
Why are they like this?

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Yeah, maybe I should've explained what a theist is, so the theists would know I was talking about them.

Yikes my dude

or maybe its just a shit thread that we've seen hundreds of times

Simple question. Why are they that way?

You've seen it hundreds of times and you still don't have a response? Sounds like a losing position to be in, honestly.

They're not you're projecting your own retardation on to them,nigger faggot

I'm not a Theist so I couldn't tell you

and chances are, those who are don't really care about these rubbish threads

While as an atheist and engineer i want to call them morons, its not really true. I'd sum it up to 1/3 gullibility, 1/3 being an npc and the last 1/3 cultural. Its not really about IQ (with regards to religion at least)


It’s not theists it’s abrahmics

desert dwelling cults of Islam, christkikery and Judaism is retarded af

>You're retarded because THEY think a book of fiction is a book of non-fiction.
I'm having trouble seeing your point of view here.

Gulibility and culture doesn't have much to do with being able to deduce things like
>Adam and Eve didn't know what "right from wrong" was, so .. telling them to not do something was literally no help at all to them. Then they ate the apple and SUDDENLY by the magic of... apples.. knew right from wrong, thus were able to determine that they shouldn't have eaten that apple!
Come on. There's some retardation going on with every religion.

Yeah, because Zeus was cool.

Historians have backed up the history portrayed again you are a retarded nigger faggot and you're clearly a psychopath and a narcissist

Why are they like this?

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post golem os pic pls

Historians have backed up that locations and people existed, and major battles. They have not, and can not, back up the stories in the bible. For example, where's the "backing up" of the story of Adam and Eve? Where's the evidence that Jonah was in a whale? So on and so forth.

>These words from this fictional book prove I'm right!
Might look outside of that book from time to time. Or.. look inside it from time to time. I'll give you one to get you started: Psalm 137:9.

Care to provide an argument against theism in general? What's wrong with it?

>I can't continue with this line of argument, so lets switch it up.
No. I want the history you claim exists from those historians. Give me the information on Jonah. Where is it? You made the claim that they had it. Lets see it.

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i'm not the same person.

>I'm going to jump into the middle of an argument and wonder why I'm asked for a continuation of that argument.
Hm. I should've thought that one through. Being a theist, logic doesn't exactly resonate well with you. I should've been more accommodating.

Bring CS Lewis here and I'll debate him on it.

right.... if you ever come up with an argument i'd be glad to see it

>Doesn't realize he responded to an argument with an attempt to change the subject.
Gosh.I can't take the blame for this one. It was all you.

it's a response to your original post i'll be waiting for that argument

No, it was not a response to the original post. You see, the original post ends with the digits "1353". Clearly what you responded to here
Is refrencing a post ending with 5024.

Again, I understand logic doesn't resonate well with you... but I feel this one could've been prevented with the slightest attempt. Feel free to start over if you like.

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You tried.
I'm gonna call you a faggot now. I'm sorry.

>le hat meme
Tap that choir boi ass harder faggot!

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Is that supposed to be a male or a female? Either way it probably identifies as female.

The vast majority of people, even intelligent people, are not disciplined enough to live without a God.
Also, vocal atheists come off as fucking annoying cunts.

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Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Wagner, Thomas Jefferson, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton and many other men of renown and genius were theists.

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I can agree that many atheists are annoying. I feel that way about them as well most of the time. To be clear on this, I only created this thread because I as tired of the Epstein threads.

With that said, though.. it's not really fair to criticize how one is annoying without also mentioning how the other is equally (and in my experience, far more often) annoying. For example, I can't go to a bowling alley without someone coming up to me and asking if I had heard about Jesus Christ. I can't walk through a mall without someone trying to hand me a flier attempting to get me to go to their church. So on and so forth.

>The vast majority of people, even intelligent people, are not disciplined enough to live without a God.
Nice Dunning Krugers going on there

Pick one. He couldn't even explain the electron, and attempts to explain it to him were met with confusion on his part. Just so you're aware, the movement of an electron is what "electricity" is. He absolutely was a smart guy... but not genius.

Just because some people were religious (and in some cases, the following of that religion was more-so forced than voluntary), doesn't mean I or anyone else should follow a religion.

It's true. Facing down an existential crisis requires intense discipline. People without it tend to self destruct in some way or another when they get into it. Sometimes the self destruction takes a few decades.

Generally when you tell a christfaggot to stop bothering you(respectfully) they'll go about their business.
But vocal/militant atheists will do the reverse and start trying to poorly troll you. Maybe this is because the vast majority of vocal atheists are also leftists and leftist fucks are uncouth riffraff with no class at all.

I'm a Deist myself, if it matters.

Nikola Tesla IQ is estimated from 160 to 310 points by different measures. He was a real genius who was not mentioned much in history.
Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.” It is also rumored that when Einstein was asked how it felt to be the smartest man on Earth, he replied, “I wouldn't know. Ask Nikola Tesla”
big oof
>Just because some people were religious (and in some cases, the following of that religion was more-so forced than voluntary), doesn't mean I or anyone else should follow a religion.
Yeah 99% of those cases were likely voluntary, especially when moral decline and rise in degeneracy (like atheism) skyrocketed in the 60's onwards.

Oh yeah, Einstein and even Darwin were theists too.

He was Romans were alpha when they weren’t infected by the Jewish plague

>IQ test means something! The jews told me so!
>Also, I'm using this one jewish brand of IQ test that predicts ranges of 23984702984812092347,24555
Yeah, fuck off with that ignorant shit. The man couldn't understand most of the scientific principals explained to him. I mentioned the electron already, which is an area he SHOULD HAVE a lot of knowledge, given what he's known for... but it turns out he didn't know shit about it on a scientific level. Another example would be relativity. He couldn't grasp it at all. Someone looking at him posthumously and tryign to determine what his IQ MUST have been is .. just fucking retarded and not objective at all.

they are too weak to accept death is inevitable so they invent stories


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Your people literally got so btfo by Christians that you can't call to quote a single word of their beliefs verbatim.
How do you ever expect to create a following?

Einstein was NOT a theist. A quote of his was taken out of context and the theists rejoiced. That quote was
>God does not play dice with the universe
His "god" was a metaphor. He believed mathematics was the "god" of the universe. He was saying it in relation to quantum mechanics, which predicted randomness at a subatomic level. He NEVER went on to believe this was the case. Further, we have letters that he wrote which make it clear that he absolutely did NOT believe in a god. For example, this one:

>No argument.
I'm surprised.