of patriarchy. Hang them near the court, hand them out. Get the lefties on our side. Watch and see.

No shit he's pleading not guilty.
That doesn't mean shit about
>plea deals
>finding a way out
He's looking for another way out. The question isn't whether he's going to try for that. The question is whether the Justice Dept's ACU will let him.
I have a feeling now that people have been able to make trump hate accidentally intersect epstein's case, they'll keep projecting him onto trump and vice versa, so he'll get protection from neither side of the commoners.
And of course, the elite aren't going to sacrifice themselves for him.
So tell me where that leaves him.
Dumb rake-worthy faggot.


>Comey’s leftist daughter is a prosecutor
>Comey is best friend of Mueller
>Mueller was FBI director when Epstein got his sweetheart deal
>a democrat female will never turn on her own party regardless of where act facts lead

Democrats always protect their own which is why THEY NEVER SEE JUSTICE for their crimes. It’s likes all of society is fucking programmed to never point out the democrats or their minion employees in the MSM for covering up crimes.

breh seriously?

You didn't help negotiate Theresa's brexit deal too with those sharp negotiating skills did you?

Why the fuck would you offer a decent plea deal to someone admitting guilt who then has no leverage?


Depends on how many people he has to either pay off or cover for.
If he is a liability, they will feed him to the wolves.
>Never underestimate a politician.

He can’t talk or Mossad will kill him.

Man, people are stupid. You always plead not-guilty at first. As soon as you plead guilty you're screwed, they can go ahead and sentence you and lock you up. You plead not-guilty until you make a deal, *then* you switch your plea and admit your guilt.
Has no one even been to traffic court before, or watched an old TV courtroom drama?

So, how do you think he will suicide?

Probably a gunshot in the back of the head while handcuffed

>make memes
Lefties already hate billionaires and want to tax them into oblivion, but this (((Epstein))) child rapist and sex trafficker gets a pass.

because wrong buzzwords
>Trump's Friend
>White Make
>Chosen ones
scrap that last one it's too obvious

It's the same reason why the Clintons are still fine. Everyone in the FBI and DOJ bends over backwards to protect these people because the whole house of cards depends on it. Those not directly guilty are towing the line because they value order over justice.

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Nothing will happen. People pinning all their hopes on this just show how desperate and sad they are.

You don't start with pleading guilty dipshit. Even if you are. He already submitted an offer to the Feds to name names in return for no more than 5 years max. He needs to be hung.

in the released documents it specifically mentioned this on why he shouldnt get bail

>Camp (((Nose)))

The fuck are you talking about? Trumps fucking secretary of state is the one who gave epstein the sweat heart deal in the first place. Democrats had shit to do with this.

we already knew there will be no plea deals. HERE COMES DISCOVERY!

Attached: 1561707433253.jpg (567x616, 51K)

Secretary of Labor you fucking shill mossad nigger kike spic shill fucking hang yourself SLOPPY JOB Q FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's alot of buzzwords, are you triggered that your pedo friends got caught?

If this isnt rape culture i dont now what is.

>Comey daughter is prosecutor
>Clinton appointee is judge
Easy to feel confident when you own everyone.

The things he is accused of are pretty mild. No island, no physical abuse, basically just fucking and flying around underaged teens in the states. No prince Andrew, no Clintons. Whatever happens to him, no one else is going down. Good job comey’s Daughter.

Secretary of Labor =/= Secretary of State

Not even aware what the fuck you guys are arguing about truth be told, just stating the fact

He'll be suicided.

Democrats have prints all over the sweetheart deal. Look into it, headline intellectual.