Why does Christianity resonate so well with europeans?

How did a religion from the Middle East become so widely accepted in Europe?
Hard mode: no “it was forced upon our ancestors!” Posts.

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Because the Catholic church adapted pagan principals into itself, such as the worship of Mary. They blended it so it wouldn't clash so hard.

it isn't religion from middle east, maybe some forms or Protestantism are, but Catholicism and orthodoxy have many Roman/Greek/European elements

Because He is the truth.

It doesn’t fucking matter where the religion originated you fucking nigger

Because it's a feminist religion and Europeans are naturally female-worshiping feminist faggots.

>Jewish fairy tales are the truth

Because with all the angels saints and especially with the worship of Mary it is actually paganism in disguise.

Because Jesus is nice and Europeans are nice.

Because mainstream Christianity is a pagan religion, Europeans with their paganism wouldn't mind adapting a new form of paganism which was superior to their old paganism. Whites in Europe were literally cave people and Christianity is the first thing that pushed the white men out of his cave. You should be thankfully to this sandnigger religion you adopted, without it you would probably still be a caveman like the negro in Africa.

This. Christianity is an intersection of Roman, Greek and Jewish culture and philosophies. It spread because the message is to be in the world but not of it. The Catholic Church takes on aspects of the culture around it without sacrificing tradition and teaching. It's not a perfect history but it brought the ultimate story to the world.

Islam is way better goy!

Because it's true.

Combination of lying to pagans and forcing it upon our ancestors, dumb cunt.

>Jewish rabbi who preached only to Jews and stayed away from non-Jews and called non-Jews dogs definitely came to save non-Jews and not Jews, according to a Jewish Sanhedrin agent who wasn't there for anything that happened to aforementioned rabbi
(((Christianity))) in a nutshell.

It became very hellenized, adopting a shitton of concepts from neoplatonism and stoicism pretty much as soon as gentiles were allowedto join. Contrary to what LARPagans believe non-polytheistic philosophies were quite popular in the med region and paved a lot of the way for monotheism.

Later it also became romanized with the church becoming just another beaurocratic institution running on roman law which added to the familiarity. Plus adopting pagan festivals etc

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Brcause its only true religion with only true God

Because some Roman emperor had a dream where he saw a cross in the sun. At the time Christianity wasn’t a tolerated religion in Rome but he felt that the dream meant something and he ordered his army to paint the cross on their shields. They won a war and he believed that the Christian god had aided them in battle so he made Christianity a tolerated religion.

Then Christians weren’t persecuted in Europe so the Catholic Church took off

Imagine believing this.

Europeans never needed Christianity. Rome was more successful without Christianity. Julius Evola was right.

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Plus he was a vegan, too

>t. Braindead fucking retards who are anti Semitic due to the modern Jew that they will damn their souls and deny their salvation.

Good goy. This is exactly what the subversive kikes want. They hate Jesus, they want to drag the entire world into hell. What an effective means of doing so, by convincing you that “Jesus is a scheming Jew just like us!!! Don’t trust him! Like you don’t trust us!!”

Denial of Christ because of your modern idea of Jews is perhaps the single most ironic and ultimate triumph of the Jews.

Burn in hell along with your kike overlords, trap fapping fucking faggots

Forgot the guys name. Just learned about it in western civ.


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Constantine was European, not Middle Eastern

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Constantine I guess

It was Constantine.

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Like every other religion doesn't say that

Because a Roman emperor accepted it, and like half of Europe was Roman territory, so it took off. That's about it. Only this was monotheistic. Pagan Roman gods and gods like Mithras etc spread around Europe too, beforehand.


>never mention all the global Europen Christian empires way bigger than what the pagans ever built

>muh rome

>inb4 jesus was a kike
LARPagans btfo

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>How did a religion from the Middle East become so widely accepted in Europe?
Because Romans (europeans) compiled it and then for centuries european smart asses interpreted it to their whims

Fucking this. Dragon Ball made better mythology with Goku than kikes

Hail Frieza

Rome was the greatest civilization ever built. Keep coping christcuck

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>t. religious drone NPC

Because it's the truth

Take Jesus into your heart or die a jew. Denying Christ is literally becoming a jew

Best roman emperor when it comes to Christians, from my area of the world, very proud desu
The Diocletianic or Great Persecution was the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.

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Because Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. His coming was predestined from the beginning and therefore could not be denied by men. It is for this reason that the world knows about Christ.

But user, don't you know all religions but mine are false? Some text on paper is the proof that god exists because large groups of people believe so. I am the chosen one

>could not be denied by men
I deny it

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You dumb shit, Christ WAS a Jew. Do you deny that? Fucking unbelievable how far you brainless fanatics will go to somehow make nationalism and Christianity compatible. You worship the man who said multiple times that the OT is God's words. You worship the man who said he is here to fulfill the prophecy of the OT. Do you want me to give you every line where Jews are said to be the chosen people? Despite all the copes of Greeks and others, no one managed to logically disprove that according to the Bible Jews are superior to other peoples.

