How much money do they want per person?

1k $?
100k $?
A million $?

Attached: Reparations-pic.jpg (500x391, 99K)

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about tree fiddy

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how about $1 and a bullet to the dome

all of it

I think it should be paid back in food stamps

>beating up the same institution that protects them and gives them welfare in the first place
Niggers are the dumbest creatures

Compromise, how about a dollar in the form of a bullet to the skull?

I would happily give them each $100k to fuck off back to africa
they can only collect if they give up their citizenship to the US
and every negress mother can collect for her children, as long as they all fuck off back to africa and give up their citizenship
also, they can't ever come back....not them and not their children nor their children's children
one way ticket to africa and $100k per nig would get rid of a lot of nigs in a hurry and save us all a ton of money in the long run

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in that case, id even spring for a $2 bullet each

It seems they want about 350k per person.

14 trillion dollars


Does it matter?
It would just encourage the next "marginalized people" to demand their own gibs, all while the reparations recipients would continue to blame whites at large for their problems.

It fucking solves nothing.

I think all whites would be okay with this.

I want reparations on my tax money that goes to these welfare leeches.

>How much money do they want per person?
As much as you got motherfucker
How much you got
All of it faggot

I’m willing to accept those terms. $2 a round will buy a pretty nice bullet, which will ensure the job is completed correctly the first time.

First a set amount per month, then they want 50% of all income, then they want all money, then they want white slavery.

And NO, I'm not being funny, this is what they really want.

But imagine the USA without black people. How horrible would it be...

Attached: 1AP0uMy.jpg (1067x560, 131K)

I think it already has.

1 bullet per.

K Harris will give $100 billions if she is elected.

Attached: KH100billion.jpg (660x549, 206K)

Yeah probably, but doing it all in food stamps would make it so they can only buy food, and since niggers use them as a currency to trade for other things than food, it would become hyper inflated. Plus since very few whites use them, it would only hurt niggers.

Dumb move, she will lose white votes and won't win more black votes.


If it's $350,000 per black person, what if someone is 50% black? Do they get $175,000? What is they're 18.2% black? Is it all percentages of the max $350,000? Do we sign them all up for, DNA them, then pay accordingly? If Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King can identify as black, can I be black only on payday?

I'm a pale negro and I demand full reparations!

Legally blacks could not demand reparations for a few reasons.

1. Reparations are aimed specifically at white people. This fails legally because it is discriminatory by nature and singles out a group of people.
Fact: 95% of whites NEVER owned slaves of any kind. 4% owned indentured servants and penal slaves. 1% are owned by rich, industrial plantation owners.
Fact2: Majority of US states and territories never authorized or even had slavery. Many from the date of joining the Union. Majority of Confederate states ALLOWED slavery but never used it, Confederate territories never had slaves.
Fact3: Slavery was practiced by Natives (in greater proportionality), the Spanish, the Mexicans, and ironically enough other Blacks. Reparation demands will be very complicated to find out how owes who what.

2. Slavery ended officially December 1865. This is a concrete date and means anybody born after this date was NOT a slave. This means they have NO right to demand reparations due to them not being slaves. The date is set and final. Conversely, there are NO slave owners beyond this point. Remember, people who were never slaves cannot demand money from people who were never slave owners.

3. There is no way to prove who is responsible for slavery based off of family ties. As you know genealogy is a doubling function (1,2,4,8,16,32,etc). There would be no way to find out who is a slave onwer's ancestor and there may be multiple. Oddly enough there blacks who are descendant of slave owners, do we demand reparations from them too? (pfft, YES!)

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The outstretched hand of the negro can never be filled.

They want a % on all White/Asian wages earned based around what they think 'they' theoretically contributed towards building America plus interest indefinitely.

IE if African Slaves were 25% of the workforce then 25% of your paycheck should go to them +5% for taking so long to pay them back because 25% of everything you enjoy came from them.

>inb4 retarded, they're niggers.

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ADOS , american descendants of slaves want Boomers inheritance. Sorry millennials you are fucked

Is there anyone who doesn't look like pic-related who thinks if the government hands black people free money to rectify "muh oppressions" that there will be a time/amount when they collectively say "Okay, that's enough, we don't need anymore"?

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Doesn’t matter what they want
Fact is they deserve it after being treated as subhumans and second-class citizens
Six figures is a lil crazy but if you think we should get less than 10 grand each, well then you’re just a part of the problem.

ADOS demand reparations,
ps read the comments

they think its a done deal pay up or else crackaz

Confiscate all wealth from kikes and other families of parasites who owned or traded slaves, divide by the total number of niggers, then you get the number.

chop it off with a machete.

Neck yourself kike. If any niggers get money and I don't, I'll be killing them in the streets and robbing them.

