Who started World War I ?.. Muslims??

Who started World War I ?.. Muslims??
Who started World War II ?.. Muslims??
Who killed 20 million human being of the original inhabitants of the Australia?.. Muslims??
Who sent nuclear bombs to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki?.. Muslims??
Who killed over 100 million indian of Native American Indians in North America?.. Muslims??
Who killed over 50 million Native American Indian in South America?.. Muslims?
Who enslaved over 180 million African, around 88% of them died and were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean?.. Muslims??
No, they were not Muslims !!!
first of all you have to precisely define Terrorism. If a Non-Muslim did something wrong, then it's just a crime, but when a Muslim do the same crime than he is terrorist!!
First you have to stop using double standards, only then you will know who are the real terrorists.


Attached: thomas-evans-white-beast-islamic-extremist-469517.jpg (620x413, 74K)

Based, the Anglo is to blame for all of this

good post

You are delussional shitskin, stay away from white countries

das rite musel

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I don't think you understand what the word terrorist means.

>hanging out with niggers
>not having an all white jihadist guerilla group

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You know damn well that Muslims would do all of that and more if they had the power to .

boo hoo, muh islam, my victimhood
you forget that Arabs basically invented slavery and child abduction, you weren't so innocent in the past

>Who started World War I ?.. Muslims??
>Who started World War II ?.. Muslims??
>Who killed 20 million human being of the original inhabitants of the Australia?.. Muslims??
>Who sent nuclear bombs to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki?.. Muslims??
>Who killed over 100 million indian of Native American Indians in North America?.. Muslims??
>Who killed over 50 million Native American Indian in South America?.. Muslims?
>Who enslaved over 180 million African, around 88% of them died and were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean?.. Muslims??
>No, they were not Muslims !!!
>first of all you have to precisely define Terrorism. If a Non-Muslim did something wrong, then it's just a crime, but when a Muslim do the same crime than he is terrorist!!
>First you have to stop using double standards, only then you will know who are the real terrorists.
Jews did literally all of those things

Doesn’t change the fact you are terrorists

>Who enslaved over 180 million African, around 88% of them died and were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean?.. Muslims??
...well, yes?

Behold the Muslim god!!!

Attached: Allah.jpg (383x507, 29K)

Muhammed said that Allah and antichrist are so similar they may be EASILY CONFUSED. No matter, here's how you tell them apart: Allah has two eyes, the antichrist only one eye!

Attached: Confusion....png (510x505, 200K)

That's right, you and the anglos/Germans should kill each other and leave us alone

He also has TWO RIGHT HANDS!!!

Is this a WEAK HADITH?


Attached: 2 rhs.png (485x434, 165K)

came here for 'it wad you' pasta
I'm disappoint

Is Muhammed just speaking symbolically? NO!

ALLAH IS NOT A SPIRIT, and can only be described in the terms Muhammed used, and no more!

Attached: Allah is as Muhammed says he is only.png (1236x697, 108K)

Muslims fought in WW1 and were equally responsible.
Muslims fought in WW2 and were equally responsible.
Japan deserved nagasaki and Hiroshima
Muslims indeed caused most of wars with Europe and created slavery and created the need for exploration by seizing Eastern lands and blocking off trade.
Muhammed was a pedophile who banged a 6 year old.
Please comment Sage

>semite can't stop playing the victim card

Hmm? So invasion of Spain, Balkans, Persia, Africa are all white man's fault. Lololololooooloolol. Arabian slave trade lololololol. Mohammad literally trading 2 black slaves for one semite slave, literally implying they are worth half lololololololol. But Muslim good peaceful they did not take all the male children for soldiers they did not force people to adopt Islam nonononono. Armenian genocide wait whaaat that must be a Jewish conspiracy. But yes yes Islam peaceful

It’s just in their blood

All of these numbers are so off.
Human existence has always been teeming with conflict. We're just better at it than anyone else. Fuck off.

fuck off Jew the Muslims aren't an issue, the Islamic factions governed by upper floors are

I thought that was the point at first

100 million north american natives?

Maybe if you add up the past thousand years.

First they came for The Little Mermaid, now they'll come for Hitler. Not possible you say because Will Smith is black? That's kinda racist
but for the sake of argument, let's say that Hitler, too, is German. German dictators can be black because German *people* can be black.

Spoiler alert: It's just a remake with more diversity so that people will feel inclusive.
So there will be a few minor historically in-corrections. The "jews" in this new movie will be portrayed as rich, white-privileged men. The predominantly black and muslim German people are suffering under the enslavement and debt of the wealthy white bankers and their Treaty of Versailles. Until that evening of the KFC-putsch one hero stands up to free his black European Volk. The whites get enslaved and genocided, shipped of to concentration camps. But not without a fight from based black men, they are the resistance fighters who are fighting to protect white women. The black president of the US, the Pakistani prime-minister of England and the female president of Canada decide this can't go on any longer and team up to stop the genocide of white people. They win the war and then there will be an utopia. That's basically it.

Are you going to watch this movie?

Attached: deruntergang.png (794x1115, 1.15M)

A communist

I agree. Whitey is a creature whose depravity equals that of the jew.

Little children sit around and point at each, trying to place blame...Are you a lil child OP?

Time to grow up...Own your successes and failures

revert to christianity

It seems you are confused in what you believe in.
Muslim import slime aren’t an issue, but muslim governments that want to protect their country from degeneracy are the real problem?
The kike brainwashing has taken a huge toll on you, goddamn.

I would absolutely watch that movie it sounds like a riot.

>Who started World War I ?
The British
>Who started World War II ?
The Germans
>Who killed 20 million human being of the original inhabitants of the Australia?
The British
>Who sent nuclear bombs to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
The Americans, in order to save Japanese lives
>Who killed over 100 million indian of Native American Indians in North America?
>Who killed over 50 million Native American Indian in South America?
>Who enslaved over 180 million African, around 88% of them died and were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean?
The Dahomey/Benin Empire