Why Rome had to accept Christ.

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You can read the old testament and the ancient Jews act identically to modern Jews. They're the same exact subhuman trash, including the proto-Trotskyite Jesus and his commie followers.

Christ is the way, the truth and the life.

Because the New Testament was written by Europeans.

I should clarify, you don't need to make nationalism and Christianity compatible because it already is, difference is that you are inferior to the Jews according to your own holy book. You are pure fucking slaves and pure filth, and the degeneracy of the modern West is entirely the fault of dishonourable, weak and blind cowards such as people here who try making Christianity seem like an ideology that does not result in a hedonistic, weak and degenerate society.


It isn't that Christianity resonates with Europeans, but rather Europeans weren't conquered by Islam for the most part and because of later missionary efforts throughout history.

Christianity originates from Judea which was a Roman province. Its founders transcribed the scriptures into Greek, which was the common language of the East. This is important because much of Eastern Rome was pluralistic and was a mix of many different peoples and cultures, but shared many Greek aspects and Greeks were all throughout the mediterranean. Some of them adopted Hellenistic Judaism before the time of Jesus. Christianity becomes attractive to the lower classes because it promises salvation and paradise no matter your class, which is far more appealing than the bickering wrathful gods of Roman and Greek paganism. Fast forward to the crisis of the third century, Christianity is rising in popularity despite persecutions of Diocletion because it seems like it's the end times and Christianity is seen as a new hope for the lower classes who were suffering even worse.

Emperor Constatine adopts the Chi Rho symbol of his men's shields during the battle of the Milvian bridge and Constantine takes over the Empire after Civil War. He also issues Edict of Milan, oversees the Council of Nicaea, and eventually is baptised on his death bed. Everyone wants to be like the Emperor, and thus mass conversion. Fast forward further, Theodosius II makes it the state religion. Part 1

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Because it was superior to any form of european Paganism in literally every single aspect of it

Catholics dont worship Mary. They revere her as the mother of Jesus. a big difference. Both Catholics and normal Christians worship the trinity, which was never a concept of any form of roman paganism from before.
Catholics even believe that pagan Gods were literal demons that would try to deceive people away from Christ, lol (pic-related). To say Catholicism is "pagan worship" is pretty ignorant when it comes to Catholic theology.

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Please don't deny it. The end of days is coming soon and those who deny Christ and do not repent humbly will not be spared from His judgment. user, don't do this to yourself.

Christianity is basically proto-Communism, used by Jews to pacify the gentiles as one piece of the puzzle to build their NWO One World Government. The early centuries of the Christian church was basically the KGB of its time, killing off ancient European traditions, spirituality and religious leaders and replacing it all with a foreign, pacifist, proto-Communist and spiritualess, Jew-worshipping foreign religion known as Christianity. The Gnostics knew this as well, knowing that Yehovah is in fact a Jewish tyrant god that demands genocides and human sacrifice in his nams, and were heavily persecuted as well by (((Orthodox Christians))) for spreading this knowledge.

By changing "Christianity" to include all the existing European holidays and customs.



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It doesn't. Any value this semitic garbage has comes from european paganism and european philosophy.

Christian Identity is European Identity


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it didn't. you christcucks killed everyone who didn't convert

you are all racetraitors

Lel what kind of low iq would think Tiberius cared about some jew.

Because it resonates with the very soul of men's hearts fucking 177777777... Member?

We should kill many, many more, desu.

Delusional kike slave. Christians and Muslims both worship the Demiurge of the so-called "Satanic" Freemasons, aka "God", "Yahweh" or "Allah". Hows it feel knowing you and your kin have been actually worshipping the Devil for centuries? The end result being Communism, which shares much of the same symbolism found in Abrahamic religions. Swallow that Black Pill.

What kind of low iq would think Jesus was a Jew in the first place. Every piece of evidence points to Jesus being a white man.

Spoken like a true goyim slave.

It is not. It is anti-european and it should be shunned. All three semitic religions are the same cancer and they've been nothing but a curse upon our world.

No, I guess not

Europeans depicted Jesus as a European because Jesus was a European. Europeans accepted Christianity because it was a religion compatible with European culture & values.

Despite the West falling to the Germanic invaders, Christian missionaries were sent all over Europe, whether they were "Catholic/Orthodox" or Arians doesn't matter. They converted many people to the Christian religion, including many of the invading Germans but they were converted to Arianism. Because these Germanic invaders integrated into their conquered lands and not the other way around, they adopted a Catholic style of Christianity and thus the Patriarch/Pope of Rome had large jurisdiction over the west which forshadows his importance politically, religiously, and socially. Justinian also reconquers Italy and institutes Byzantines influence in Italy that would last until 1074. The Popes were also selected by Byzantine Emperors until like the 8th century. The Pope, after the 8th century, basically becomes a major power in Europe and holds tremendous influence cementing the power of Christianity in the West and acting basically as the provider for social services until the creation of modern nation states.

