Information on why the USA government subverted, lied, and killed to keep the nature of UFOs a secret...

Information on why the USA government subverted, lied, and killed to keep the nature of UFOs a secret. This is according to Tom Delonges contacts, one of which is Air Force General William Macasland (confirmed by hacked John Podesta emails).
>in the late 1940s the US gubmint learned of the existence of UFOs as a real thing, posing a great national threat
>later on, at the start of the cold war, the u.s. retrieved an alien body
>in the context of the cold war and the real threat of an all out nuclear war with the Soviets, the government saw that it was imperative to keep UFOs a secret for the sake of national security
>releasing the information could have led to mass panic, given Soviets an advantage and a means to destabilise the u. s., and made the government appear useless and illegitimate as it couldn't do anything to stop the UFO threat
>Their policy took the extreme form of means jutisfy the ends. By any means necessary, the real nature of UFOs had to be kept top secret, even if it meant waging espionage on the American people
>Nobody in the know positions was evil or hated the American people, but they had to do what they did, as the alternative was much worse.
>Up to this very minute the u. s. Goverment is funding various black projects to deal with the UFO problem, they are still far behind and still very unaware of its entire scope, but they have made progress
>Many people in the state are interested in slowly releasing information around this issue as they believe now is the right time, in terms of geopolitics, but they are still extremely weighed down by the fact we can't stop the UFO threat

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only reason this UFO garbage is being pushed right now is as a PR trick for the U.S. Space Force.


come on dude.. Trump administration announces Space Force and want to build PR to get it off the ground and get funding from congress and general support from constituents. Trump goes on tucker and talks about UFO's, they declassify "strange videos" from fighter jets, Senators are "briefed" on UFO's, etc.

If you have a brain you can see this coming a mile away.

and what is the overall purpose of this grand conspiracy?

Okay, so you have no evidence, you're speculating and conspiracy theorising. I am not interested in anything else you have to say until you provide some evidence.

it's a grand conspiracy to start a Space Force? alright dude.

Of course, you're free to believe whatever you want, but you're never going to see any UFO's or aliens no matter how long you wait

UFO shit is just a Boomer PsychOp.

>but you're never going to see any UFO's or aliens no matter how long you wait
Evidence for that statement or are you aimlessly speculating again?

the fact that they are planning this covertly and using subversive media tactics to enact it is conspiratorial in nature, yes.
answer my question.

speculating about as much as you in the OP

talking to journalists, declassifying advantageous documents and "briefing senators" is not conspiratorial in nature. it's a PR stunt for the Space Force. every PR stunt is not a conspiracy even though it would be cool with actual aliens.

Nothing I said in the OP is my belief or my statement, I'm summarising someone else's words

lying about your intentions is conspiratorial.

doesn't matter what you call it buddy
listen to Tom's fade to black interview if you haven't already. he goes into the topic in much more detail. tldr;
>UFOs are bad news, at least this one particular race
>have always came here, been little lights dancing in the sky
>think Star of Bethlehem, Ezekiel's Wheel, etc.; aliens created different religions around the world intentionally to divide and conquer humanity
>this race of aliens feeds off negative energy and their weakness is positive energy, this is why calling out Jesus can stop an abduction

Aliens aren't real, DeLonge is a fagit

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Tom Delonges organisation hasn't mentioned the space force even once. I'm not sure why you're so hung up on it or why you believe they would need to involve the idea of aliens to build a space force, there are earthly reasons why the USA could use a space force, it would provide a massive advantage over Russia and China, the two main threats to the US. If we use occams razer, it demonstrates how outlandish and pointless your idea is.

The Star Wars are a huge crazy fucking mess that will always happen

wow, you are the most disingenuous little retard i have replied to today.
alright, lets rephrase. why the fuck is trump bothering with so much bullshit to make the space force happen? what does he have to gain? legacy?

That sounds nuts. I'd need some serious evidence to believe that, like an alien body or craft, on clear video or in a lab. Interesting nonetheless, I will check out the interview.

Our Swedish friend knows he jumped the gun with his outlandish claims and now he's backed against the wall with no way to prove or back up what he said. Don't be too harsh on him.

aliens are our friends because they could have destroy us long time ago.

they will explain why the death is an illusion. why we are immortal being etc...

>when deepstate got nothing left
Project Blue Beam

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>>think Star of Bethlehem, Ezekiel's Wheel, etc.; aliens created different religions around the world intentionally to divide and conquer humanity
>>this race of aliens feeds off negative energy and their weakness is positive energy, this is why calling out Jesus can stop an abduction
But don't you think those ideas are contradictory? Why would aliens create a religion like Christianity, which gives positive energy that would allow us to resist them?

You misspelled desperation

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If the aliens were our enemy, and we were powerless they would have attacked already.

I think they are curious or aware that we DO have enough firepower to fuck them up should we be provoked.

