Does college actually make a person more smart, qualified, skilled, or knowledgeable...

Does college actually make a person more smart, qualified, skilled, or knowledgeable? College is clearly a show so why do people continue to play along with it?

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Because a degree is the gatekeeper between you and HR (another gatekeeper), which gives a cookie cutter "successful" life and most people aren't capable of thinking outside of any boxes.

Learning how to articulate your thoughts to a greater degree of sophistication than you learn in high school allows you to play with more complex ideas and thus have a richer understanding and experience of the world

College is literally a qualification for many careers, so no denying that. You may or may not come out smarter and more skilled. Depends on how you spend your time.

Depends on you.
If you are like me and took your education seriously and actually studied, then college is a great weapon of the mind that will serve you well.
If you are a brainless npc then college is just an indoctrination center. They tell you what to believe, and how to think, and who to follow.

If you don't take control of your education someone else will.

A college degree is just a certificate of subservience

It shows you can assimilate into a huge institution that degrades, dehumanizes, and exploits you; with a smile on your face.

The reason many companies will unconditionally not hire anyone without a college degree is because they know these people couldn't make it through the final stage of their complacency conditioning and will eventually cause dissent in the company

It depends on what you study. Law and STEM programs generally make you learn a lot and you come out being able to think in a way different from when you came in.

Any other college program CAN give you that same experience, but it's a question of if it will. It can often be rather easy to just bullshit papers and come out with a degree in the end.

I don't even have my highschool and I'm directing a team of 40 who'm all have degrees.

It contributes to the 10,000 hour rule. 4 years of focusing on related topics helps people become more skilled in what they're learning.
Now if you go to college and scrape by with C's and don't put any effort in because "I don't know what I really want to do with my life xD" then you end up with these stereotypical people that come out and complain they didn't learn anything and can't get a job.
Why you would pay 10's of thousands of dollars to study something you have no interest in persuing I don't know.

Depends on the degree. MOST college-educated people are simply indoctrinated. They are not actually educated.