Has anyone here ever serve time? Im looking at probably spending 3-5 years if found guilty. What do I expect if I go? How to survive?
Inmate stories
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What did You do
>Spending 3-5 years
That's not much of a charge.
So what'd you do?
Also do you have an attorney or PD?
That's what it boils down to really. You'll probaby get a plea offer for no time if it's that small of a bullshit charge.
Have fun with your legal extortion.
But you're not guilty so it doesn't matter
Prison is a bunch of bored adult men working out and masturbating.
>and masturbating
Using other men meat pocket.
You getting married OP just know it.
You will be stuck with all the nigs rip
>What do I expect if I go?
It's just real dull. If you're already a NEET theres basically no difference to it.
>How to survive?
Lift, read a book, start a D&D group, anything to keep occupied.
keep dreaming faggot
Tell them you're in there for child pornography. They don't mess with pedophiles, it's a bonding thing. If anyone asks you to do pushups, do as many as you can to impress them. Give someone your cornbread to make an ally.