Brits aren't free

Reminder you can go to jail there for saying nigger.

Attached: american-freedom-comic1.png (1000x1000, 89K)

I'll take free healthcare, free education, and an actual national culture over being able to degrade someone any day.

what a golden goy


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>gibs over freedom
lol. nigger.

>Muslim arguing in favor of Orwellian nightmare authoritarian welfare state
Color me shocked

Stop stealing our stuff you fucking..... PAKI

nice memeflag nigger

You do realize one of the most retarded problems of universal healthcare is when you come to get a problem fixed you may end up on a waiting list, no matter how inconvenient it is? Imagine your baby has an ear infection causing fluid build up and needs tubes put in to drain the fluid so it stops shrieking in pain, only for the britbong doctor to go "Alrighty ol chap we can get that fixed in 9 months, hows that sound?"

>free healthcare
>which manages to be even worse healthcare than "staying home and hoping to recover on your own"

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Saying nigger isn’t a fundamental right, you don’t need to say it to live happy and free

So your post is irrelevant

>Muh gibs
Low IQ take.

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>Free housing, free education, free healthcare, free jobs, no guns
You get all these in prison

Show your flag, jew

It is a fundamental right you nigger, it’s called freedom of speech

what a slack jawed understanding of rights

saying nigger is a fundamental right

"free education"
>public school exists

States are beginning to make it a criminal offense to criticize Israel. It started with South Carolina. Other states are following this year.

You can go to prison.

which states arent kike states


>gimme dat
Britain is dead, no culture, no education and no butter knifes.
Only cctv watching yoy jerk off without a licence.

how is he a kike isnt his flag muslim?

Hard to say really. Republicans are the Jew lovers. You can expect this stuff to pass pretty easily in the red states.

you're not exactly free from saying whatever you want in America either though.

Just because you can't get punish by the government for saying a naughty word due to the First amendment doesn't mean that you can't get punish from other entities.

Attached: welcome to the world you made.png (502x975, 872K)

Of course you will PAKI, just take our shit why don't you? GTFO

Jew media controls the world

>speaking isn't a fundamental right
get the fuck out of my country

as always it depends on the policeman, i imagine if you said it to their faces (and nothing else), chances are you wouldn't get arrested

Stonetoss is a nazi but the redneck is a perfect representation of (you).

Anyways you spam the n word here but we all know it's because in real life you wouldn't dare to say it to a black person.


i have done in the past