Hes not flipping on anyone, hes fighting the case with his billionaire lawyers.
Its over.
Hes not flipping on anyone, hes fighting the case with his billionaire lawyers.
Its over.
Yeah. Why do people still post Jack Posobiec here? He's mossad.
>a fucking leaf
You always plead non guilty until the plea deal is reached at which point you plea guilty
Or if you're Jessie Smollet you just get the case dropped
He could still be working on a deal
He will be putting his feet up in Israel by next week. There is no justice here anymore.
If he sings he'll get suicided
make memes saying Epstein is a white male and the pinnacle of patriarchy. Hang them near the court, hand them out. Get the lefties on our side. Watch and see.
No shit he's pleading not guilty.
That doesn't mean shit about
>plea deals
>finding a way out
He's looking for another way out. The question isn't whether he's going to try for that. The question is whether the Justice Dept's ACU will let him.
I have a feeling now that people have been able to make trump hate accidentally intersect epstein's case, they'll keep projecting him onto trump and vice versa, so he'll get protection from neither side of the commoners.
And of course, the elite aren't going to sacrifice themselves for him.
So tell me where that leaves him.
Dumb rake-worthy faggot.
>Comey’s leftist daughter is a prosecutor
>Comey is best friend of Mueller
>Mueller was FBI director when Epstein got his sweetheart deal
>a democrat female will never turn on her own party regardless of where act facts lead
Democrats always protect their own which is why THEY NEVER SEE JUSTICE for their crimes. It’s likes all of society is fucking programmed to never point out the democrats or their minion employees in the MSM for covering up crimes.