Project Blue Beam
>The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I'll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.

ufo shills are pedos, we all know thatallready. now kys pedo

People have seen UFOs for thousands of years and every government on earth knows of their existence and has invested billions all together on the problem. So every single government in the world is on it, even hostile governments like Russia and China, to promote a fake alien invasion orchestrated by the American government?

>Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries'
The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the "error" of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film, '2001: A Space Odyssey;' the StarTrek series, and 'Independence Day;' all of which deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The last films, 'Jurrassic Park,' deals with the theories of evolution, and claim God's words are lies.

>Hoaxed "Discoveries'
What is important to understand in the first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientific and archaeological teachings have indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. By those types of earthquakes, it will be possible for scientists to rediscover those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines. This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity because what they want to do is destroy the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the planet. To do that, they need some false 'proof' from the far past that will prove to all nations that their religions have all been misinterpreted and misunderstood.

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>The Big Space Show in the Sky
The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years. The Soviet's have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates of the new world order.

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Well religion is a positive thing for yourself and your attitude towards others in your group, but it also makes us want to kill each other quite effectively

>Computers will coordinate the satellites and software already in place will run the sky show. Holographic images are based on nearly identical signals combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perspective which is equally applicable to acoustic ELF, VLF and LF waves and optical phenomena. Specifically, the show will consist of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the specific national, regional religion. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality

Jow Forums does NOT want to hear this of course.

>followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality
Until they hear from other regions when they realize it's all bullshit

Unidentified Flying Object
Does not mean it came from outer space with aliens inside

Poluplation control mechanism

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Sounds like he's priming the public for project blue beam.

Lmao npc-tier conspiracy theories. You’re talking to people far further down the rabbit hole than you are yourself, and you sound like a retard.

Project blue beam is the most stupid idea I've ever heard
>1) We know UFOs are a real phenomena and that many large governments in the world have studied them
>2) We know that millions of people around the world, people from all backgrounds, have seen UFOs or even in some cases been abducted by them
>3) We know that many sightings occurred before any technology even remotely resembling the proposed project blue beam technology existed
Why are people seeing UFOs for decades if project blue beam hasn't happened yet?
Secondly, why would hostile countries like Russia, China, and America agree on something that would lead to the erosion of their national sovereignty and the less of power to the people controlling those states? Russia, China, and America can't agree on simple things like trade agreements, why would they agree on a grand conspiracy that would destroy the existence of all 3 of those states?
Then we are left with the question of where is the technology for such a device? If something was projected into the sky, it would be limited by many factors (like range or the weather conditions) and its source would be visible.

Winner here

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The evidence points to the possibility that it is alien and, allegedly, people in the u. s. Government know about it.

How do you connect Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) to aliens from outer space?

Explain this then

It isn't Trump but the people surrounding him

>Information on why the USA government subverted, lied, and killed to keep the nature of UFOs a secret.

Because they needed to be able to recover UFO wreckage around the globe without shitskin govts getting uppity. Russia knew and Europeans would have grabbed the tech for themselves but the rest of the world govts needed to be kept in the dark.

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What evidence? UFO is UNIDENTIFIABLE flying object. If you had evidence that it’s aliens then it’s not unidentifiable, is it?

so you're basically saying all the stuff coming out now from the Pentagon with multiple witnesses from pilots and radar operators, and now the stuff from the italian government and their documented UFO attack on a military helicopter is fake. there is no arguing against this retarded 'bluebeam' shit if your default is just everything is fake.

Tom Delonges is the biggest larp on the fucking planet.

And his music sucks. Fuck off back to /x, faggot.

Tom is the most useful idiot I've ever seen

There is literal a big fat nothing we can do to a species that can travel solar systems.

>Question: aren't you afraid they'll suicide you for disclosure?
>Answer: (a lot of hemming and hawing about stovepipes) I only reveal what they tell me to reveal.

Wow. Really blowing the lid off this ufo thing. What a scoop!

fuck off kike

1) According to eye witness testimony and alleged satalite data showing UFOs leaving and rententering earth's orbit.
2) These craft display technology far beyond anything we have, to the extent that they shouldn't even exist by our own knowledge of physics

These are the possibilities. The craft either come from beyond our planets, they come from other dimensions, or they come from this planet. It could be a mixture of all three.

>from the Pentagon with multiple witnesses
Like Gulf of Tonkin, WMD in Iraq, Iraqis killing babies in incubators, bunch of cavemen from Afghanistan planned and did 9/11, Trump is a Russian agent? Same pentagon?

The veracity of your claims cannot be proven in the absence of evidence.

How do i get abducted by aliens? I dont really have very much going on in my life right now and could use some excitement.

>governments are always the enemy of the people, the post

>this is what the acronym stands for so thats what it is
aliens is actually much more likely than your super secret NWO holograms that show up on radar and can be projected to any part of the planet including space

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You don’t, you get kidnapped by the deepstate traffickers and mk-ultraed. They implant “alien” memories to cover their track

>but they are still extremely weighed down by the fact we can't stop the UFO threat

Why don't they reveal themselves then, since we cant stop the threat.

