Jewish satanic brainwashing

Real event The Holodmor
>they deny it
Fake event the holohoax
>it happened and shemittrrrrreeeeeeeee
Etc why are Jews so fucking evil retarded yet in power they must really have a hardcore pact with satan to pull this fuck faced psychopathic evil shit off

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I dunno but op is a nigger.

Who dis?

Read a book called the protocols of the learned elders of zion

Post more of this stupid cunt and then fuck off.

>tattoo's on perfect skin

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The Holodmor
>"It was real in my mind"

Ukraine are fake people speaking of fake tragedies.

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they used film of the Holodomor as propaganda for the Holocaust

but only after committing the Holodomor

My thought as well, what a waste.

Other way round, all the "Holodmor" footage found today are in fact from Jewish pogroms/holocaust.

God, she's beautiful

or maybe its the other way around

It's not.

Why are whites in power??Mhh maybe because you're the meme race.

Like you hate jews so much but give them jobs in finance in the middle age. Or the fact that's it's completly normal to post pictures like that.

"Ukrainians" are not white, they less white the most Turkish people.

>old enough to collect that many tattoos

It's just you golems being retarded, they are even bad at lying when the topic is too complex.

>real event

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Found the jew

Wut? Are you retarded or just retarded?

tattoos are bad enough but these are fucking atrocious.


I hate this retarded face people keep making, it only works in drawings. Even then it's retarded.