They brought it upon themselves. Should have left for Africa when they had the chance. Everything was justifiable pre-1870, a liability post-1870

>25% of the workforce
Blacks have always made up around 13% of the population post 1870, It was less prior. Workforce is less considering pregnant and children don't work. If anything you will get less than 10% if you are lucky. They couldn't make up enough if they wanted.

Everything. Give niggers and inch and they'll rob you of every mile you've got.

GO back to Europe, cracker.

So if blacks have always made up ~14% of the population... then how can every white person own a slave?

reparations advocacy groups are already fighting among themselves over who is more deserving of gibs, who should be represented in the discussion etc

they are saying you, whitey, benefit from their ancestors unpaid labor even today

the debt IS owed and needs to be paid now. interest accrues daily

Doesn't matter because it's not gonna happen. Only Yang's 1k bag for everybody would have a chance of passing and he's never gonna win the nomination.

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I will, just give me 100k.

A simple .22 should break most nigger skulls. And if not, just fire again!

Theoretically they'd stop once the average black and white incomes are equal, but that would never happen because their explaination of the gap is wrong.

one way ticket to a country of their choice and moving expenses
get the fuck out

>golden goose? Shiieet nigga ima cut that mufucka and get all dat loot, ya heard

Your an idiot, the reparations are for the continued racism and forced inequality black Americans have faced due to having a start as slaves instead of an established foundation

100k per black with the only condition being a one way trip back to Africa and they have to renounce their citizenship and the citizenship for any children they have.


That's a relief then. Now they REALLY have no claim to reparations because they could have left the US at anytime, that and they can't prove they were oppressed. Oppression by whites is 0%.

what's the cost of a .22 round?
that's all they are getting directly to the head

Who cares, they aren't getting shit anyway.

>Price Tag: Can't Even Attach a Number, Grows Daily, possibly Trillions
>Hated by everyone who won't be getting them (87.9%)
>Loved by everyone who will (12.1%)

>Option B: Execute or Deport all (Insert Color)
>Price Tag: One Bullet per person.
>Hated by (Insert Color) and also a vocal minority of whites (12.1% + Unknown percentage of largely unarmed college graduates.)
>Loved By... probably everyone who stands to gain from it, realistically. That'd be pretty much everybody else, minus whatever percentage of the population decides to abstain.

So lets break it down. The price of a random box of 5.56mm I pulled off of Google, without even cherrypicking for Wal Mart ammo or whatever, is a box of 20 rounds PMC for 8 dollars US. That comes out to two dollars per five rounds, or roughly a dollar for every two and a half people you kill. If you run the numbers on a straight conversion of 12.1% of 323 million Americans, you end up at a little under 40 billion people - which, at one dollar per 2.5 people, comes out to $16 Billion, to order a high-priced M16 bullet from PMC for every black person in the country. Are reparations going to be cheaper than that? Becuase if they aren't, it immediately benefits all of us - from the highest CEO to the lowest wetback - to execute all of the blacks instead of paying reparations. Furthermore, Google has given a rough median of about 20% of people going to college being graduates, with a low end of about 5% in the worst community colleges to a high end of almost 40% in "Flagship programs". 2017 Data in the US, which is the most recent I've found complete numbers on, estimates 66 million college graduates in the US, most of them bachelors degrees. Even if you add EVERY SINGLE COLLEGE GRADUATE IN THE COUNTRY to the side of the blacks, assuming that they've all been completely pozzed, they're still outnumbered 2:1 by the rest of the nation, all of whom will have a financial interest in the execution option.

A completely pointless and meaningless question. They'll keep bitching for more and more as long as whitey indulges, there's no ceiling.

Im sure you'd make a great mod for minecraft one day.

over 9000

>40 Billion People
>16 Billion

Yeah, sorry, I meant million. Onwards!

fuck you clown boy...

>housing assistance
so a subsidy to mortgage lenders?

They'll get none. Don't sweat it little one.

based and highly developed jewdar

all the survey/data I see 2/3 of black people are in favor of some form of reparations
free land/houses
free college
combination of all this

1/3 believe its bs or impossilbe / unwarranted

some believe it will start a war


I'm doing a lot of research right now on HR40 and the reparations movement

the fools do not understand how law works in this country, as demonstrated by incarceration rates which is another of their grievances which will never be satisfied

Bullets are cheaper than that.

>The reparations are for the continued racism and forced "Equality" black Americans have been instituting almost singularly at the expense of the poorest whites. Interestingly, the people hit by these "Fairness" laws are also the same whites who would have been - and whose ancestors would have been - too poor to own slaves, and would in fact have been the first people up for sharecropping jobs.



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