To move on to why Christianity's influence isn;'t as strong elsewhere is because of the Islamic Conquests. Islam conquered all of North Africa and made it to the borders of Anatolia, taking control of previously heavily Christian lands like Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, etc. But Christianity didn't die out in the Middle East. Over 40% of Lebanon is Christian, Syria was at like 10-20% and the same goes for Egypt today. The reason why these religions became Islamic was a combination of Arab migrations and native populations converting to avoid violence or taxation.

The reason why the Balkans isn't as heavily Muslim as it should be is because of the type of government the Ottomans set up in those regions. They allowed religious authorities to act as local governmental authorities and conversions weren't necessary for the Ottomans to maintain their hold and extract wealth.

Also, Slavs were Christianized because of the Byzantines.

europeans made christianity into what it is today. when non-euros ruminate on judaism you get islam

I suppose it's worth repeating, soon says the Lord look around you, observe what you see, like the days of Noah it shall be. In an instant

You should read Confessions by Augustine. Christianity is Neoplatonism, but better.

Didn't Pagans say might makes right?

I suppose they did

>Hey Frisk, why did God send Himself down to earth in the form of Jesus to save mankind from hell when it was Him who created hell in the first place?Nehehehehehehehehe

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This is an incorrect and frankly ignorant interpretation. The convert or die sort of practice of Christianity doesn't become used in Europe until the Middle Ages. Christianity had already become firmly rooted in Europe before it became the state religion of the Roman Empire or any of the successor states.

free will or we'd be shogoths

Look mothafuckas, here's the facts. You are the last generation.end o' fucking story gl

God and Christ are NOT the same people. It's all a bullshit farse, a gambit to pull people into sheepishness. Nobody even knows what kind of person Christ even is, that he's around, or how engaged he is with conscious reality against evil. Revelations are to be had, the truth about what a monster God (Zeus, Odin, the Jewish deity, etc) was will come to light after his dethroning.

The blood of the martyr evangelists convinced pagans
One might die for a lie, but after several missionaries profess Christ until the end under extreme torture, one might consider what drives men to do such a thing?

Then please explain John 1:1. Council of Nicaea also settled the matter definitively, so this new Arianism of yours is just incorrect.

back when serbia was europe

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Repent and follow the gospel

In the Sense that you will seed the most unempathetic, immoral, and degenerate generation of humanity this existace has seen

God the Father is a different Person than Jesus Christ His Son, and a different Person still than His Holy Spirit. These three Persons make up the Triune God that Christians worship

All that matters is it doesn't now. Because we are here not our cucked ancestors.

>misinterpreting the Bible this hard to construe Jesus as a Jewish supremacist
Wow, it’s almost like you have some kind of agenda.

>Why does Christianity resonate so well with europeans?
This is only true for our less privileged friends.

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I answer you with the fact that the Christian God is the Father of Lies, and that while Christ is by no means the God of Gods, he is innocent and the Christian God is guilty. The creative force, arguably Squatter Man or in other words Ginnungagap or the Cosmic, is more what John 1:1 is referring to, and the Father of Lies is hip to deception and manipulation thru semantics.

To anoint Christ as the Christian God is a step in the right direction, but presently they are not the same entities. The faith ought to be evolved to change this, because the Christian God that is prayed to congruently to Christ is a marauder of reality.

Honk fucking honk

>Catholics dont worship Mary.

>Catholics dont worship Mary
Define worship, because in Latin countries Mary is essentially a second deity.

In many pagan European religions, access to paradise is something very exclusive. The Romans believed that the wealthy would go to Elysium while plebeians would go to the fields of Asphodel to wander aimlessly for eternity. The Vikings believed that those who died in battle would go Valhalla, while everyone else would go to the dark underworld of hell. Christianity promised that everyone would make it to paradise, so long as they accepted Christ as their saviour and repented their sins. Therefore it became a religion that appealed more strongly to the underclasses of society, women in particular.

>christianity into what it is today
An anti-white nigger-worshiping globalist feminism cult?

Because wh*Tes are very wicked and on some level they feel it. But they tend to project it on others because they're seemingly incapable of repentence. Hyperborea was heaven on earth, the abode of wh*Tes. Its ruler was Saturn, nuff said. God smite wh*Tey.

It's coming gentleman, like a storm. You see it approaching but are powerless to stop it. Amirite

It actually makes sense in the simplest of ways if you don't lie to yourself and pretend you actually know it. Until you're Christian you never actually know it. You can literally feel the holy spirit in you and work through you. It's not just a bunch of BS.

>Christianity promised that everyone would make it to paradise, so long as they accepted Christ as their saviour and repented their sins
wrong. only protestants believe that, and the reformation started in 1500. before that pretty much all of europe was catholic for 500-1000 years(depending in the region).