Convince me it didn’t happen. You can’t

Convince me it didn’t happen. You can’t.

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The burden of proof is on the ones making the claim you retarded nigger

Also, motherfucking swimming pools for workers to enjoy while they are on the clock. That makes zero fucking since.

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it's never been about how many died, it's about whether or not we care.

We don't.

Disprove everything brought up by arcaheologists and other academics first

there are two types of holocaust denialists. One type knows that it happened but spread the denialism because it suits their agenda - warming hitler's image, convincing people that the wrong side has won etc

the other type are people who really believe it because they are that fucking stupid.

What's more remarkable, what happened to 90,000,000 Christians?
(or maybe these are different counts?)

It happened, also fuck jews lol.

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Oh, shit, you said the quiet thing out loud!

Look at the swimmers, they are clearly not Germans.

Jews were brought to camps, together with gypsies, gays and other criminals.

All the photos of dead bodies shows dead malnutrition victims and illness.

Nobody looked wounded, or physically scarred by anything. Simple, the way less than a million Jews died because a war-torn Germany couldn't bother to feed them

Gas chambers and ovens are bullshit

Jesus Paulie I didn't know the bill was this big

The news papers that say 6million since the 1800s

Historical truth lies at the confluence of separate, credible streams of evidence.

these newspapers don't exists except for the internet alt right memes

Shrirer lied and claimed Hitler didn't say Poland and that he was in the audience he wasnt

ANTI SEMITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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user i will convince you it didnt happen, but only if you respond to this post.
Im not going to give you the explanation if you're not going to listen to it.

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Which Spielberg's Jewish fraud all said the went swimming every day in

False you liar the only people that believe in holohoax ar are simpletons and retard that love their judaic propaganda absurdities fact all the holohoax lies left solely rest on the USSR fabricated batsuit juden insanity the west fake death camps total fake loss gas chambers have all been admitted as total lies and hoaxes staged by you criminally insanedumbass fucking jews

>all those round number estimates
>jews are the only specific number
This whole comparison is suspicious. Post these sources.

False gays nor ghosts nor Jews were wounded up you are reading feverish Jewish lies by imposter agents fraud and organized judean propaganda fact the iron guard was rounded up there is real evidence of that tdd he poles were rounded up real evidence of that but no kikes because the Jews ran the damn thing

Shills discredited it didnt happen it's been proven a lie just like the lie Palestine "voluntarily left" during their real genocide waged by the juden scum

You're denying the existence of ghettos and camps entirely now? That's a pretty tall order.

>ww2 archeologists*

there are two types of memeflags. Shitposters who act retarded on purpose. and the ones that are actually that retarded.

Hard to prove it did happen how they say it did. Even experts in gas chambers went over there and reported that they didn't find any viable gas chambers in a famous case in the Canadian courts. He was an expert witness but was fined or jailed or something because his expert testimony was contrary to what politicians saw as truth

\ (^.^) / winrar

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You fugging ingels sbend all your days laughing ad ragism, bigodry, misogyni and shid lige dhad, while id's insensidive, i don'd mind begause id's humour and nobody dages you losers seriously anyways. Bud when you fuggs sdard maging fun of dhe hologausd i gannod and will nod remain silend. Dhe hologausd was a dragedy. Don'd laugh ad dragedies.
dhe hologausd, however id habbened :DD aggording do verified, aggebded, gerdified :DD and regommended :DD hisdorigal boogs gondaining aggebded, gerdified :DD and verified :DD hisdorigal fagds gongerning dhe hologausd, was a dragedy.
i have read some of dhe verified, aggebded, gerdified :DD and regommended :DD boogs aboud dhe hologausd and i swear do you, do god and do anyone reading dhis, dhad dhey nod only are drue bud gannod have habbened :DD any odher way dhan dhe way dhey were desgribed :DD in dhe verified, aggebded, gerdified, regommended :DD boogs gondaining desgribdions of dhem. Dhang god dhe frengh governmend brovides us widh a lisd of verified, aggebded, gerdified :DD and regommended :DD boogs aboud dhe hologausd gondaining verified, aggebded, gerdified :DD fagds aboud dhe hologausd and dhe dragedy dhad doog blage during world war ii berbedraded :DD by dhe nasi governmend of dhe dime in dhe way dhad is desgribed :DD by dhe verified, aggebded, gerdified, regommended :DD boogs aboud dhose evends. You should definidely read some of dhe verified, aggebded, gerdified, regommended :DD boogs aboud dhe hologausd do furdher undersdand and realise dhe gravidy of dhe evends dhad doog blage dhe way dhey doog blage as desgribed :DD in dhe verified, aggebded, gerdified, regommended :DD boogs gondaining verified, aggebded, gerdified :DD desgribdions of dhe evends.
>bs, dhis is dhe reason id's illegal do disagree widh dhe fagds gondained :DD in verified, aggebded, gerdified, regommended :DD boogs.

>experts in gas chambers went over there and reported that they didn't find any viable gas chambers in a famous case in the Canadian courts
Leuchter wasn't an expert, he was functionally an amateur engineer with a History degree. He didn't properly treat and investigate the materials he took from the camp and could not find cyanide compounds that other actual scientists could.

That report is a joke, user.