Sure bud

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This is why they are giving him info in the first place, he is approaching them to cooperate, rather than from a place of paranoia, mistrust, or hostility. They simply can't reveal everything or all at once, you need to understand the position the state is in regarding this question.
We can determine their exact nature with evidence that we have, we can only speculate with the evidence we have so far.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. You’d be surprised at how much evidence is actually waiting for you if you’d set a few days to a week aside and actually look into the subject.

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how would you project a hologram underwater? that also shows up on sonar? during the Nimitz incident crafts were seen entering the water and were measured to be moving at hundreds of knots underwater by submarines. a hologram would just bounce off the surface of the water. bluebeam is the most retarded shit, straight disinfo.

>religion is divide and conquer
No, multiple sand religions that can't agree are divide and conquer and didn't require aliums to create. Next you'll tell me aliums created all the different governments, start revolutions, and invented 50 kinds of cereals so that there is too much choice.

Aliums don't need to create religion assbasket. They don't have time they are too busy harvesting organs and working on genetic experiments to give a shit about what you think of them. Do you care what your pets think of you?

Space Force was created to undo NASA beuracracy.

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>shows up on sonar?
According to Pentagon. Because they never lie

This is not logical, rational thinking, it's several logical fallacies, namely guilt by association and ad hominem. The government has done bad things, we know this as a fact, but automatically assuming that because the government has done something bad everything they do is bad is emotional, illogical thinking.
You are also acting like the government is a single entity when in reality it is hundreds of departments and thousands of people. Many of whom made decisions decades ago with which the current people in government had no control of, but still have to exist with the consequences of those decisionsm
The government is also so big that half the time most people in one branch don't know what someone else in another branch is even doing.

SPACE FORCE? Space force was created because we rely on satellites for everything. Space force was created because China is now on the dark side of the moon. We can't spy on China on the dark side of the moon. We need the ability to protect our space assets.
Space Force is needed, and frankly we are already playing ketchup.

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>Orr's law.
You are living proof

I've always wondered how would we ever counter such technology if it turned out these things were indeed hostile to humanities future

It’s not logical to think people that lies to start wars are still lying? Just like the moon landing only “evidence” is provided by the government

and you probably think humans came from monkeys that just started talking one day too, don't you?

I still want the blue beam guys to answer this simple question.
Why would Russia, China, and America (3 hostile States, which are competing against each other for supremacy) agree on a super world wide conspiracy which will end the sovereignties of their countries and dissolve the power of the people ruling those countries?

>We can't spy on China on the dark side of the moon.
No human has ever left low earth orbit

Yes it is absolutely illogical to think that the government is always bad and will always be bad because they did something thing bad previously.

Why is it considered a threat? If these beings were hostile, mankind would be extinct by now.

Oh, so you're one of those guys that thinks the moon landings were fake. Yeah buddy, I am not interested in replying to you further.

Who controls all of them through monetary policies?

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You think aliens are real

Well this also seems interesting, how do i go about this?

Have we killed all the ants? No, one human can step on thousands of them by accident or intention.

Bill Cooper. He eventually realized he had been fed bullshit dis info and there’s no telling what’s really going on, but that at high levels they really lead you on and want you to believe in ayy’s. His last interview before he was shot he said “what was I supposed to think? I was being given and reading these legitimate documents classified Top Secret that talked about ET’s and UFOS, so of course I just took it at face value. But there’s actually no grounds to it, no evidence. It’s a web of misinformation for some kind of cover, for what, I don’t know.”

Your gay posts are wasting space in this thread. Fuck off, Samir.

wasn't there a freemason in the 1800s who said we would have to fake an alien war after the first world wars?

Some form of life exists (bacteria or soemthing akin to it), purely out of mathematical probability, yes. Are there advanced aliens, more advanced than us, visiting us? I don't know, but plenty of smart people seem to believe that's the case or that's possible.

Ask Cathy O’Brien. She wrote a whole book on it
Cathy O'Brien was abused by her father as a child. Lucky he was caught by the authorities. Then her luck ran out. "authorities" made a deal with her father to pimp her out to the local pedo ring run by Gerald Ford in exchange for charges being dropped. It was dropped oddly for national security reasons. She was pimped out to political elites including Hillary Clinton Robert Byrd and others. She was rescued by man named Mark Phillips.
Book sold here

It's possible, but it is also possible bill Cooper was full of shit.

Squirrels too

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Your long fingers are poking me through your pist Xuxu

Your position (on the low orbit thing) does not invalidate my argument. We have sats in space that need protection from eavesdrop/destruction/overtaking.

You may or may not realize this but alot of the American equipment in space is made in China thanks to the boomers desire for cheap trinkets.

Absolutely, but he has a record of decent doubt and honesty. I mean, he did predict 9/11 2 weeks before it happened and said “they’re going to blame whatever happens on Bin Laden, don’t believe it.”